Chapter Twelve: Revelations

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June 26 2025

A day has passed since Hades death but his death left more questions then answers. Right now there was a global news channel talking about the operation along with everything that has happened.

Wendy: At last, time has ran out for Hades. Leader of the KVA and mastermind behind the devastating attacks of four years ago. We recently spoke with Saul Matthews, founder and CEO of Atlas International, the private military corporation responsible for taking down Hades.

An interview was shown as Saul and the reporter were walking as they were talking to each other.

Wendy: Congratulations you achieved what no one was able to do.

Saul: Thank you, Wendy, but the real heroes of the day are the men and women of Atlas.

Saul and Wendy was walking towards the Michael, Anne, Chris, Jack, Benjamin and Alex as Matthews said something to Wendy.

Saul: I couldn't be prouder of what they accomplished this week.

Wendy: There are rumors that the U.N. will offer you a seat on the Security Council. Can a life in politics be far behind?

Saul: I don't think so.

Wendy: The last four years have been huge for you. In the wake of the KVA attacks, Atlas has become the world's biggest corporation and you now preside over the world's largest standing military. So what's next for Saul Matthews?

Saul said "We will see soon" as the interview was over. Matthews began walking towards the team as he said something to them.

Saul: I suggest you all take a few weeks off. You all have working so hard for the last four years and you deserve some rest for your hardwork.

The team nodded as Saul smiled at them and said something to them.

Saul: I'm proud of all of you.

The team smiled at him as Saul hugged all of them as they hugged him back and Matthews said a joke and they began laughing.

Saul broke the hug as he told the team to get some rest. The team nodded and told Saul to take care of himself as they walked away until Matthews told Alex that he wanted to speak to him as he walked towards him and spoke to him.

Saul: How's your arm doing?

Alex: It's doing alright.

Saul: That's good to hear, listen son, i just want to say your not alone in any battle. We're always here for you.

Alex nodded as Matthews put his hand on his shoulder and said something to him.

Saul: I know it's hard you don't have a family but we are your family.

Alex had a small smile on his face as Saul was smiling at him until Matthews hugged Ambrose and said something to him.

Saul: I'm proud of you, my son.

Alex was smiling at Saul as he smiled at him as Matthews told him to go back home for the day as Ambrose nodded and told Saul to take care of himself as he said the same thing and walked away.

Alex was walking with the team as they were talking to each other.

Michael: So what are you all gonna do on your work free days?

Anne: Well me and Matthew are going to a movie theater.

Benjamin: Me and Danielle are gonna go to a mall.

Jack: Ashley and I are planning on going to a restaurant.

Chris: Elizabeth and I are gonna relax at the beach.

Michael: Nice. Me and Mary are gonna go to a concert.

Benjamin: Awesome. Alex, what are you gonna do on your work free days?

Ambrose looked at them as he was gonna say something until someone called Alex's name as they turned around and saw who it was.

Mia was smiling at Alex as she said something to him.

Mia: Hey Alex, are you free right now?

Alex: Yeah, I'm free.

Mia: [Smiles] Wanna hangout at the cafe right now?

Alex: Sure.

Mia: Okay then! See you at the cafe.

She smiled at him as Mia walked away and the team looked at Alex as they were smiling at him.

Chris: Alex has a date! Alex has a date!

Anne: I also hear wedding bells on the way!

Alex glared at them as they were laughing at him and said something to him.

Jack: [Laughs] We're just messing with you.

Benjamin: Yeah brother, you should get going fast

Michael: Take care of yourself.

Alex nodded as he began walking away and was thinking about Mia. For the last four years, they have been spending time and soon both of them began developing feelings for each other. Alex has a small smile on his face as he left the headquarters and began making his way towards the cafe to meet Mia.

July 17 2025 [Few weeks later]

There was a new Atlas headquarters in Romania as Alex was fixing his hair and continued walking around.

Suddenly he heard someone calling his name as he turned around and saw Chris walking towards him.

Chris and Alex began talking to each other until they heard someone calling their name as they saw Jack walking towards them.

Jack, Chris and Alex were talking to each other until someone called their names as they saw Michael walking towards them.

Michael, Jack, Chris and Alex were talking to each other until they heard someone calling their names as they saw Benjamin walking towards them.

The team were talking to each other until they heard someone calling their name as they saw Anne walking towards them.

Anne: Guys, follow me right now.

Chris: What's the matter?

Anne: We're going to maintenance room 6A. There's something I want to show you.

Jack: What is it?

Anne: You'll know soon.

The team looked at each other as they began following Anne. Eventually the team made it to the maintenance room as they spoke to Anne.

Michael: What's going on here?

Anne: Remember the data drive Hades gave to us. I found a video in that drive.

Winters put the laptop on the table and showed the video to the team as they were looking at it.

The video showed Saul talking to the technologist that the team saved from Lagos as they spoke to each other.

