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Lol for those who've read FPPF, this ship is completely related and if you haven't then you probs wouldn't understand and this is completely fictional and absolutely unreal but I don't care, I just thought about it now. Hehe...also, it doesnt quite relate cause in this one shot, Selody haven't got together yet, they're just friends so not related to what happened in FPPF.


In the future of 2016, Grand Prix Final (Milan)

Melody had just finished her practice session. She yawn and stretched while cooling down after a hard run through that burned all her calories.

When she felt a tap on her shoulder.

'Wakaba! Hey!' She had a big grin on her face as she finally came face to face with her Japanese friend.

'Hey, Dy-chan. How've you been? I haven't talked to you since Prince Ice World'

'Eh, I've been alright. What about you? I heard you won Finlandia and help Japan win Japan Open. Congrats!'

'Ah thank you. Are you excited for tonight's competition?'

'Oh yeah, its gonna be tough but so exciting!'

'I know right, so how has Sota-kun been treating you? Still good friends?'

'Yep, I mean...yeah...'

Wakaba's smile turned into a sly smirk.
'You like Sota-kun?'

'I didn't say that.' Melody broke eye contact and swallowed.

But Wakaba giggled gleefully.

An asian girl in a red long sleeved shirt came over to them after putting on her skate guards.
'Hey, Waka-chan. What's so funny? And who is this?'

'Ah, Marin-chan, this is Dy-chan of Canada. She's the girl that Sota-kun trains with now.'

Marin's face made a slight frown and then changed into a smile.
'Hi, I'm Honda Marin, a friend of Waka-chan. Nice to meet you.'

'Nice to meet you too, good luck for your competition this afternoon.'

'Thank you.'

Melody turned to Wakaba.
'So, you wanna grab lunch together in a minute?'

But Marin replied, 'ah, no, I was going to have lunch with Yuna.'

Melody shifted, 'uh, okay, awkward but I wasn't talking to you.'

'Oh...' and Marin backed off.

When she was far enough, Melody and Wakaba made eye contact and burst out laughing.
'I don't know why I'm laughing but I am.'

'So...she's Marin, huh?'

Wakaba stopped laughing for a moment.
'Huh? What do you mean?'

'Oh nothing, just that Sota talks about her all the time. He never fails to mention her name atleast once a week.' Melody rolled her eyes.

Before Wakaba could say anything, Shoma appeared from behind.
'Have you guys seen Sota-kun?'

'No' they responded simultaneously.

'Jinx, you owe me a Starbucks!' Melody yelled.

Shoma asked, 'can I have lunch with you guys?'

'Sure,' they said simultaneously again just when Sota finally showed himself and appeared.
'Hey, Shoma-kun, found you. Wanna have lunch?'

'Uh, well I was gonna have lunch with Waka-chan and Melody-chan, but you can come with us?'

'Oh okay, that's great. Hey, how about if I ask Marin-chan to join us?'

Melody's face distorted immediately and she yelled, right on cue, 'NO'.

Shoma, who also happen to know of ger slight crush on Sota, and Wakaba made eye contact and tried very hard to stifle their giggles.

Sota looked awfully confused.
'Why not? You don't like Marin-chan?'

Melody tried to cover up her obvious reason of saying no.
'Uh, no...i-it's because...uhm, I barely just met her. I don't feel comfortable having lunch with some stranger I've never known. Plus, you guys are all Japanese, I'll feel really left out if you start speaking in Japanese and ditching me. I'll literally be a fifth wheeler.'

'But, Marin-chan is really nice and I'm sure she'd love to meet you and-'

Wakaba gave him a look which made him shut up.

'Okay, nevermind then.' Sota dismissed.

Wakaba sighed, 'Boys just don't get it...'

Melody rolled her eyes again, 'tell me about it.' She mocked Sota's voice, 'Marin-chan this, Marin-chan that...gosh, it was hard enough when I had just Yuhana to deal with, now I have to compete with Marin for his attention too! And I appear to be losing.'

Wakaba gave a comfort hug before they all walked off together to lunch.


After their reunion lunch, they all got ready for competition tonight.

It was the the Junior Ladies first.

Marin, with her Romeo and Juliet, put up a fantastic classic Marin free skate and pulled into first just ahead of Polina Tsurskaya.

Sota, who sat with Melody, Shoma and Wakaba cheered extremely loudly for her.

'Hey, guys, wanna go down and congratulate Marin with me?'

Melody snapped, 'No, full stop.'

'Why not, Dy?'

