Chapter 21: The Return of the King.

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Frodo, Sam, Bran, Hodor, Meera, and Jojen continued to lie prone on the rock, as lava continued to pour down from Mount Doom cutting off any means of escape. While in the distance, as if there was light coming down from the heavens over a Light coming and pouring into the Dark Sky, there came a flock of Eagles. Gandalf flying on the one in the lead. They flew in and picked up the heroes all in their claws. And Frodo was flying in the Talons, his eyes closing as if he was now dying and the Eagles were taking him into the great Unknown. 

Bran remembered absolutely nothing after taking a rest on the slopes of Mount Doom. He half expected to embrace darkness and that would be the end of it. What he did not expect to do was wake up in a bed inside of Minas Tirith, with Summer by his bedside. "Summer?" He asked.

Summer barked off as he licked his owner's face. "Okay. Okay. Cut it out." Bran said. "I'm fine." He looked around him. It was a plain room and he woke up in a soft bed. "Where are we?" He asked.

"Bran?" Bran saw the door open and out of it walked Jon. And Bran looked at Jon. And a smile on Bran's face could be seen for miles.

"Hey, Jon." Bran greeted.

And Jon smiled back as he walked up to Bran. And gave Bran the biggest hug he could. "We thought you were dead." He said.

"No. Theon burned two farm boys in our stead. The Greyjoys couldn't tell the difference." Bran explained. "And Jon... you would not believe the journey that I have been on with Hodor." 

"I... think I have some idea." Jon replied. "You got whisked away to Middle Earth and you encountered Frodo and Sam on their way to Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring." 

Bran looked shocked that Jon figured it all out. "But how did you-?" He started to ask.

"We have a lot of connections and some Odysseys of our own." Jon answered. "Which reminds me. Girls! Bran's awake!" He yelled out of the room.

And Arya and Sansa ran inside. Their faces full of emotions as they saw their crippled brother on the bed. And Bran looked at them both. "Hello, Sansa. Arya." He greeted.

Sansa looked like she was ready to cry while Arya ran over and hugged her brother tightly. And then Sansa ran over to hug Bran.

Bran looked at Arya. "I like your new hair style." He said.

Arya laughed. "Oh, you do? I was thinking of growing it out more like I used to. I only cut it to get out of King's Landing. And it wasn't so much as me who cut it as it was... oh forget it." She still hugged her brother.

"Bran. I am so... so sorry for everything." Sansa said. "And for what I put you through in Middle Earth." 

"What are you talking about, Sansa?" Bran asked.

"It was my fault you got sent here. I prayed to the Old Gods to take me away from King's Landing, and it brought all of us here to Middle Earth. Can you ever forgive me?" Sansa requested trying to muster a smile.

Bran smirked. "Hm... say you were a spoiled little brat when we were younger." 

"I was a spoiled little brat." Sansa confessed like it was no big deal.

"Yes you were- wait, you admit that on your own?" Bran asked stunned that Sansa would admit that.

"I was awful as a child. And an awful big sister. I'm sorry." Sansa answered.

Bran grinned. "At least you're aware." Then he looked around. "So where are we now?" He asked.

"In Minas Tirith." Jon answered. "Gandalf said he found you, Frodo, Sam, Hodor, Meera, and Jojen on a rock on Mount Doom. He called forth a flock of Eagles to pick you all up and bring you here." 

"Oh, Gods!" Bran cried. "The others... are they-" 

"They're fine, Bran." Sansa quickly assured. "They're all fine. Just recovering from the ordeal they've just been through." 

"And when you trudge through a Fiery Mountain, I don't blame them." Arya figured.

"You would not believe how hot it was in there." Bran confirmed. "I mean, you remember that one Hot Day we all had in Winterfell?"

"Oh, yeah... we all had to use fans to keep ourselves cool and also try to find ponds to stick our heads in." Sansa remembered it well.

"Well, take that and magnify it 10 times over." Bran said.

"I can imagine that." Jon didn't need to be told twice.

"Wait a minute. If Gandalf had the ability to call forth Eagles, why didn't we just fly all the way to Mordor?" Arya asked.

"They're not a flying service, Arya. You can't just call them whenever you feel like it." Jon answered.

