Costume Discussion

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So this is random but yeah

For Yuzuru, I think my favourite costume of his is Hana Ni Nare!! It's lovely and matches the theme well. Plus he looks completely him and Japanese. And he also looks like a dancing flower in it which, if I'm not mistaken, Hana means Flower in Japanese right?

Next, I'd say Phantom Of The Opera...I don't know why but I actually kinda like it. The black blue and white plus the gold seemed to fit all together. And you know, it wouldn't be Yuzuru Hanyu without the bling ;)

Next....Romeo and Juliet 1.
That one is the most 'manly type' costume IMO. Cause he actually looked like a Romeo.
For his Olympic year Romeo and Juliet costume, when I first saw it, I thought it made him look more like a Juliet than a's actually kinda sad.

Third Runner up goes to........


Parisienne Walkways. Haha no surprise there.

This one's also the more manly type costume and it really suites that jazzy blues music and his smirk-wink-flirt personality in that program.



When I saw him last year with the Chopin Ballade no.1 costume, in my head I was like, 'oh no, he's going to do an opera?'

I think his worst costume is the Notre Dame De Paris one. It's just too pink and tight fitting.

Next worst costume is this years lettuce costume. No offence, I love the exhibition program and the music and everything!!! But really....that costume is just cringe worthy.

Next....uh, that blue thing he wore for the short program in 2011 Etude. Like, that was just.... No. Okay, just no no no no no. Can't stand it. Beware you can not unsee what you're about to see.


Which makes me think of Sota's blue unitard that he wore for the free skate last season! It was AWFUL and I really hope he burned it. Apparently, Kurt Browning of CBC said Sota went in to Yuzuru's closet and stole his costume.

And Sota's Purple Jacket this year is awful too!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously?! Why?!?!!?! This kid needs better costumes!!! Desperataly!!!

Although I think I quite like his Poeta costume and the black one from last year's short program.

On to....Nam

My dad said Nam's free skate costume/shirt was like bought from a super market when he first saw it in the begining of the season in Skate Canada. And the sad thing is, I could understand why.

I really like Nam's free skate costume from last year though! At Worlds, he was so fresh and cute and bright in it. But...but, the 2014 free skate costume is still the best. The one he won Junior Worlds in.

His green vegetable costume is kinda cute :)

If you haven't already seen this, you must!!!

Shoma's V-necks are kinda Dai-esque which is better than Yuzu-esque... I think.

here's what a Yuzu-esque looks like....

Javi's Black Betty is one of my faves. It's like a cool, all black and manly shirt with like tiny designs on it if you look closely. And his Free Skate costume this year is the best!! So Frank Sinatra!

Actually Scratch that, Aerobics Class costume is THE BEST COSTUME!! SUPER JAVI

Boyang's Tango Amore costume beats Plushenko's, yes I just said that.

But Javi's Malaguena beats both.

Random thought but somehow I feel Nam should skate to a Tango cause it can enhance his spiciness ;)

Okay, no offense okay but I just really have to mention this.

Nathan Chen's free skate costume is....not the best. His shirt fly's up and you can see his stomach sometimes when he jumps.....Not that I look at his stomach....I really don't.... Cuz why would I..... Right?....

But Nathan's Michael Jackson is pretty cool.

Denis Ten's costume always seem Opera like and kinda boring....I like him, but the costume can get repetitive.

Also, I would like to add that Alexei Bychenko's Les Miserables costume is the best Les Miserables costume of all time. It's also because of his hair but he looks alot like Jean Val Jon from the movie, and it just suites so perfectly.

Elena Radionova... Her dress has changed so many times for the free skate but I think I like the Euros version one the best.

Ashley's Moulin Rouge dress never gets boring for me. It's so gorgeous, she's the type that can pull of white.

And I have to say, Polina Edmunds's Gone With The Wind, is horrible. It's white too but awful kind of white, I prefer her Moonlight Sonata dress way more. And really, when you compare that white GWTW dress to Alaine's red GWTW dress, it just magnifies it's uglyness.

Oh, I love Gracie's El Choclo dress! It's so elegant with the red under and black on top. And the hair piece is beautiful too.

I must admit I don't like Satoko's puffy dresses and prefer thin flowy type but she does look good in them.

Rika's Riverdance dress at Finlandia was my favorite. She kept changing it and it was nice.

Also, Yulia's free skate dress in Cup Of Tyrol was really Scarlet O'Hara... Polina should wear that.

But I think my favourite costume of Yulia is Romeo and Juliet 2. It changed alot too but I like the Grand Prix Final version best.

And for Elena, her short program dress this year seem really flowy and too loose but the colour was nice although I would say last year's free was better.

I like Mirai's Demons short dress. It made her look like the warrior she can be. Although her Great Gatsby wasn't as good, I just didn't like the skirt part but the head band was FAB!!

Mao's exhibition costume was so stylish and different. And both her programs costume were really classy and Mao.

Takahito's feather duster costume tho hahahah. Not sure which one I prefer most, feather duster or lettuce?

Yuzuru actually also had a feathery costume in his swan lake which wasn't too bad.

I'm gonna stop here for now but yeah...what do you think?

I always wonder how to these skaters put up with such costumes!? They can't all be Johnny Weir?!? Right? No offense Johnny.

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