'I'm allergic to Marin-chan,' she added the 'chan' in jealousy and bitterness.


During the senior ladies free skate that evening, Melody swore she'd beat Marin.

'Gotta beat her, gotta beat her.' She mumbled to herself.

Wakaba looked over worriedly at her friend.
'Don't think about Marin, just focuse and deliver. Your free skate is My Heart Will Go On from Titanic, so focused on letting your heart go on. Sota-kun is your Jack.'

Melody stared at Wakaba, 'you know you're really bad at pep talks.' She laughed.

Wakaba laughed along, 'So I've been told.'

'Anyways, good luck! Go slay!My New Leaf! You're up after Elena Radionova.'

When it was Melody's turn she killed it.
Riding her nerves like the rapids of the sea.

3Sal-3loop combo! Yes!
3Flip, come on you flipping flip! Yeah!
3Lutz-3Toe solid.

Waiting in the Kiss and Cry was the most exciting part.

The scores for Melody Pang of Canada, 139.95. A seasons best will put her into first place.

Overall she finished at 2nd, behind her idol, Yulia Lipnitskaya and ahead of Wakaba who was third.

Sota came to congratulate her and she hugged him in great joy.

But right after, he left to hug Marin and then called her his champion.

Melody was crushed.

Roman came to her right on time.
'Hey, what's up? You seem awfully upset after winning silver?'

'Its just that, it seems that, no matter how hard I try, I'll never beat her. In his eyes, Marin is always perfect and unbeatable. And in a way, she kinda is, she's just so pretty and nice and a great skater and I'm like nothing and I was suppose to let my heart go on but I can't and now I'm so upset and he doesn't even care and now I'm just rambling...sorry.'

'Hey, its alright, come here.'

Roman was a good friend indeed and just what she needed.

Sota broke his hug with Marin and from the corner of his eyes, saw Melody with Roman.

Jealousy boiled up in him.

He walked up to Roman and pulled Melody off and then shot Roman a death glare.

Melody looked up at him comfused.
'Wha- Sota! What did you do that for?'

'Why are you with him?'

'Because I needed a friend, and you were to busy hugging Marin!'

'Well, I was just congratulating her! What is it with you and Marin-chan anyways!? Why do you hate her so? What has she done to you?!'

'You know what? You don't even care so why are you bothering!'

'I do care!'

'Well you sure have a funny way of showing it!'

'What's the matter with you?!'

Dy huffed in frustration, 'the matter, Sota, is that I have a decapitating crush on you and you don't seem to notice or even if you did, you couldn't care less and I can't stand seeing you with Marin because it absolutely breaks my heart and rips it to shreads everytime I see you with her!'

With that yell of confession, Melody stormed out of backstage and ran back to the hotel with angry tears streaming down.

In the backstage of the Skating rink, everyone stopped and stared at Sota. It suddenly became extremely quiet.

Thankfully only a handful of people understood English, fast English, there but even so, people could tell something was off.

Wakaba ran after Melody to calm her down. But Shoma walked over the Sota.

'Sota-kun, you really screwed up there.'

Sota was still standing in disbelief of what he just heard.
She has a decapitating crush on me?
Wait, so she likes me?

'Sota-kun, what do you intend to tell her?'

'I-I don't know...'

'You don't know?! You really like Marin-chan?'

'I-No! I mean, I don't know...'

'I see. Well, you should atleast apologize for the sake of your friendship.'

'Yeah, I will but...I don't know if I like her or not, help me, Shoma-kun.'

'Marin or Dy?'


'I think you might. I mean, considering you just walked over and pulled her off of Roman just now. That's not just infatuation or a friendship thing.'


Wakaba caught up to Melody.
'Hey, Dy-chan. Don't cry, he's a dumbhead, I know. Don't bother with him, save your tears. A dumbhead like Sota-kun isn't worth your tears.'

'But I love him', she whispered.

'I know, I know you do. You'll be surprised, he might like you too.'

'Don't give me false hope.'


The next few days were awkward and odd.

Melody avoided Sota whenever possible though she did watch him skate but she exchange a seat number with a fan so he wouldn't be able to find her.

After his skate, he finished in fourth and was left slightly disappointed but his mind just raced back to what she said.

I miss you, please stop avoiding me, Dy.

'Wherever you are, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you...'


How'd you like it?? It ended on a sad note so i might continue it haaha. Anyways, this was fun, I'll comsider doing it again :)) thanks for reading. If you're imterested in this i suggest you read FPPF, my other story.

Also, x_justafangirl_x, did u see I included your new favourite phrase ;)

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