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A cry was heard, make that two cries. A pair of twins that would change the world has been born, with hair that was black as night, the other with hair that seemed to contain the black and royal purple of the endless void.

"It's a boy and girl!" The father said joyously, not caring for his children's hair color as he gave his daughter to his wife and held his son.

"Look at their hair!" One of the doctors said in fear, everyone slowly starting to back away from the new family.

"Thomas, their hair." The children's mother said in worry, looking at her husband in fear for their future.

"I know Amiria, they were chosen by the gods and with all of my love and strength I will protect our family so that they may grow up to be who they want to be and protect themselves." Thomas said, looking into the young boys bright purple eyes.

"I believe you Thomas, I trust you. What shall we name them?" Amiria asked, looking at her daughter with love.

"What about Mireille and Zane?" Thomas said, smiling at the children.

"They're lovely names." Amiria said, getting up as she let our a groan of pain.

"Don't push yourself, just hold onto the children while I go and deal with the doctors." Thomas said, handing her Zane as he walked out the door, fist covered in flames.

That night the screams of 3 were heard as they were reduced to nothing but ash.


Children's laughter was heard as Mireille and Zane ran through the field, chasing each other in a game of tag whilst they waited for their father.

"Alright. Are you two ready?" Thomas asked, his fist lighting up in blue and red flames.

"Ready!" Both of them said, Zane becoming covered in pure void energy that seemed to kill the grass around him and Mireille was covered surrounded with rings of fire, water, earth, and air.

Taking this as the green light Thomas shot forth flames that were blocked by a transparent, purple wall put up by Zane.

"Earth, head my call and give me your assistance." Mireille chanted, the ring of rocks shooting forward and locking Thomas' arms in place as the earth came up and secured his legs.

"Not bad," Thomas said, heating up his body and sending it outwards as it broke the rock in a small explosion. "But not good enough."

"Then take this!" Zane shouted, sending a beam of void energy at his father who gently leaned to the side with a smirk, only to be blown forward by the explosion from the impact and fall into a cage made of rock. The kids weren't done yet either as water was thrown onto Thomas before it froze his hands together and cool wind blew across his body.

"Can't generate heat when you're cold." Mireille teased, smirking at him along with Zane.

"Alright, Alright. I submit, you two have gotten to good for me to beat anymore." Thomas admitted, smiling at them proudly.

"How about we go and get some dinner?" Thomas asked, getting a nod from the kids as they all raced to the house.

When they made it home it was eerie, nothing moved, everything was silent.

Thomas and the kids quickly rushed into the house to see a man start to undo his pants as Amiria struggled against the rocks that bound her.

"GeT aWaY fRoM mY mOm!!!" Zane shouted, his voice becoming distorted as he launched at the man. He was covered in void energy as he crashed through the wall with the man and started to beat his face in with impossible strength as the earth seemed to crack under the mans skull with each blow.

"Zane that's enough!" Amiria shouted, not wanting her son to go to far.

"IT WONT BE ENOUGH UNTIL HE'S DEAD!!!!" Zane shouted, hitting the man with a void blast from point blank and practically erasing his head.

"Zane..." Mireille whispered, looking at her brother sadly as she saw the look in his eyes.

"Zane!" Thomas shouted, running over to his son as he suddenly collapsed with a mark resembling a face that was half smiling and half frowning with the eyes filled in with purple as the face was black on one side and gold on the other.

"Thomas..." Amiria whispered, looking at the mark.

"Mom...Dad..." Mireille mumbled, sounding scared as her parents turned to see a mark that had yellow, red, blue, and green strands swirling together to form what looked like a chromatic circle.

"Our children..." Amiria whispered, covering her mouth as tears poured from her eyes.

"Mireille, from now on you and Zane will have much harder training. When the time is right you to will leave home to change this world according to the will of the gods. Do you understand?" Thomas asked.

"I-I understand, Father."

A/n- There will sometimes be an extra part at he end of a chapter to explain things about the story. This one will be about the Hierarchy of this world. If there is ever a time you want to know about something then put it in the comments and I'll try my best to answer it.

The stronger a person is, the higher their class. The following will be how it generally is due to their attack output and how much damage they can cause. From highest to lowest the order is







No Element

No elements are those who have supposedly lost favor of the gods. They have white/silver hair and are usually extremely pale. Their eye color seems to depend on their environment. An example of such is those living near the ocean have blue eyes, those living in hot areas have red eyes, those who live in large open areas where the wind freely blows have green eyes, and those who live in mountainous regions where the rock is the most solid have yellow eyes.

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