Chapter Eleven: Sparks Fly

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June 25 2025

The team were at Santorini, Greece after hearing Hades is meeting with financial backers at the conference centre to help Hades fund his operations. Michael, Anne, Jack and Chris were there to takedown Hades while Benjamin and Alex were at the KVA safe house to monitor the conference centre.

However its revealed Hades used a body double and rigged the entire conference centre. Hades is on a convoy moving south and the team needed to stop him or they will never find him again.

Right now, Michael, Anne, Chris and Jack were moving through the rooftops as KVA soldiers were shooting at them as they took cover and began firing at them. They managed to take down fifteen hostiles as the team continued moving through the rooftops until they noticed a zipline and jumped on the line.

Suddenly multiple KVA soldiers began shooting at them as one of the hostiles shot the cable and the team immediately grabbed the line as they began swinging.

The team were on holding on as they were swinging across the building until they broke through the window of a building and were on the ground.

The team were on the ground as they slowly got up and began talking to each other.

Michael: Urgh, That's gonna hurt. Is everyone alright?

Chris: Fine. We need to keep moving.

Anne: We have to move through the back alleys to cut Hades off.

Jack: After that, we can take him down and put an end to his terror once and for all.

The team nodded and immediately out of the building as they continued moving through the streets until gunshots were heard as they looked in front of them and saw multiple KVA soldiers shooting at them as they took cover and began firing at them.

Meanwhile Benjamin and Alex were moving through the streets and took down fifteen KVA soldiers as they continued moving until they saw drones firing at them as they took cover and looked at each other.

Benjamin: Great, there's more hostiles.

Alex and Benjamin threw EMP grenades as the drones were destroyed and they continued moving through the street until they made it through a building and began running upstairs as they spoke to the others.

Benjamin: Guys, where are you?

Chris: [On Radio] We're moving through the streets and-

Anne: [On Radio] Watch out!

A gunshot was heard as Benjamin and Alex were worried and spoke on the radio.

Benjamin: Guys, what happened?

Jack: [On Radio] There's a sniper on the bell tower.

Michael: [On Radio] Sniper using an anti material sniper rifle.

Chris: [On Radio] Be careful.

Benjamin and Alex nodded as they made it up the stairs and were gonna open the door until. . .

Benjamin: Damn. Sniper's targeting us now.

Alex and Benjamin threw a smoke grenade as both of them pushed the door and began running through the balcony as the sniper was shooting at them but they managed to avoid the incoming attacks and continued running until Benjamin and Alex jumped off the balcony and broke through the window of another building as they were on the ground.

Alex and Benjamin immediately got up and immediately ran through the hallway as the sniper was shooting at them but they avoided the attacks and ran downstairs as they were on street level.

Meanwhile Michael, Anne, Chris and Jack were moved through the restaurant as the sniper began firing at them as they took cover and the sniper continued shooting at them.

The team threw multiple smoke grenades and left the restaurant as they were moving through the streets until multiple KVA soldiers began shooting at them as they began firing at them.

Chris shot three hostiles in the head as a KVA soldier was gonna attack him but Chris took down the hostile.

Chris shot the hostile in the head as the team continued moving through the street while firing at the KVA soldiers.

Anne shot three hostiles in the head as another KVA soldier was gonna attack her but Anne took down the hostile.

Anne shot the hostile in the head as the team continued moving through the street. Michael shot three hostiles in the face as another enemy was gonna attack him but Michael took down the enemy.

Michael shot the hostile in the head as the team continued moving through the street.

Jack shot three hostiles in the head as another enemy tried to attack him but Jack took down the hostile.

Jack shot the hostile in the face as the area was clear and the team continued moving through another building as the sniper began shooting at them as they avoided the attacks and continued moving.

Meanwhile Benjamin and Alex continued moving through the street until multiple KVA soldiers began firing at them as they took cover and began firing at them.

Benjamin shot three hostiles in the head as another enemy was gonna attack him but Benjamin took down the hostile.

Benjamin shot the hostile in the head as the duo continued moving. Alex shot three hostiles as another enemy was gonna attack him but Alex took down the hostile.

Alex shot the hostile in the head as the area was clear and the duo continued moving forward.

Suddenly a truck was gonna hit Benjamin and Alex as they moved out of the way and the truck exploded as Benjamin and Alex were separated and looked at each other. Suddenly the sniper began shooting at Alex and Benjamin as they took cover.

Benjamin: Dammit. Alex, We'll reunite with you. You stop Hades, we'll take down the sniper.

Alex nodded and began running through the alleyway as Benjamin moved through the restaurant as he continued moving while dodging the incoming attacks.

Alex moved through the alleyway as he was running on the street until he saw Hades convoy as he began running through another alleyway to cut him off.

Meanwhile Michael, Anne, Chris and Jack were at the rooftop as they were shooting at the sniper but they couldn't get a clear shot as the sniper continued shooting at them.

Suddenly they saw Benjamin running towards them as they took cover and they began speaking to each other.

Jack: Where's Alex?

Benjamin: Me and him got separated and the sniper is shooting at us. He's stopping Hades.

Chris: We have to take down that sniper. He's really pissing us off.

Anne: No kidding. We can't even get to the bell tower.

Michael: And we can't even get a cleat shot on him.

The team continued firing at the sniper until they noticed a barrel next to the sniper as they began shooting at the barrel until a explosion was seen as the sniper was neutralised.

Jack: There goes the sniper. Let's head to the convoy and help Alex.

Meanwhile Alex was on the street as he saw Hades car driving towards him until Ambrose shot a grenade at the car and then. . .

The car crashed towards the lamp post as another car was gonna hit Alex but he began shooting at the car as a explosion was seen and the car hit the lamp post.

Alex began walking towards Hades car and used his robotic arm to remove the door as he saw Hades and pulled him out of the car.

Alex picked Hades up until Hades pulled out a knife and tried to attack Ambrose but he kicked him as both of them looked at each other.

Hades kicked Alex in the gut as he was gonna stab Ambrose but Alex used the robotic arm to block the attack as he punched Hades in the face.

Alex grabbed the knife and stabbed Hades in the chest as his eyes were widen and he fell down on the ground. Alex stabbed Hades in the chest again as he slowly closed his eyes.

Alex slowly got up as he was holding his robotic arm until Hades opened his eyes and grabbed Alex's hand as he said something to him.

Hades: He knows. . . .

Alex was confused as Hades gave a data drive to Ambrose and said his final words to him.

Hades: Saul knows. . . .

Hades closed his eyes as he was dead. Alex was looking at the data drive in his hand as he was thinking about what Hades said to him.

Suddenly he heard someone calling his name as he looked in front of him and saw Michael, Anne, Jack, Chris and Benjamin running towards him as they saw Hades was dead.

Jack: You did it. You killed Hades.

Anne: Scanning retina. Yeah, that's Hades.

Chris: That's the end of Hades.

Alex was silent as he was thinking about what Hades said. The team noticed him as they spoke to him.

Michael: What's the matter Alex?

Benjamin: Is everything alright?

Alex: Hades gave me a data drive. He said "Saul knows" before he died.

The team were confused as they looked at each other and thought about what Hades said to Alex.

Jack: I don't understand, what does Saul know?

Anne: We might have to see the data drive to find out.

Chris: Come on, let's get out of here.

The team nodded as they called the extraction chopper and left Santorini but there was one question.

What does Saul know?

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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