Chapter 20: The Final Battle.

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Everything was now coming to a head. The Armies of Gondor and Rohan continued their advance to the Black Gate for the final Battle, and the heroes in Mordor continued their trek up to Mount Doom.

Frodo stopped to get some water out of his water bottle. Gasping and struggling but not getting a single drop. He had run out of water. But Sam had noticed. Nearly everyone's water was low.

"Take mine." Sam insisted, giving Frodo his water. "There's a few drops left." 

And Frodo drank up the last drops of water. And with a strange light in his eyes. A thought had just occurred to him. "There will be none left for the return journey." He realized.

But Sam knew that a Return Journey wouldn't be a possibility. "I don't think there will be a return journey, Mr. Frodo." He sadly informed. 

And Frodo looked up. Sadly, he figured that  Sam was right about there not being a Return Journey.

"Well..." Bran said breaking the silence. "Mother always says that we must all do our duty. Even in the face of death itself." He informed.

"Except she was Tully, and you're a Stark." Meera pointed out. 

Hodor looked at Bran with a look. 

And Bran had a feeling that this would be the end. With whatever way it was. "Hodor... thank you for everything. All those times when I was crippled and you stayed by my side." He said. 

"Hodor." Hodor said to Bran. 

Bran then looked at Meera and Jojen. "Meera and Jojen." 

Meera sighed. She looked at Bran. "Brandon Stark. It was a true honor to serve your house and through on this adventure." She said. "Let's go finish it." And everyone continued to stand back up.

Finally, the party of heroes had approached the Black Gate. The Sinister Gate into Mordor. All lining in Formation as they stood starring at the Spiked Gate. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Jon, Sansa, Arya, The Hound, Eomer, Merry, and Pippin all riding in the front.

It made the Stark Sisters look in shock and surprise. "Hey, Gandalf. Um... this seems like a weird thing to bring up, but... when we set out for Rivendell with the original Fellowship, were we going to originally walk through that gate?" Arya asked.

"We were." Gandalf answered. 

"It's not as big as the one back home." Jon commented referring to the Wall where he stood as a Night's Watch member. 

"Well that's reassuring." Sansa said. "I mean he's not wrong. I've never been to the Wall myself. But I've heard tales about it from Father." 

Jon nodded. "Yeah... Father never would've wanted any harm befalling his Girls. The Men of the Watch can be... aggressive. Especially when it comes to women." 

"Can't be worse than King's Landing." Sansa replied.

The Hound stared at it. "If there's a whole horde of Balrogs behind those gates, I'm going to be pissed." 

In the meantime, the other heroes, continued their trudge into Mordor. But Frodo was waving his arm in front of him. As if he was trying to ward off something. Jojen kept looking at the Eye every now and then. But when he did this time, he noticed Sauron's eye turning. "Guys! The Eye is moving towards this way!" He warned.

"Hide!" Meera yelled taking cover. And Hodor crouching down behind a rock, albeit not very well.

"Ouch." Bran complained.

"Hodor." Hodor said as a way to say that he was sorry.

Frodo lifted his eyes and turned towards the Eye of Sauron. As the eye approached them and the ground glowing a bright orange.

"Frodo, get down!" Sam dived for the ground as well. "Hide!" 

But Frodo didn't dive for the ground, he turned to see the Eye staring at his location. And Frodo, turned away from it, collapsing down to the ground.

"Frodo!" Sam yelled.

Frodo's eyes remained open while on the ground, as the Eye passed them by and moved on.

"Where are they?" Pippin asked.

Jon also looked up at the Black Gates. "Hm... Sauron had to know we were coming. So where are the Orcs? Shouldn't there be Archers manned at the wall?" He asked.

Arya looked up. "I don't see any Trolls either." She noted.

"This... is a bad idea." The Hound commented.

Aragorn looked at the others. Then he rode forward towards the Gates with the others following. Along with a Gondorian Bearer. "Looks like we'll have to knock on the front door." He figured as he and the others rode up to the gate.

"That'll get Sauron's attention." Arya thought out loud.

"Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth!" Aragorn called. "Let justice be done upon him!" 

There was nothing but silence. "Well, it could be that nobody's home." Arya suggested.  

"Gandalf said that there were at least 10,000 Orcs in Mordor. How can nobody be home?" Sansa asked.

"They left to go wage war somewhere else?" Arya assumed.

But then the Black Gates opened out just a smidge with a large creaking sound. Out rode a single horse. Ridden out by Sauron's Lieutenant. In Black Capes, A Dark Horned Lofty Helmet on his head. And spiked teeth, yellow and blooded. Clearly, dental hygiene was a foreign language to that guy.

"Sauron..." Sansa said nervously.

"Not quite, Sansa." Gandalf informed. "This is the Mouth of Sauron. One of his most devoted servants. His name is remembered in no tale; for he himself has forgotten it." 

