Chapter 2: A Long Expected Party.

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Sansa didn't take a smoke. But could see Bilbo and Gandalf blowing Smoke Rings. Or at least Gandalf was able to turn his smoke into a ship and it sailed right through the smoke rings. Which earned a smile from Gandalf and Bilbo. 

"Gandalf my old friend. This will be a night to remember." Bilbo declared.

And at nightfall the celebrations for Bilbo's party were going in full swing. The Hobbits were good with all their dancing and music and celebration fiascos. As well as the Fireworks from Gandalf. Sansa could even see Frodo dancing around with the other Hobbits. And everybody grabbing pints of ale. Sansa actually had to move out of the way to make room for the cake. 

"Sansa!" Frodo greeted. "So glad you could make it." 

"I thought I would see what a Hobbit Party was like. Certainly much more lively then anything back at my home." Sansa commented. 

"Good for you." Frodo replied. He then caught his eye on a blonde hobbit just sitting down at a table. Frodo went down to speak to him.

"Go on, Sam. Ask Rosie for a dance." Frodo insisted.

The Hobbit known as Samwise Gamgee just stood up. "I think I'll just have another ale." He replied.

"No you won't." Frodo then got up and threw Sam into the dance with Rosie and laughed as he did.

"What did you do that for?" Sansa asked finding it funny. Something that reminded her of the fun times she would have with her friends back in Winterfell.

"Sometimes Sam just needs a push." Frodo answered as they both heard another Firework go off. While at the same time. Two other Hobbits were rummaging around Gandalf's Wagon looking for a Firework to launch on their own. 

"Well, Your Uncle certainly knows how to throw a party!" Sansa praised Frodo.

"Yes he does. I really think that Gandalf's Fireworks makes it the grand one. Do you have Fireworks at Westeros?" Frodo asked.

"Um. No." Sansa answered. "We don't have anything like The Shire has." 

"No Fireworks?" Frodo asked in disbelief. "That's awful." 

"It kind of is." Sansa replied looking at the sight of Gandalf making little butterfly fireworks for the kids. 

That was when Bilbo came up and a little scared face on him. "It's the Sackville Bagginses. Quickly hide!" He shouted in a hushed tone. Grabbing both Sansa and Frodo and calling them to hide behind a tent with them.

"Who were those people?" Sansa asked.

"The Sackville Bagginses." Bilbo answered. "My Cousins who tried to sell my stuff while I was away from the Shire when I helped Thorin Oakenshield."

"Thorin who?" Sansa asked.

"Oh that's quite a long tale." Bilbo answered. "And believe me. Nothing would make me happier to tell you. But it's a party we're celebrating. There's so much to do." He then turned to Frodo. 

"Thank you my boy. You're a good lad Frodo. I'm very selfish." 

Frodo's expression changed. He was about to tell Bilbo that he wasn't selfish. But Bilbo cut him off. "Yes. I am. Very Selfish. I don't know why I took you in after your Mother and Father died, but it wasn't out of charity. I think it was because of all my numerous relations. You were the one Baggins that showed any real stead." 

"Bilbo have you been talking to the old Gaffer's homebrew?" Frodo asked.

"No." Bilbo answered. "Well yes. But that's not the point. The point is Frodo. You'll be alright."  It was almost as if he was talking about something else.

"What did that mean?" Sansa whispered to Frodo.

Frodo shrugged his shoulders.

After that the two Hobbits a.k.a Merry and Pippin that took the giant fire cracker. And lit the fuse... inside of a tent.

"It's done." Pippin informed.

"You were supposed to stick it in the ground." Merry pointed out.

"It is in the ground." Pippin pointed out.

"Outside?" Merry asked.

"This was your idea!" Pippin shrieked. 

Unfortunately the two didn't argue for long, because the firework launched upward and into the sky. It looked like a small flare at first until it started sprouting wings. And heading right towards the Hobbits like a swooping Dragon.

"Bilbo! Watch out for the Dragon!" Sansa warned.

"Dragon? Nonsense. There hasn't been a Dragon in these parts for a Thousand years." Bilbo brushed off. Until Frodo threw him to the ground to protect him. As the Dragon shouted and then over the panicked Hobbits.

But the Dragon went over the hills and exploded in a massive Firework. Earning much enjoyment from The Hobbits and Sansa.

"That was brilliant." Merry said.