"Hello? Bran?" Bran had seen Sam come into the room, and wearing a white shirt and clean clothes at last.

"Sam." Sansa ran over to Sam. "You're awake too." She realized.

"Hey, Sansa." Sam greeted. "And yeah, I just woke up about 5 minutes ago. I needed to see if Bran and the others were awake. And well... at least Hodor, Meera, and Jojen were." He looked at the others. "Jon, Arya." He greeted.

"Hello, Sam." Jon said. "Looks like I should be thanking you for taking care of Bran as well as Sansa now, huh?" He asked jokingly.

Sam laughed. "Well... that was mainly the Reeds and Hodor, if you think about it. My charge was Mr. Frodo." He admitted. 

"Good to see you in one piece, Samwise Gamgee." Arya said.

"It wasn't easy, Arya." Sam replied. "We had quite the adventure." 

"Tell me about it. I mean, Dead Marshes, the Black Gate, Nazgul attacks, Minas Morgul, Giant Spiders, Orcs, Mount Doom, Gollum." Bran listed.

"And we had our own adventures too. Merry, Pippin, and I got abducted by the Uruk Hai. We escaped to Fangorn Forest, attacked Isengard with the Ents, I survived an Orc invasion of Minas Tirith, Jon and Sansa got through the Battles of Helm's Deep." Arya started listing. "And then we marched on the Black Gate. You're welcome for that by the way." 

"But we powered through and destroyed the Ring." Sam pointed out.

"I knew you'd find your courage, Sam. You just had to wait for the right moment to show it." Sansa praised.

"Hodor." Hodor greeted as he walked in. And he practically pushed Arya out of the way to run up to Bran. "Hodor!" 

"Hodor!" Arya grunted as she picked herself up. "Watch where you're going." And she sighed. "Some things never change."  

"Hey, Hodor." Bran greeted.

It was at that moment that Meera and Jojen also walked in. "Bran." Meera greeted.

And Bran smiled. They were all fine. It was also then that Meera and Jojen noticed Sansa, Jon, and Arya were there. And Meera quickly bowed her head to Sansa. "Lady Sansa. I'm-" 

"I know who you are, Meera Reed of House Reed, right?" Sansa asked. "And I take it that this must be your brother, Jojen Reed?"

"Yes, My Lady." Meera answered.

Sansa looked at Jon. Then looked back at the Reeds. "Father once told us that House Reed was one of the Starks most loyal of Vassals." Sansa then looked at Bran. "And rightfully so." She grinned. "For this you have my thanks. The thanks of my sister, Arya. And our brother, Jon Snow." 

Jon nodded.

"You are most welcome. And especially to you, Lord Snow." Meera replied. "Boy, that's two words I never thought I'd say in a row." 

"Say, Sansa. Wasn't the Hound... with you?" Bran asked.

"He's over there in the corner." Arya answered as she pointed to the Hound who was busy eating chicken.

"Hello." The Hound greeted while taking a bite.

And Bran grinned. The last he saw of the Hound was when he was in Winterfell and the Hound just had his helm on and escorted King Robert.

That was when Gandalf walked into the room. And he walked in with a smile. "Hello, Brandon Stark." He greeted.

"Who's that?" Bran asked.

"Oh, Bran. This is Gandalf. The White Wizard." Jon answered. 

"It is an honor to meet you, Brandon Stark." Gandalf greeted. "If you wouldn't mind. I would like you to meet some of our other Fellowship members." Merry and Pippin walked in. "This is Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrine Took." 

"At your service." Merry and Pippin said at the same time.

"Just watch your back around them. They'll most likely destroy everything in sight and that includes food." Sansa advised.

Which made Arya chuckle.

Gimli walked in. "This is Gimli, son of Gloin of the Dwarves." Gandalf introduced. 

"Aye. Hello there, Lad." Gimli greeted raising his axe. "Nice job throwing that Ring into the fire. I would've done it myself. But when I tried to destroy it. I smashed my axe." He explained.

Bran looked at Gimli. This was an actual Dwarf right in front of him. "Sorry to hear that." He said.

"Wish someone would've told me that before I smashed the axe." Gimli replied.

"Lord Elrond did try to tell you, Gimli." Legolas reminded as he walked in.

"Legolas, son of Thranduil of the Woodland Realm." Gandalf introduced.