The Mouth of Sauron trotted up to the group. He spoke in a dark bellowing voice between his disgusting teeth. "My Master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome." He said.

"That's disgusting." Sansa looked aghast. And she wasn't the only one. She shivered at the thought of her own teeth, while Arya felt her own teeth too.

"Just when I thought they couldn't get any uglier." The Hound commented.

"Is there any in rout with Authority to treat with me?" The Mouth of Sauron asked.

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed." Gandalf replied which made the Mouth of Sauron sneer his teeth. "Tell your master this. The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return." 

"Aha! Old Greybeard! And it would seem he's brought some friends from off world." The Mouth of Sauron noted as he turned his head to the Starks.

"There's no need for a battle, Mouth of Sauron." Jon said. "You can depart these lands and never come back. You're down to your last forces and you can still live. All you have to do is disband what's left of your Armies." 

"Always the arrogant fools, you Wolves." The Mouth of Sauron replied.

"Speaking of Wolves, you seriously used a Wolf Battering Ram against Minas Tirith?" Arya asked. "I take that personally.

"You're going to pay for that insult to our house." Sansa informed sternly.

"And you, Wolf Girl. The Nazgul told us of a Girl who was close to the Hobbits. I have a token I was bidden to show thee." The Mouth of Sauron held up Frodo's mithril shirt to the heroes.

It made everyone grow silent.

Gandalf remained silent, Gimli gasped. And Sansa's eyes opened wide. 

"Frodo." Pippin said in a silent whisper. 

The Mouth of Sauron made a smirking sound as he tossed the shirt to Gandalf.

"Frodo!" Pippin shouted in sadness.

The Mouth of Sauron smirked again.

"Silence." Gandalf ordered. 

"No!" Merry yelled in despair.

"He... he can't be!" Sansa started crying over the loss of Frodo.

"Silence!" Gandalf repeated while trying to hold onto himself and not showing weakness.

"The Halfling was dear to thee, I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host." The Mouth of Sauron went on as Gimli snarled. And Arya was so furious that it was a miracle her nostrils were blowing out smoke. "Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did, Gandalf, he did." 

The Tears started falling into Gandalf's eyes as Pippin gripped the shirt in sadness.

"Jon..." Sansa started crying into Jon's arms.

"There, there, Sansa." Jon held her close. 

"Well, that settles it." Arya declared. "I'm tearing up my old kill list, and I'm making a new one. It's all Sauron!" 

Aragorn on the other hand moved forward on his horse.

The Mouth of Sauron noticed Aragorn coming. "And how is this? Isildur's Heir? It takes more to make a King than a Broken Elvish Blade." 

"HAH!" Aragorn with one sweep of the sword, cut off the Head of the Mouth of Sauron in one movement.

And all of the party watched the head fall off.

"Guess that concludes Negotiations." Gimli commented.

Aragorn looked at everyone else. "I do not believe it. He said. "I will not." 

"If we didn't have his attention before. We will now." The Hound said. Although he had a hard time believing that Frodo was still alive. After all, if Frodo did die. Then at least the Orcs didn't get Sam and Bran. Their deaths would've been listed too.

And the Hound was also right about Sauron. Because as soon as the Mouth of Sauron was beheaded. Sauron turned his gaze to the Black Gate. 

The Black Gate opened wide again. And Orcs began marching through and ranting out War Chants.

"That's a lot of Orcs." Sansa commented nervously.

"Well... this is what we wanted." Jon pointed out.

"Pull back!" Aragorn ordered. "Pull back!" 

Everyone rode back towards their own army who were all standing back a bit.

While back in Mordor, Sam got up. Meera also looked. "He's looked away?" She asked.

"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, Meera." Bran said. 

"It's gone, Mr. Frodo. The light's passed on, away towards the North." Sam went over to Frodo. "Something's drawn its gaze." 

"Hodor?" Hodor asked.

"I don't know how. But I am not complaining." Sam answered.

Frodo got up slowly, so Sam helped him up.

"Now's our chance. Go!" Jojen yelled with everyone moving again.

The Armies of Men still looked uncertain as the Orcs continued with their march. This would be Aragorn's moment to shine.

"Hold your ground! Hold your ground!" Aragorn told the Soldiers. "Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers!" He yelled to the soldiers gathering everyone's attention. "I see it in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me! A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day! An hour of wolves and shattered shield when the age of men come crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight!" 

"Did he just say hour of wolves?" Arya asked.

"Shut up. He's on a role." Sansa shushed up as all the Men looked encouraged by Aragorn's words. 

"By all that you hold dear on this good earth! I bid you stand! Men of the West!" Aragorn declared.

The Soldiers all unsheathed their weapons and stand ready. The Starks all drew out their own weapons. Then Aragorn wheeled his horse around to face the oncoming enemy who were still marching. 