Jack: That's the technologist from Lagos.

Anne: He never went back to Lagos.

Benjamin: Wait what? He never went back to Lagos?

Anne played the video as they were listening to the conversation between Saul and the technologist.

Technologist: The KVA are planning an attack. They told me everything.

Saul: What kind of attack?

Technologist: Power plants. All over the world. They wanted me to compromise the security systems.

Saul: Where are they planning on hitting?

Technologist: Seattle, Paris, Tokyo. Thousands will die! We have to tell someone.

Saul got up from his seat as he said something to the technologist.

Saul: No! We have to tell everyone! It's okay. It's alright, I'm gonna take care of this right now.

Saul pulled out a pistol and shot the technologist in the head as the video ended.

The team was shocked by what they saw as they couldn't believe it. Saul Matthews let thousands of innocents people die just so he can profit off their deaths.

Chris:. . . . He knew it. . . . He knew and he let it happen.

Michael:. . . . He let all of those innocent people die and he profited it.

Jack:. . . . . That monster. . . He wanted to make Atlas the most powerful corporation in the world.

Benjamin: This has to be fake! This can't be real.

Anne: The video was coded and encrypted in our own algorithm! It's from Atlas.

Alex was silent as he was shocked by what he saw. He considered Saul as his father and Matthews turned out to be a monster.

The team were still shocked by what they seen as they were gonna say something until someone threw a flash grenade as the team were stunned and couldn't see anything.

Suddenly multiple Atlas soldiers told the team to get on the ground as they saw Saul walking towards them.

Alex pulled out a pistol and tried to shoot Saul but the atlas soldier grabbed his weapon and threw it on the ground as they said something to Saul.

Benjamin: We saw the video.

Saul: You saw what?

Chris: You killed those innocent people!

Jack: You let them die! Your a monster Saul.

Saul was silent as he was looking at the team and said something to them.

Saul: Hold them here till the reporters leave.

Michael: Don't you dare walk away from us!

Anne: You monster! Get back here!

Ambrose glared at Saul as he left the maintenance room and the atlas soldiers were pointing their weapons on the team.

Suddenly the team heard someone speaking to them on their comms

???: Listen, we've hacked into your comms. I need you to trust me. In three seconds, the fire suppression system will be activated. Get ready to run.

The team were confused by who was speaking to them until the fire suppression system activated which stunned the atlas soldiers.

The team immediately attacked the atlas soldiers and took them down as they grabbed their weapons along with a grapple hook as the mysterious person said something to them.

???: The only exit is through the roof. Also keep the grapple hook, it'll come into good use later.

The team continued moving through the building as they made it to the rooftop and saw a drone swarm.

The team immediately ran through the rooftop as the drones continued firing at them. The team immediately jumped off the balcony and saw multiple Atlas soldiers jumping with them until the team shot the windows causing the hostiles to fall down.

The team were sliding through the building until they fell down into the river.

The team immediately began swimming towards the docks as they managed to make it and were on the streets until something began shooting at them as they turned around and saw what it was.

The warship began shooting at them as the team immediately continued running until the mysterious person said something to them.

???: There's a car waiting for you at the other side! Get inside now!

The team saw the car as they got inside the car and activated auto pilot as the car began driving and the team spoke to the mysterious person.

Anne: Who are you?

???: A friend. I'm sending coordinates that will lead you to a evac point.

Michael: It's a construction site.

???: That's where evac's at. Be careful all of you.

Chris: What do you think? Friend or foe?

Benjamin: Could be a friend.

Jack: I guess our answers will be answered at the evac site.

Suddenly something began shooting at the car as they saw multiple Atlas vehicles shooting at them as the team began shooting at the vehicles.

The team managed to destroy twelve atlas vehicles as the car was close to the construction site. Suddenly an atlas vehicle shot the tyres of the car as the car was moving out of control and crashed into the construction site.

The team immediately kicked the doors of the car as they fell down on the ground and slowly got up as the mysterious person said something to them.

???: Evac chopper is waiting for you at the roof. Use the grapple hook to get to the top.

The team nodded as the team grappled on the upper levels and continued moving forward.

The team continued moving through the building until they made it to the roof and saw a chopper as someone was walking towards them as they saw who it was.

Mercer: You forgot your sergeant Alex?

Alex: Sergeant Mercer?

Mercer: I'm guessing you all saw the video.

Chris: I can't believe Saul did all this.

Benjamin: We need to stop that maniac.

Michael: Or he will do something even worse.

Mercer: Don't worry we'll stop Saul. We have intel on a project he's working on.

Jack: What is that project?

Mercer: Manticore.

Anne: Manticore? What is that?

Mercer: You'll know soon. Come on, let's get out of here.

The team nodded as they got inside the evac chopper and the chopper began flying away as the team were thinking about everything that has happened.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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