Legolas nodded politely to Bran. 

That was when Aragorn finally walked in. "And this is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. King of Gondor." Gandalf introduced.

"It is an honor to finally meet you, Bran Stark. I've heard much tales about you from your sisters." Aragorn greeted.

"Thank you, Your Grace." Bran replied. "Seems you were in good company." He said to his siblings.

"It wasn't easy." Sansa said. "We were in a few battles ourselves, with Nazgul, Balrogs, Uruk Hai, we also were at Helm's Deep, Isengard, Minas Tirith, we fought Oliphants, and we were also at the Black Gate." She listed.

Bran laughed. "Oh... I bet that was something." 

"It was something." Sansa confirmed.

It was at that moment that Faramir walked in. "Sorry to interrupt, but I thought you should all know that Frodo is awake." He informed. "If you'd all like to see him-" 

"Yes, of course." Sam said immediately.

"Best I go first." Gandalf advised. "And you will all go in at least one at a time. Two at the most. We don't want to overwhelm Frodo Baggins. He's been through enough as is." 

"You ready to get up, Bran?" Jon asked.

"I'll be fine." Bran answered.

"We also found a Wheel Chair for you, Lord Stark." Faramir informed as he brought in a Wheel Chair for Bran to use.

"Thanks, Faramir." Bran thanked.

Frodo had woken up in a bed, the same as Bran. He had heard birds now chirping. A similar situation as to when he woke up in Rivendell after being stabbed by a Morgul Blade. He looked up and saw Gandalf sitting at the bottom of Frodo's bed.

"Gandalf?" Frodo asked in amazement. The last he saw of Gandalf was in the Mines of Moria where Gandalf had plummeted over the edge. He could only come to two conclusions. Either he was dead, and he had reunited with Gandalf in the afterlife. Or... Gandalf somehow came back to life.

Gandalf smiled at him, his eyes twinkling and beginning to laugh.

"Oooohhh!" Frodo laughed with Gandalf. 

Merry and Pippin came through the door. Delighted to see him. Which only confirmed that Frodo was still alive.

"Frodo!" Merry yelled. He and Pippin ran towards him and leapt on Frodo's bed, happy to be reunited with their friend they had not seen since Amon Hen, when they sacrificed themselves to give Frodo time to escape. And Gandalf continued to laugh.

Sansa ran in.

"Sansa!" Frodo exclaimed.

"Frodo!" Sansa exclaimed as well running over to Frodo delighted to see her friend again.

Arya also walked in, nodding her head then laughing as she ran over. "Hey, Frodo. You owe me big time, you know for distracting those Uruk Hai." 

And that made everyone laugh.

Jon walked in laughing as he looked at Frodo awake. "Jon." Frodo said.

The Hound walked in while eating a Chicken. Then he grinned at Frodo while giving a thumbs up. "Not bad, Hobbit. Not too bad at all." 

"If you hated fire, Hound. You would really not love Mount Doom." Frodo said.

Gimli had rushed through the door and spread his arms in happiness. "Aaaahh!" He yelled.

"Gimli!" Frodo replied as Gimli clapped his hands and strode towards Frodo.

Legolas came through the door next, and he smiled at Frodo and Frodo smiled back.

Then Aragorn came through the door. "Aragorn!" Frodo exclaimed. The last time they had seen each other, was when Aragorn had told Frodo to run. And run he did. And Aragorn had smiled as they all stood by the bed while Gimli wiped away a stray tear. And Merry and Pippin still jumping on the bed.

Hodor wheeled Bran in on his wheel chair next while Bran gave a thumbs up to Frodo, while Meera and Jojen walked in with smiles on their faces.

"Hey, guys." Frodo greeted.

Finally, Sam appeared at the door, looking warily at Frodo. The Hobbit who started and finished the journey with Frodo. 'Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee.' And Sam didn't mean to. Frodo saw his friend and smile, with Sam smiling back. They had done it. They had gone through hell and back. And lived to tell the tale. All of them. Alive in one piece. 

Except for Boromir who they would always remember.

Some time had passed. The war was over. Sauron had been defeated for good this time.(And no! Sauron was not going to come back into the Night King's Body or anything like that, and take over Westeros either!)