Right as Bran, Frodo, Sam, Meera, Jojen, and Hodor struggling up the rocky feet of Mount Doom and trying to get their footing. Frodo fell down to the ground but was quickly held up by Jojen.

"I've got you, Frodo." Jojen assured.

"Woah." Sam also fell to the ground and on his back. "I don't think I like all this hiking up a Mountain. Want to trade, Bran?" He asked.

"I'm crippled." Bran reminded.

"You can still use your hands." Sam pointed out as fire balls spat out from the summit.

"Now this sounds a lot like the Doom of Valeria I remember reading." Bran commented.

"What's the Doom of Valeria?" Sam asked.

"I'll tell you later." Bran answered.

Frodo looked up from where he was standing. His eyes bloodshot red as he looked up on the Summit. So close and so far from destroying the ring. To come so close only to come up so short. He couldn't do it. If he didn't find a way forward, no one could. And he pulled on leg forward in front of him. And past Sam who was still lying on his back. Meera pulled up Sam from his back. Until Frodo collapsed on the ground.

Back at the Black Gate, The Orcs had now surrounded the small army from all sides by the larger Orc Army who continued their advance. Even if they wanted to retreat, there was no hope of doing that now.

Pippin unsheathed his sword. Merry looked at Pippin and breathed in heavy also looking at the army of Orcs.

"Girls." Jon said to Sansa and Arya with both sisters turning their attention. "Odds are we may not get out of this alive. If this is the end... I want to let you both know how proud I am of you, and that I love you." 

"We love you too, Jon." Sansa said. "I wish I could've... I just wish I could've done a better job of showing that love when we were younger. I was awful to all of you. I'm sorry." She looked more towards the Orc Army moving on all sides. "If I'm going to die... let me at least die for something I truly believe in, and not the dreams of a stupid little girl with stupid dreams who never learned. Guess that's how I'll die." 

Jon put his hand on Sansa. "Well, at least we'll be reunited with Mother and Father, and Robb." He assured.

Arya smiled. "I'm proud to have died fighting with my family." She said. "And um... seeing as how we're about to all die. I probably should take this time to own up to a few things. First of all, yes, I was the one who set Jeyne Pool's sewing materials on fire. I'm sorry we couldn't get it out of the Stable in time." 

"I knew Bran didn't knock down a candle." Sansa said to Jon.

But Arya wasn't done. "And to the Crypt Keeper, I was the one who snuck in a Stag into the Crypts. Hey, it was a big surprise though. It was probably the most eventful thing to happen in forever down there!" She laughed a little. But then she looked at Sansa. "And, finally, Sansa." 

"Oh, here we go." Sansa muttered.

"I was the one who Sheep Shifted your Mattress, and also stole your dolls when you were younger." Arya said.

"Oh, I knew about all of that." Sansa replied. "I guess, I should take this time to say how sorry I am for making you send Nymeria away, and also not telling the truth about what happened at the River, and for getting your friend killed." 

"Well it's nice to know you feel sorry about that." Arya sighed.

"I knew we were all going to bloody die." The Hound said with a Great Sword. "Could be worse though... I could die falling from a crumbling Keep with my Brother onto a city on fire." 

Arya looked at the Hound. "Sandor?" She asked.

The Hound looked at Arya.

Arya sighed. "You're a good man. Thank you." She thanked.

The Hound looked back at the Orc Armies. "You're welcome." He replied.

"Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf." Gimli commented.

"What about side by side with a friend?" Legolas asked with a smile down at Gimli

Gimli returned that smile. "Aye! I could do that." He replied.

Back at Mount Doom, Sam crawled over to Frodo and picked him up turning him over. Then he looked up at the Mountain and began to cry. He still had yet to give up too. He knew that Frodo needed words of encouragement. And only he could be the one who could show it. 

"Do you remember the Shire, Mr. Frodo?" Sam asked. "It will be Spring soon. And the Orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nestling in the hazel thickets." Sam started crying. "And they will be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields, and eating the first of the strawberries and cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries?" 

Frodo looked up at Sam. "No, Sam. I can't recall the taste of food, nor the sound of water or the touch of grass." He answered.  

"For what it's worth... Jojen and I lost our tastebuds years ago." Meera said.

"I'm naked in the dark. There's, there's nothing, no veil between me and the wheel of fire." Frodo then started panicking. "I can see him with my waking eyes!" 

"Then let us be rid of it, once and for all!" Sam declared. "Come on, Mr. Frodo, I can't carry it for you, and Hodor isn't going to carry me. No offense, Hodor." He quickly said to Hodor and Bran.

"None taken." Bran replied. 

"Hodor." Hodor replied. 

Sam assumed that meant 'None taken' as well. "But I can carry you!" He picked up Frodo on his back. "Come on!" He yelled as they began to scale the Mountain.