"Let's get another one." Pippin added. Until Gandalf showed up and grabbed both Hobbits by the ears.

"Meriadoc Brandybuck. And Peregrin Took. I might've known." Gandalf said. And then proceeding them to do the dishes for what they did. 

It was during all of this that Bilbo began to make his Birthday Speech. "My Dear Bagginses and Boffins! Tooks and Brandybucks! Grubbs! Chubbs! Hornblowers! Bolgers! Brockhouses! Bracegirdles! And Proudfoots!" Bilbo shouted.

"Proudfeet!" A voice from the back corrected.

"And Starks!" Bilbo added. Even though there was only one Stark in the presence of the Hobbits. "Today is my 111th Birthday!" 

"Happy Birthday!" All the Hobbits shouted out. Frodo and Sam did a clap. 

"111?" Sansa asked.

"Hobbits live longer than humans." Frodo explained.

"He looks great." Sansa replied.

"Alas, 11 and 1 years is far too short to live among excellent and admirable Hobbits." Bilbo continued which earned a clap from people. "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you as well as you deserve." That earned a look of confusion from people. Like a High School Principle who made such a depressing speech at a High School Graduation.

Author's Note: That part about the Depressing speech at a High School Graduation actually happened. The year before my class.

"What did that mean?" Sansa asked to Frodo who looked just as confused as she did. 

"And um... I have things to do." Bilbo continued as if he was reaching into his pocket for something. And muttering something under his mouth.

"I regret to announce this is the end. I'm going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell." 

"Farewell?" Sansa asked. She knew that Bilbo was talking earlier about leaving but she didn't think it would be this soon.

"Goodbye." Bilbo said softly before he just turned invisible in an instant.

And all the Hobbits looked in shock and awe.

"Did he just... disappear?" Sansa asked. 

Frodo nodded.

"Does he do that often?" Sansa asked.

"The Sackville Bagginses wish." Frodo answered. And he could see all the Hobbits either looking around and trying to find out where Bilbo went. Sansa went to go ask Gandalf, but he seemed to have disappeared as well. 

"Maybe he went back home." Sansa thought as she took off to head for Bad End. 

Sansa opened the door to see Bilbo and Gandalf talking about something. "You will keep an eye on Frodo, will you?" Bilbo asked.

"Two eyes. As often as I can spare them." Gandalf answered.

"I'm leaving everything to him." Bilbo informed.

"Hello." Sansa greeted that made Bilbo jump like a Rabbit. "Sorry."

"Oh, it's just you, Sansa." Bilbo sighed in relief. "Thought you were the Sackville Bagginses for a second."

"What about this ring of yours? Is that staying too?" Gandalf asked.

"Yes... yes." Bilbo answered snappy. "It's in an envelope over there on the mantle piece." But as Gandalf reached for the Mantle, Bilbo corrected himself. "No... Wait... It's here in my pocket." 

Sansa saw Bilbo take the ring out and saw that it didn't look so crazy. It just looked like a basic golden ring.

"Isn't that... Isn't that odd?" Bilbo was smiling kind of creepy as he said that. "Why shouldn't I keep it?"

"You should leave the ring behind." Gandalf suggested. "Is that so hard?"

"Well... no." Bilbo answered. "And yes."

This was starting to freak Sansa out now. The way Bilbo said: "And yes." Came out as rather disturbed. "Are... you... alright?" She asked.

Bilbo seemed to be ignoring Sansa now. "Now that's it come to it. I don't feel like parting with it. It's mine. I found it. It came to me!" He snapped.

"There's no need to get angry." Gandalf said with a calm voice.

"What if I'm already angry! It's your fault!" Bilbo hissed. He then starred back at the ring. "It's mine. My own... my precious."

"Precious?" Gandalf noted. "It's been called that before. But not by you."

"It's a ring. What's so special about turning invisible?" Sansa asked.

"Bah! This isn't yours! What I do with my own things!" Bilbo snapped now looking at Sansa like he was a crack had.

"Bilbo, no. I just don't see what's the big deal." Sansa insisted.

"Unless you're a thief! Bilbo yelled.

"What?" Sansa asked. "No. I've never stolen anything in my life, I swear it."

"I've think you've had that ring, quite long enough." Gandalf said.

Bilbo then turned on Gandalf. "You want it for yourself!" He accused.