 The Ring destroyed, and the Forces of Mordor disbanded. Evil had been purged, and victory was won at last. Minas Tirith had been completely restored and repaired from the Damage of the War of the Ring. And a new age had begun. And as such. The entire city of Minas Tirith was gathered in the Courtyard above the City. 

At the top in front of the Great Hall, Aragorn had kneeled before Gandalf. Gimli bearing the crown on a pillow, and Gandalf taking the crown and lifting it high, before placing it on Aragorn's head which he had washed for the event. Putting aside the Ranger and becoming who he was born to be. At long last, the King of Gondor had returned to his people.

"Now come the days of the King. May they be blessed." Gandalf announced to the people. 

As Gandalf moved back, Aragorn walked up the steps and turned towards the people. His sword by his side. And the people all clapped and cheered.

"This day does not belong to one man. But to all. Let us rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace." Aragorn said to the people.

The people cheered and clapped again. After years of living under the Stewards, it was time for a change. 

The Starks were by the side also clapping and cheering as they looked on at Aragorn.

"We have a new King." Sansa said to her siblings.

"A real one this time. Not a pretender like Joffrey, or one Glory seeking one like Robert Baratheon. Or like the Mad King or-" Arya started to say.

"Alright, we get it, Arya." Jon interrupted.

"Yeah..." Bran agreed right as Flower Petals fell down upon them. It caused Gimli to look up in wonder.

And Aragorn began to sing the song of Elendil as he walked. "Et Earello Endorenna utulien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn, Ambar-metta! (Out if the great sea to Middle Earth I am come. In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the end of the world.)

The Starks bowing before him. As was the Hound, and also Jojen, Meera, and Hodor. Faramir who was standing next to Eowyn who also bowed. As did Eomer, the new King of Rohan who bowed out of respect to Aragorn. 

The Elves then approached Aragorn, accepting of Aragorn as the New King. And Aragorn put a hand on Legolas's shoulder.

"Hannon le." (Thank you.) Aragorn said.

Legolas smiled.

Aragorn also looked at the Starks. "My friends. Thank you for everything you've done for us." He thanked.

"It was our honor to help you, Your Grace." Jon replied.

"May I ask, what you'll do now that it's all over?" Aragorn asked.

That was something that Sansa had never thought of. She began this journey to Middle Earth not sure where she was or what she was doing. She just stumbled on Frodo by mere chance. And now that it was over. "Well, I don't know." She admitted.

"I've been thinking." Arya admitted. "There's so much of Middle Earth that has yet to be discovered, right? I kind of want to see more of it."

"You're certain of more adventures?" Sansa asked.

"Yeah." Arya answered. "I've been around Ents, and Trolls, and other things. Who knows what else is out there!" 

"You sound a lot like Bilbo Baggins." Sansa said.

"I'd love to have you over by Mirkwood and the Kingdom of my Father." Legolas said. "Fair warning, he's a heavy drinker." 

"I think I can manage that." Arya replied.

"If that's what you want, Arya." Jon figured grinning.

"I'll be fine, Jon." Arya assured. "You know how much I love adventures. And I can take care of myself." 

"I know." Jon replied. He then looked at Aragorn. He always had an obligation to protect his sisters. 

"Jon. We're going to be okay." Sansa assured.

"If it please, your Grace." Jon knelt before Aragorn. "Might I ask your permission to serve in your King's Guard? I wish to dedicate my life to serving Gondor." 

Aragorn nodded. "It would be an honor to have you serve, Jon Snow." He agreed.

"It'll be nice having you around." Faramir agreed. "Right Eowyn?" He asked.

"Of course." Eowyn answered.

"Might want to do the cooking, Faramir." Jon advised. "Just... um... trust me on that." 

Faramir looked confused. But he decided to take Jon's advice.

"What of you, Meera and Jojen?" Aragorn asked.

"I don't know. Jojen and I have been always the outdoor type of people. We never gave much thought about it." Meera admitted.

"You ever tried Ranger work?" Aragorn asked. "I know an group of people who could use people like you." What he was referring to was the Dunedain Rangers as he once was.

"Okay... we'll try it out." Jojen agreed looking at his sister.