"Alright, Hodor. Let's finish this." Bran said to Hodor.

"We're right behind you." Meera declared as she and her brother also started scaling the mountain.

Over at the Black Gate, Aragorn stood ready in front of the army. "Aragorn!" The Eye of Sauron called out to him, convinced that Aragorn had the ring. And Aragorn moved forward seeming mesmerized. "Elessar!" And Aragorn's sword arm dropped to his side. He turned to look at Gandalf.

But Gandalf had held up Frodo's shirt to see. He looked at the Westerosi. A look from Jon told Aragorn that they were all with him.

Aragorn smiled. "For Frodo." He said. And in the face of overwhelming force, with the Orcs all surrounding them, on flat terrain against such overwhelming odds against such an enemy, he perhaps did the most foolish thing imaginable. He charged ahead with his sword raised.

Pippin and Merry shouted and ran after Aragorn immediately, their swords ready without a moments hesitation.

"Charge!" Jon yelled as he, Sansa, Arya, and the Hound ran forward.

The rest of the Small Army also charged forward, quickly overtaking the Hobbits, but still the Hobbits charged. And they all smashed into the Orc Army, with all sides colliding in a fierce battle. 

It was now onto the final stretch into Mount Doom. Sam continued to carry Frodo on his back. And he was struggling up some huge boulders that resembled steps. He rounded up one boulder, followed by Bran, and Hodor. And that's when all of the party saw a Doorway. "Look Mr. Frodo, a doorway!" Sam noted.

"That's convenient." Bran praised. He thought for a second that they would have to climb all the way up the Volcano. 

"So what? We just walk into the entrance and throw the Ring away?" Jojen asked.

"Yep." Sam answered as he continued to walk forward. 

But Meera wasn't so sure. "No... it's too easy." She said as she looked at the Tower of Barad Dur looking over to the Black Gate and keeping an eye on the battle there. "There's no way that Sauron would just let anyone walk past." 

"Well, I don't think Sauron expected anyone to get this far." Bran pointed out. Although he was uneasy himself about everything and how easy everything seemed to be.

"No wonder he lost the last war." Jojen commented. "Still... it is too easy." 

And their thoughts would be confirmed as suddenly, Gollum appeared on top of the huge boulder, in a war like manner. "Clever Hobbits... to climb so high!" He yelled as he dropped on Frodo knocking him off Frodo and Sam fell back. Frodo tried to get away, but Gollum managed to get his hands around Frodo's throat and started choking him. Roaring at Frodo. "Mustn't go that way. Mustn't hurt the precious!" He told Frodo.

"You swore! You swore on the precious!" Frodo begged. Which only made Gollum mock Frodo's pity. "Smeagol promised!" He reminded.

"Smeagol lied!" Gollum taunted. And he continued to squeeze Frodo's throat.

"How is that thing still alive!?" Bran asked in horror.

"Don't know don't care!" Meera declared starting to take out an arrow and draw it on Gollum. She had enough of Gollum.

But Sam had managed to pick up a rock and throw it at Gollum, hitting him on the head. Gollum fell off Frodo, as Frodo gasped for air. Meera shot an arrow at Gollum, but Gollum dodged out of the way before making his way back to Frodo.

But Sam launched himself at Gollum and they rolled away down the hill. 

"Go! Help him!" Bran ordered Meera and Jojen.

Meera and Jojen charged over to go help Sam. And right as Frodo got up again. He looked at Bran and Hodor. "Help them." He insisted. He then looked at the entrance. "I've got this." 

"Hodor?" Hodor asked Bran.

Bran looked at Mount Doom. "We need to end this, Hodor. Let's get in there." 

Sam had continued his fight with Gollum. It was no secret that each of them hated each other. Gollum had banged Sam's head on one of the boulders and bit his neck.

Sam yelled in pain. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He yelled out.

"That's it, Gollum. You've had this coming for a long time." Meera declared as she hit Gollum in the stomach with an arrow. 

Gollum got hit in his arm breaking off from Sam, and before he could get up again, Sam drew out Sting and slashed Gollum across the belly. Gollum stumbled back, and Meera drew for another arrow, but found she was out of them. 

"I'm out!" Meera screamed as she drew out her own sword.

Jojen still drew out his own sword and swung at Gollum, but Gollum had moved out of the way, and onto a nearby boulder where the swords couldn't reach him. 

Sam turned around and looked for Frodo. "Frodo!" He shouted.

But Frodo was running up the last part of the mountain, with all the determination on his face. Bran and Hodor eventually following.

"We've got this! Run!" Meera insisted to Sam. And Sam had run after Frodo as well. Meera and Jojen would deal with Gollum.

"We knew you would throw a wrench at our plans." Gollum said to Meera. "If you and broken one hadn't come along! Gollum, Gollum! We would have had the precious! This is all your fault!" He accused.

"Was he always this insane?" Jojen asked.

