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Cao, are you still in control of the troops located inside of the base in Kyoto? Also, where is this base located at exactly? (Ren).

Yes, master Ren. They are still under my control. As for the base, it is located at Mount Atago in Kyoto. (General Cao).


I have a mission for each one of you.

Kun Rao, Hen Xin, You du, Ting Hua, and Fu Zao, you five will head to to Mount Fuji and destroy that base. I will be joining you in your mission this time around. Hui Huai, Cao Zuo, An Xiang, Bao Zha, Shi Shen, and Kazuma, you six shall go to Mount Kyoto and gather up all the remaining Electric Safimony and bring them back here and as for the rest of the remaining troop, get them under your mind control powers. They will still be useful if there's anymore more of this Electric Safimony. I want you to find out all that you can about everything that Spectral has been up to at this time. I will not overlook things once again.Then I will not be defeated by them again. (Ren).

I mean no disrespect. Master Ren but I don't think we need Kazuma for this mission. With the five of us, we are able to take control of the base quickly. (General Hui)

You dare to question my order, Hui? (Ren)

No, Master Ren. (General Hui).

I know you're strong. I am the one who gave you the power you that you now call your own, Hui. I have my reasons for sending him. Once you are done with Kyoto, I want the rest of you to head to Mount Fuji and buy me some time. (Ren)

Enough time for what exactly, Master Ren? (General Bao)

Ren smirked at the Generals as he told them that he was going to blow a hole in Mount Fuji.

WHAT? But Master Ren, if you blew a hole in Mount Fuji you could destroy the world. Mount Fuji is connected to the Earth's core after all. (Doctor)

Do you actually think I'm that stupid enough that I would destroy the world in which I am going to be reigning over? (Ren) Ren leaked out a huge amount of killing intent at the Doctor.

No, Master Ren. I was just wondering how you planned on destroying Mount Fuji without damaging the Earth's core in the process. (Doctor).

I have a skill called 'Energy Detection'. It allows me to sense the energy of others, no matter where they are. (Ren).

3rd P.O.V

As soon as Ren dismissed, the first to leave was Cao and the others who were assigned to go with him to Kyoto. The name of his team was called Phoenix Squad. They set to Kyoto to gather the remaining Electric Safimony and round up all the troops there and find out about any other weapons that Spectral had or planned to create to use against him. The second team that was going with Ren was called the Knight Squad. When the Phoenix Squad arrived, Kazuma used his powers to destroy the entrance of the base which alerted everyone inside the base. When the troops saw them, they started attacking them but Kazuma, Hui, and Si used their powers to hold all of them in place as Cao used his power to put them under his control. Like ants attracted to food they came until everyone inside the base was completely under his control. Once that was done they started to question the base commander once more. Kazuma asked the base commander a series of question but for each question he asked, he did not receive an answer that he wanted to hear. So he asked him a question which piqued his interest. He asked how many people were involved in the Star Lab project, in which the base commander replied that each respective base had knowledge of the project but he doesn't have any knowledge of what roles each base played. After hearing that, Kazuma was satisfied with his answer and ordered them to mine every last bit of the Electric Safimony and send it to the coordinates where the castle was located.

When they were done with their task they headed to Mount Fuji were Ren was.

Time skip.

When they arrived at Mount Fuji, they couldn't see Ren anywhere. They asked Kun about it and he replied that Ren was currently in space gathering enough energy to destroy the base after scanning how deep the base had been rooted underneath Mount Fuji. But little did they know that Spectral was already aware of their presence and had began to open fire at them. Hui was quick react and he was able to protect them. The battle lasted for thirty minute and in that time span, Ren was able to analyze just how deep the base was underground and had been able to gather enough energy. He use 'Energy Bolt Projection', 'Concussion Beams', 'Bullet Projection', and 'Expanding Energy Bolts'. It destroyed both everyone who was inside of the lab and those who were on the surface of the mountain. The only thought that Spectral was left with was how could he had find them. But it was already too late for any regrets. (A/N: By combining all those four attack powers into one single attack he was able to destroy the base in Mount Fuji without any problems.)

Spectral P.O.V


Ehhh? What this about?! What this can't be right.and he replied that Ren was currently in space gathering enough energy to destroy the base after scanning how deep the base had been rooted underneath Mount Fuji I will have to check out if this checks with the Marshal. (Officer).

Knock!!!! Knock!!!!

Sir, may i come? (Officer).

Come in! What I can I for you, officer?

Sir, I receive an alert in which it indicates that the signal from a base in Mount Fuji is now lost. I just wanted to confirm if we had any base located there. (Officer).

.......... (Air Marshal).

Sir? Sir? Are you ok? You look pale. Sir? (Officer).

You said that the base signal is 'gone'? Are you sure about that? (Air Marshal)

Yes, sir. I double checked and the system shows that the signal is lost. Is the base real? How come we never knew about it, sir. (Officer).

I see. Thank you for the information, you're dismissed. (Air Marshal).

The officer was reluctant to leave the room as he wanted to know what was the issue with the notification that he received, but he knew better to pry into things and quickly left the room.

No. How could he have known about the base in Mount Fuji? (Air Marshal)

Please contact Shiro, I have a matter in which I must discuss with him. (Air Marshal)

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