Sansa on the other hand had her own plans. "I've tried going into the whole political world of Kingdoms and other higher up places. And... I think I'm rather good with a life of simplicity and quiet." She looked at her Siblings. "I think I want to go back to the Shire." 

"I'd like that too." Bran agreed. "After all of this." 

Jon grinned at them. "If that's your decision." He said.

"Then that's what I choose to do." Sansa replied. Then she looked at the Hound. "Sandor?"

The Hound sighed. "I've decided to go to Rohan. Live a quiet life away. Away from Kings, from Politics, from everything." He agreed. He looked at Aragorn. "For what it's worth. You're already a much better King than the ones I've known before. Try not to mess it up." 

"I'll do my best." Aragorn replied. He then saw an elvish banner moving towards him with a White Tree. And Legolas smiled and indicated who was behind it. 

And it was Arwen who was behind it. Alive and well. She moved towards Aragorn, and Aragorn moved towards Arwen, also taking the banner from Arwen's hands. The tears in her eyes as she lowered her head. But Aragorn lifted her face towards him. And then kissed her full on the lips, which gained a clap from everyone. Including Elrond who smiled and clapped as well, knowing that Aragorn returned to his pride and dignity that existed in Numenor. While Arwen would live a Mortal Life, if she was happy, then Elrond was happy. 

Aragorn and Arwen kissed again. With Arwen laughing and clasping Aragorn to her.

"We have a new Queen too it seems." Arya whispered to Sansa.

"Would you please shut up?" Sansa requested.

Aragorn and Arwen continued to walk hand in hand until they came to the Four Hobbits. With Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin all bowing to Aragorn.

"My friends." Aragorn said. And all four hobbits looked up at the King. "You bow to no one." 

Aragorn kneeled down in front of them, with everyone following suit. While the Hobbits looked embarrassed, it made sense why this would happen. They had done what no other could've done. They defeated Sauron when no one else could. They did what Isildur could not. Not even what Aragorn himself knew he couldn't do. For the Hobbits, the smallest of those there, soon found themselves the tallest of all, as all of Middle Earth owed them everything. 

But Frodo looked on with a look on his face. It didn't feel... right to him for some reason he couldn't explain as everyone bowed to him. 

Soon the Hobbits found themselves getting packed up on horses with Sansa, and Bran also packing themselves up. As well as Hodor.

The Hound was already packing up his own horse ready to leave. He sighed as he looked to the Stark Girls looking on. Although he didn't want to admit it, he grew quite attached to them. "You know, Sansa... a part of me wonders what life might've been like if you fled with me during the Battle of the Blackwater. I could've kept you safe, you know." He said. 

"We'd probably be hunted down by Joffrey's men." Sansa replied.

"Yeah. Would've put more than a target on our back. More so than ever." The Hound grinned.

"Can't talk you out of leaving, can we?" Arya asked. "You're just running off again?"

"In time and patience, you'll get there one day... Arya." The Hound said.

And Arya looked taken aback as she was never called her own name by the Hound before. "Sandor." She said.

The Hound looked back. "I meant what I said back there at the Black Gate, by you being a good man." Arya finished.

The Hound grinned. "Take care of yourself, Little Birds." And he galloped away.

"Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm really going to miss that guy." Arya grinned. But that was the way that it was. The Hound needed to go his own separate way. And the Stark Siblings would do the same. 

"Sansa..." Jon said.

"Gondor couldn't have asked for a finer King's Guard." Sansa hugged her brother. "Nor I, a better brother." 

"What?" Bran asked.

"Nothing." Sansa quickly answered. 

"You've suffered so much, Sansa. If a life of peace and quiet is what you want, then you should do what makes you feel whole." Jon told her.

It made Sansa smile knowing that her brother wanted Sansa to be happy. But then she turned to Arya. "Arya." She said as both Stark Sisters hugged.

"Sansa." Arya grinned. "Perhaps... I'll come see the Shire soon. See if it's all that it's cracked up to be." 

"We'd love to have you by the Green Dragon Tavern, you'd love it." Pippin said.

Arya said. "Now that sounds like my kind of place. Just don't try to eat everything before I get there, Pippin." 

Then it was time to leave. "Well, it's time to leave." Sansa informed. But not before she and her siblings gave each other one last hug before going their separate ways.

"I love you guys." Arya said.

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