"Yeah. We should've taken Sam's advice and left him tied off at the rocks before Mordor." Meera answered. Then she turned to Gollum. "You want your precious? Come and get it." She dared.

"If the wild Lady insists." Gollum replied. And he started to pick up some rocks and tried throwing them at Meera and Jojen.

Back at the Black Gate, the melee fight continued. Everyone was slashing Orcs, Eomer with his sword and shield, Gimli with his axe, and not making a number of kill count at that moment. Arya was stabbing and slashing with Needle, while Sansa had blocked all the blades as her sister slammed. 

"In retrospect, it's not always about sticking with the pointy end." Sansa said as she blocked another Orc.

"No." Arya confirmed as she killed another Orc. "But it's Sword Fighting 101." This was as Jon continued to stab and bash with Longclaw.

"This is the Night's Watch you're dealing with! And we fight back against Wildfolk. Like you!" Jon declared as he killed more and more Orcs. The Hound continued to also bash Orcs with his great sword over and over again and again. Merry and Pippin were also fighting off the Orcs as much as they could. And Aragorn also fought with his Sword. Even Legolas was fighting melee with his bow.

But a scream came from overhead. The screams of the Nazgul flying right at everyone. All 8 remaining Nazgul. 

"Seven Hells! Not these guys again!" Arya complained as she continued to swing with Needle.

Gandalf had stopped to look at the Fell Beasts descending on the Armies of Gondor and Rohan as he fought with his sword. The entire army on the ground were all sitting ducks.

And one of them were coming straight for the Stark Sisters. "Arya?" Sansa asked.

"Bring it." Arya answered daring the Fell Beasts.

But Gandalf saw a moth flitting around him, which was an indication of something coming. He looked up to see a Huge Eagle intercept the Fell Beast.

"What?" Sansa asked in excitement.

Pippin saw it too. A tale he remembered hearing from Bilbo Baggins once. "The Eagles! The Eagles are coming!" 

"Eagles?" Jon asked.

And just like that, a flock of Eagles flew from the sky, engaging in the air with the Fell Beasts. They would keep the Nazgul occupied. Not only that, but they were winning.

"I have no idea where they came from! But I am NOT complaining!" Arya declared in triumph. She then continued to fight off the Orcs with her siblings, and the Hound.

Sam looked on to see Frodo making the last run to the door. Bran and Hodor in hot pursuit. Sam also followed them.

"Get ready, Hodor. We're going in." Bran declared as Hodor ran inside. 

Inside was a long walkway, fire and smoke, and the smell of sulfur all around them was almost intolerable for the Wolf of Winterfell and his loyal bodyguard. "Hodor!" Hodor yelled as the ground shook beneath their feet.

"Wow! It's hot in here!" Bran shouted over the booming sound of the Volcano below. "Frodo?" He asked around.

"Frodo!" Sam also yelled as he walked up towards Bran and Hodor.

"No! It's us!" Bran informed as he tried looking through all the smoke, but could barely see a thing. "Let's not stay long!" 

"Agreed." Sam agreed. "Frodo!" He yelled again. He walked forward to see on the edge of the pathway. 

Frodo was there. Looking down into the Cracks of Doom. And he turned his head. "I'm here, Sam!" He informed as Sam, Hodor and Bran moved towards him.

"Destroy it!" Sam shouted.

Frodo took the Ring out of his pocket. And he held out the Ring in front of him on its chain, staring at it. He stood over on the ledge. But he paused.

"Frodo?" Bran asked. "Is everything okay?"

Frodo continued to stare at the ring.

"Go on! Now!" Sam yelled. "Throw it in the fire!" 

But Frodo was struggling with himself. He stood looking at the Ring. As if the Ring was compelling him one last time to claim it for himself. Which it was. And at the very worst moment. Just as it had to Isildur, two and a half thousand years ago. And he looked down into the Cracks of Doom gasping and hesitating.

"What are you waiting for?" Sam asked as if he couldn't understand what was going on.

"Just let it go!" Bran yelled.

But the Ring started speaking to Frodo. Frodo held the Ring in front of his eyes. As if he was thinking of the worst case scenario if he let the Ring go. Frodo's eyes stared mad. And the Ring filling all of his visions, and his imagining. As if Frodo could see what could happen if he held the Ring for himself, just as Bilbo had done all those years ago.

He looked right back at Sam, Bran and Hodor.

"Hodor?" Hodor asked.

Bran didn't like the look of it.

"The Ring is mine!" Frodo declared suffering the same fate as Isildur. He snapped the Ring off its chain.

Sam looked in disbelief and despair. "No." He said.

"What?" Bran asked confused.

And then Frodo pulled a smug look on himself as he put the Ring on his finger and disappeared.

"Noooooooooo!" Sam yelled.