Sansa was looking for the door to get out. This was already becoming way too freaky. Just when it finally seemed like she was out of danger. It was more of a: Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire. Until...

"BILBO BAGGINS!" Gandalf roared as if he was turning the whole room dark and made Bilbo stand back. All the while Sansa was starring in fear. "Do not take me for some Conjuror of Cheap Tricks! I am not trying to rob you." The room grew back to light again. "I'm trying to help you." Gandalf's voice became calm again.

"Please don't kill me." Sansa whispered to herself. Bilbo in the meantime walked back up to Gandalf and hugged him seeming to be back. 

"All your long years, we've been friends. Trust me as you once did. Let it go." Gandalf insisted.

"You're right, Gandalf. The ring must go to Frodo." Bilbo replied. He then proceeded to grab his pack and his walking stick. "It's late. The road is long. I trust that Sansa will also be safe as well. Yes it is time." Bilbo opened the door.

"Bilbo." Gandalf halted. "The ring is still in your pocket."

Bilbo realized he did have the ring still in his pocket and it looked like he was having a deep conversation to himself with the ring. And Sansa was worried that Bilbo was going to have another freak out with the Ring. But he let the ring out of his hand and it dropped to the floor. And Sansa breathed.

Bilbo stepped outside. Looking at the night sky of The Shire. "I've finally found an ending to my book." He announced. "And he lives happily ever after. To the end of his days."

"And I'm sure you will." Gandalf replied.

"Goodbye, Gandalf." Bilbo said.

"Goodbye, dear Bilbo." Gandalf said.

"And Goodbye to you, Sansa Stark." Bilbo added. "I trust you'll be safe here."

"Thank you again." Sansa called out. And with that Bilbo Baggins walked out of sight.

"Until our next meeting." Gandalf said to himself.

Gandalf walked back inside of the House.

"All of that for one ring?" Sansa asked looking at it. "How does it turn someone invisible?"

"That remains unknown." Gandalf answered as he saw Sansa leaning down to touch it. "I would advise against that, Sansa."

"Touching it?" Sansa asked.

Gandalf nodded. He then reached down to touch it. Which seemed to be a bit hypocritical to Sansa. But when Gandalf touched it, it was as if he could sense a presence. A Dark Presence. An evil eye starring back at Gandalf. He then proceeded to go over to the fire place thinking about what Bilbo had said earlier. "My own. My precious."

Sansa found herself asking more questions and not getting answers. 

That was when Frodo opened the door. "Bilbo!" 

"Sorry. You missed him." Sansa apologized. 

"He's gone isn't he?" Frodo asked Gandalf who Frodo just assumed had heard him. "He talked for so long about leaving. I never thought that he would actually do it." Gandalf was still looking at the fire place. "Gandalf?"

Gandalf seemed to turn towards Frodo. And when Frodo showed him the Ring he looked at Frodo with a bit of a smile. "Bilbo's Ring. He's gone to stay with the Elves. He's left you Bag End." He explained showing an envelope as if to tell Frodo to put it in. So Frodo did just that. He put the Ring in his Envelope and Gandalf put a seal on it. "Along with all his possessions. The ring is yours now." 

Frodo took the envelope. "I don't think you should put it on." Sansa whispered to Frodo.  

"I think that would be wise. Keep it out of sight." Gandalf agreed before gathering his things.

"Where are you going?" Frodo asked.

"There are things that I must see to." Gandalf answered.

"What things?" Sansa asked.

"Questions. Questions that need answering." Gandalf answered.

"But you've only just arrived." Frodo pointed out. "I don't understand. Do you, Sansa?" He asked.

"No." Sansa answered.

Gandalf did stop before going out the door. "Neither do I. Keep it secret. Keep it safe." He ordered to Frodo. "And... keep Sansa Stark here in the Shire." He then walked out of the door.

Frodo looked at the envelope. 

"Um, what's going on?" Sansa asked.

"You're guess is as good as mine, Sansa." Frodo replied putting the ring into a chest. "But you heard Gandalf. Keep it secret and keep it safe."

"And keep me here in The Shire." Sansa added.

"Well, you can always take Bilbo's Room. The Bed might be a little small, but-" Frodo started.

"It'll be fine." Sansa assured. "There's worse things I think then having a small bed." She then walked inside Bilbo's room. "How did I get myself into this situation?" She asked herself.

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