Meera and Jojen continued to try and fight off Gollum. But with little success, as all they had were their swords, and Gollum had the High Ground, and was chucking rocks at both Meera and Jojen. But Gollum had to keep throwing but was also missing. "Will you both hold still!?!" Gollum demanded. He jumped on Jojen who tried to shake off Gollum off of him, and slammed him into a wall.

Gollum was struck back.

"How much more can this thing take?" Meera asked as she tried to swing at Gollum's head, but failed to strike as Gollum jumped off and spat at Meera.

"We've wasted enough time with you!" Gollum declared. He started a full sprint towards the entrance to get his Ring back. "The Precious is coming back! And this time, we are going to a place where no one will ever find us!" 

"He's getting away!" Meera yelled as she and Jojen started to run after Gollum. But as they did, they noticed, the Eye of Sauron turn instantly to Mount Doom, the eye turning at the entrance and right at Meera and Jojen. 

"Oh, Seven Hells." Jojen commented as he noticed the eye was staring at both him and his sister by the entrance.

"Well... he knows we're here." Meera said meekly.

And the Ringwraiths all broke off from the battle with the Eagles, and they began a full speed race to Mount Doom. 

Bran was still trying to wrap his head around everything. "Sam? What just... happened?" He asked.

"It's the Ring." Sam answered. "It's taken over Mr. Frodo like it did to Isildur!" 

They both saw Frodo's footprints on the ground.

"Well now what do we do?" Bran asked.

"You die!" Gollum answered as he knocked Sam down with a rock in his hands.

"You!" Bran accused. And Hodor readied for battle.

Gollum them saw Frodo's footsteps. He dropped the rock and jumped onto Frodo's invisible shoulders. Frodo cried out in anguish.

The fight continued outside the Black Gate. Arya had noticed the Nazgul flying off. "Hey! They're in retreat! We've got them on the run!" She laughed off in triumph.

"Um..." Sansa also noticed the Eye of Sauron was no longer looking in their direction. "I don't think that's why they're running." If the Nazgul were all breaking off like that in a full sprint, it meant only one thing. "No... no it can't be." And she and Arya continued to try and fight off Orcs. But she tripped over one Orc.

"Sansa!" Arya yelled as she crouched down to bloke a blow.

"Girls!" Jon also ran over to Sansa and Arya. But he was cut off by a skirmish of Orcs. He hacked and slashed as much as he could.

Aragorn also was fighting on the battlefield, slashing at another Orc, until he stopped when he heard a roar. The Roar of a Cave Troll, with a Giant Sword in its hand. Aragorn turned to see the Troll. And he attacked the Troll, both of their swords locking against each other, slicing at a part of the thick armor but with little success.

As that was going on, Gollum was still on Frodo's struggling shoulders.

"Bran! Hodor!" Meera yelled running inside. She looked at Gollum in the air. "What is he-" She started to ask.

"It's a long story." Bran answered.

Gollum grabbed on Frodo's hand with the ring, and bit on his invisible mouth hard. So much so that he ripped the finger with the ring right off of Frodo. 

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Frodo yelled as he screamed, now fully visible again as he fell to his knees and holding his hand, now bleeding hard. The Ring was still on Frodo's cut hand and Gollum held it.

At the Black Gate, The Troll had blasted Aragorn off of him. Legolas ran over to try and help him. And the Hound was so busy fighting off one Orc Captain, the same Orc Captain who had nearly stopped Sam and Frodo before at Mordor. Their swords clashing against each other. Until the Captain cracked his whip at the Hound's legs.

"Come on, you!" The Captain dared.

But the Hound kicked him right underneath the legs. The Troll Captain screeched as he fell to his knees.

"Nobody whips me like that, you dick." The Hound commented as he cut off the head of the Captain. He then heard the Starks screaming. And Jon not being able to reach the Girls. "Just my luck." He groaned as he cut his way through more Orcs.

Frodo fell back down with his now missing finger bleeding. Gollum slipped the ring off of the dismembered finger. He now stared in triumph as he held the Ring in his hands. After 60 long years, Gollum had his precious again, and at the brink of Mount Doom and destruction.

Aragorn turned around on the ground, the Cave Troll striding towards him. Legolas was desperately trying to reach Aragorn, he pushed off one Orc, but he was cut off by more skirmishers with each other.

Arya and Sansa were still trying to get up. "Sansa..." Arya said with tears coming out of her eyes. This was how she would die. Right on the fields of battle. And her life began to flash in her eyes. Her time in Winterfell, the day King Robert arrived to ask Ned to be the Hand of the King, her shooting food at Sansa's face, getting Needle from Jon, arriving in King's Landing, the execution of her Father, her hair cut, getting captured and held at Harrenhal, the Brotherhood without Banners, Hotpie and Gendry, the Red Wedding, arriving to Middle Earth, and all of her adventures that had happened. 

Sansa had felt that similar thoughts. "I'm here, Arya. I'm not going anywhere." She assured.

"I wish Mother and Father were still here." Arya sobbed.

"So do I." Sansa replied.

"NO!" Jon yelled in desperation to get to his sisters and Aragorn. He could see the Hound starting to feel the sting of getting overwhelmed.

"It's been a real honor fighting alongside you Ladies!" The Hound informed.

This would be it. There was no way that the Armies of Good could keep it up. There were just too many Orcs. And Sauron would gain the One Ring back. Everyone would know what would happen next. The Armies would be slaughtered at the Gates. The time of the Orcs would come. Those who did not fight in the war would then become the final victims. Their Homes and crops burned, their cities destroyed, and their children would be sacrificed among Sauron's cruel order. Death and Ruin are all that would remain, and in the end all would be destroyed.

For now the darkness would cover all living things, and it would claim all. If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.

(Author's Note: Just kidding.)

Gollum laughed jumping up and down. "Yeees! Yeees!" He yelled out.

Jojen and Meera had their swords drawn. "Just say the word, Lord Stark." Meera said.

"Gollum!" Bran yelled.

"Precious! My Precious!" Gollum continued to jump up and down.

Frodo stood up now and he stared at Gollum with hatred.

Bran didn't care that Gollum wasn't listening. "Very well. Then in the name of my Father, Eddard Stark of House Stark, first of his name, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, I, Brandon Stark sentence you to death." He then looked at Frodo. "Frodo. He's all yours." 

Frodo advanced at a still dancing Gollum as Sam lifted his head. And Frodo grabbed Gollum and grapples with him for the Ring.

Outside, the Roll put its foot on top of Aragorn. But Aragorn took out his knife and stabbed the foot, right as Gandalf looked on.

Frodo, continued to grapple with Gollum on the edge, but they took a step too far and toppled over. With Gollum following him.

"Frodo!" Meera yelled. And she cussed herself for wasting all of her arrows.

As Gollum fell down, he smiled with joy as he still held the Ring and then brought it close to his body, an indication that he didn't care if his world and the entire world around him for that matter were lit on fire, so long as he had his precious. 

He splashed down right into the Lava and began to sink into it. The fear in him began to grow as his face disappeared completely then his arm as he tried to hold the ring up and then his hand, never to be seen or heard from ever again. The Ring floated right on top of the lava. 

The Westerosi looked down at it. "He died as he lived, sinking under his own weight." Jojen commented.

"Let's just hope he stays dead this time." Bran said.

"Hodor." Hodor agreed.

Frodo in the meantime was standing on the edge of the rock, and holding on his good hand. "Little help!" He begged.

Sam had now gotten up, and he dived on the edge for Frodo, and tried to reach his hand. "Give me your hand!" He begged.

Frodo looked up at him. 

While below, the Ring began to glow in Elvish just as it did when exposed to fire.

"Take my hand!" Sam begged.

Frodo tried to reach him and he missed. He swung back down again. 

"No!" Sam yelled. "Don't you let go! Don't let go!" Even at the very end of the line, Sam was ride or die. He would not dare give up on Frodo. No matter what. "Reach!" 

And Frodo swung him arm up making contact with Sam's hand. Jojen dived down and took Frodo's good hand for good measure. And Hodor grabbed both Sam and Jojen, with Meera helping him.

"They've got me!" Frodo yelled.

"PULL!" Bran ordered. Everyone had pulled to bring Frodo back up to the surface. 

"Frodo! Are you okay?" Bran asked.

"I am..." Frodo gasped for air. "Better now, I think. Except for my hand." He admitted. He looked back down. "The Ring?" 

"Down there!" Meera yelled as she and the other Westerosi saw the Ring now dissolve into nothing and into the Lava. That was it. The One Ring was destroyed.

The Eye of Sauron flared suddenly. It then looked around in all directions desperately. A loud scream could be heard for miles. It could be even heard from the Black Gate. As the Cave Troll was about to slam Aragorn down again, it looked up towards the eye, realized what was about to happen and started to run off. Aragorn had also gotten up. 

Gandalf turned towards the Eye which was screeching and groaning with a terrible sound. 

The Orcs had all stopped too at the sound and turned towards Mordor.

"Huh?" Arya asked as she and Sansa also noticed the Orcs had stopped fighting too.

"What's going on?" The Hound asked. 

Legolas had also looked on to see what the commotion was.

"Jon!" Sansa yelled right as Jon moved past the Orcs who were not interested in fighting anymore. 

"Girls!" Jon ran over to his sisters and all of them embracing each other.

And the ground then began to shake.

"Jon! What's happening?!" Sansa asked.

Jon looked over at Mordor. "I think... the Ring's been destroyed." He answered.

Clouds swirled around the Tower of Barad Dur. And then, as if the Tower was crushing down on its own weight, it started collapsing down to the ground. All of the Evil of Middle Earth collapsing down, as Sauron could do nothing.

Gandalf had looked on. Tears were in his eyes. He had been summoned back until his task was done. And it was done. That moment of triumph over evil had been completed. 

"The Tower!" Arya screamed out in triumph, her mouth opening wide. 

"I'll be dammed." The Hound thought out loud. The could see Eye start to dissolve, and then explode releasing a shockwave outwards like a Sonic Boom. The Ground of the Gorgoroth Plains shocking outside. 

"Frodo!" Merry yelled in glee. "Frodo!" 

Gimli shook his hands with joy.

"They did it! They did it!" Sansa jumped up and down.

The Shockwave struck all throughout Mordor. The Ground collapsing down into an abyss of nothingness. And it was collapsing right on the Orcs. The Orcs forgot all about fighting, and were now running for their lives, as a good chunk of them fell down into the Abyss. Including the Black Gate, which also collapsed, leaving only a small handful of Orcs that were now running away. All Destroyed never to return again. It was also then that Mount Doom Erupted.

The Heroes excitement turned to shock. As Merry looked on at Mount Doom. The Starks could see it too. Gandalf had suddenly began to cry, as the Ringwraiths fizzled and disappeared, and their Fell Beasts were struck by the Fire Balls of Mount Doom.

"Bran? Frodo? Sam?" Sansa started to grow tears in her eyes and Jon held her close. She knew that there was no way they could survive all of that. 

"They did a brave thing, Sansa." Jon told Sansa while comforting his sister. "We should be proud of them." 

"I am proud." Sansa admitted. "And sad." 

Arya also hugged Sansa as well. But there was nothing that either of them could do. 

"Frodo." Pippin also cried out loud.

"Everybody get out of here!" Bran yelled as everyone made a mad dash along the Pathway, as it collapsed.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" Meera shouted as Sam had grabbed Frodo with Lava chasing after them as they reached the outside. 

"Hodor!" Hodor yelled pointing to a Higher Rock.

"On the Rock! Quick!" Bran yelled as everyone reached for the High Rock which was the only thing keeping them from falling into the Lava.

Frodo had stood still not being able to believe all that had just happened. Almost a year of carrying the Ring from the Shire to Mount Doom and now it was done. Their journey to destroy the Ring, after so many hardships and tribulations was ended. His eyes were now looking clear like a great deal had been lifted from his shoulders. "It's gone." He said. And Sam looked at him. "It's done." 

Bran breathed in a sigh of relief. "We did it. We destroyed the One Ring. We ended Sauron." 

"Yes, Mr. Frodo. It's over now." Sam confirmed.

Mount Doom erupted even more. The Ground lurched making everyone fall off balance. 

"Move to higher ground." Jojen advised. And everyone moved to the higher end of the rock.

And Frodo had lied back with his eyes closed. He had accomplished his mission. But at the cost of his own life. And that of Sam's life. They couldn't escape the Lava even if they wanted to. There was nothing to do now but rest, and reflect.

"We did it, Bran." Meera said to Bran with assurance as she fell to the ground. "We did it." 

"Yeah." Bran agreed. "Mankind will get to live." He looked at the Lava. "But we'll... we'll die." 

"But others will live." Jojen said. He looked at Meera. "And I believe that your sisters and Jon still live. As long as they live, so too shall House Stark." 

"Then House Reed has fulfilled its vow." Bran declared. "To this, I'm grateful." 

"It was an honor to serve with you." Meera said.

"Hodor." Hodor said.

"Hodor. Thank you for carrying me. All this time." Bran grinned at Hodor.

And Frodo could now imagine everything. "I can see the Shire." He said as his thoughts drifted to home. "The Brandywine River. Bag End. Gandalf's Fireworks. The lights on the party tree.

And then Sam began to remember his memories of the Shire. "Rosie Cotton dancing." He remembered with tears in his eyes. "She had ribbons in her hair. If ever I was to marry someone. It would've been her." And he started crying. "It would've been her!" 

Frodo then realized how much Sam had sacrificed to help his friend. He sacrificed a chance at a normal life and marrying the girl of his dreams. And all because Sam was tending to Frodo's Garden late at night and just happened to eavesdrop on the conversation about the One Ring. He put an arm around Sam comfortingly. And both Hobbits cried with each other.

"It's not all that bad." Bran said to the Hobbits. "I can see Winterfell now. The Godswood, Robb and Jon teaching me to fire a bow, Arya swinging a stick and pretending it was a sword, Sansa... sitting by with her glaring stare. Father and Mother overlooking all of us." He then began to have those memories.

"I know. Just rest now, Bran. Just rest now." Meera told Bran.

"I'm glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee. And you Bran Stark, and Hodor, and Meera, and Jojen. Here at the end of things." Frodo declared as everyone hugged each other.

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