Chapter 3: The One Ring.

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Sansa woke up the next morning feeling a little foggy. It would only be a matter of time, before Shae would come in and make sure she got dressed. That sort of thing. Waking up in King's Landing. She had the strangest dream last night. She dreamt that she was in a land called Middle Earth, in The Shire. And she met some Hobbits and a Wizard. And there was also something about a Ring. 

"Ugh. Shae. Is it the Wedding yet?" Sansa asked half awake. 

That was when the door opened. "Morning, Sansa." Sansa saw her new friend Frodo Baggins already awake.

That was when Sansa had woken up fully. And realizing that The Shire wasn't a dream. "Frodo? What happened last night?" She asked.

"Bilbo left, Gandalf said he had something to do. And there's also a ring." Frodo recapped.

"So it wasn't a dream?" Sansa asked. Not that she was complaining. She was happy to be away from Westeros.

"Nope." Frodo answered. 

A few more days of this went by. Sansa would stay in Bag End and Hobbiton. She never really had any desire to leave it. And nearly every night, she would go by the Green Dragon Inn with Frodo. And while it didn't seem proper for a Lady, let alone one of her stature to be among the common folk, Sansa had to remind herself that she was on her own. And her mother wasn't here. So why not be wild?

And she could hear the song the Hobbits were singing. With Merry and Pippin leading the charge ahead.

"Hey, ho, to the bottle I go, To heal my heart and drown my woe! Rain may fall and wind may blow, But there still be many miles to go!

Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,And stream that falls from hill to plain!Better than rain or rippling brook," The Hobbits sang. 

"Is a mug of beer inside this Took!" Pippin closed out.

All the Hobbits raised their glasses.

"Where have you people been all my life?" Sansa joked while drinking some ale, but rather slowly.

"Not a big drinker, are you?" Frodo noted.

"Only when I have to." Sansa answered. "But the Husband I got married off to says that he drinks and he knows things." If her mother saw her now. She'd probably have a heart attack.

And she could hear some other Hobbits talking about something. Those that were sitting with Sam. "War's brewing. The Mountains are teeming with Fair Goblins." An old Hobbit warned.

"Fairy Tales and Children Stories, that's all there is. You're beginning to sound like that Bilbo Baggins." Another Hobbit replied. "Cracking."

"Just like Mr. Frodo here. Cracking." A Third Hobbit commented.

"And proud of it." Frodo replied. He tossed a couple of mugs of ale to the others. "Cheers Gaffer." 

"What say you, Girl?" The Second Hobbit asked Sansa. "You say you're cracking too?"

"I think I have the moment I got here." Sansa answered.

"Well it's no concern what happens beyond our borders. Keep your nose out of trouble and no trouble will come to you." The Second Hobbit advised.

"Tried it. Didn't really work out." Sansa thought to herself.

Finally it was time to leave. Frodo, Sansa, and Samwise walked out. And Samwise could hear a Hobbit making a move on the local Waitress, Rosie. "Good night sweet maiden of the golden hill."

"Mind who you're sweet talking." Sam grumbled.

"Don't worry, Sam. Rosie knows an idiot when she sees one." Frodo assured.

"Does she?" Sam asked nervous.

Sansa could see that Sam looked flustered. "Oh come on, Sam. You're not an idiot. If anyone's the idiot it's me." She said.

"Yeah. Well... you don't really know me that well. I can barely find the right words to say to Rosie, much less stand in her presence." Sam looked down. 

"One day. You'll find your courage, Samwise Gamgee. Mark my words." Sansa replied.

"Some day. But not today." Sam commented.

"Is he always like that?" Sansa whispered to Frodo.

"Well, it's like you say, Sansa. One day Sam will find his courage." Frodo replied.

"You mean like how your Uncle Bilbo found his courage when he went with the Dwarves to the Lonely Mountain?" Sansa asked recounting the story that Frodo told her about Bilbo departing with the company of Gandalf, and 13 Dwarves to help the Dwarves reclaim their lost Kingdom of Erabor from the Dragon known as Smaug. And the Battle of the Five Armies with the Men, Elves, and Dwarves fighting off the Orcs and the Wargs. The journey they took through the forest of Mirkwood. All those tales. 

"I'd think so." Frodo said. "Of course Bilbo can tell the tale better than I can."

"Probably." Sansa thought.

They both went inside of the House when Sansa noticed that it was especially Dark even for the house at night.

There was also a breeze flowing through. "Frodo? Did you leave the window open?" Sansa asked. She never got to hear her answer as a hand covered her mouth so suddenly.

"Sansa? Where did you go?" Frodo asked. That was when that same hand put a hand on Frodo's shoulder and turned Frodo around. 

The hand had come from Gandalf. "Is it secret? Is is safe?" He asked urgently with what looked like a crazy person.

"Gandalf? What's-" Gandalf had cut off Sansa.

Frodo reached for the chest and took out the envelope. All the while, Gandalf had his staff and a worried expression like he was preparing for an attack. Finally, Frodo took out the envelope and Gandalf had snatched it out of his hand and then proceeded to throw it into the fire.

"What are you doing?" Sansa asked as the Envelope burned away leaving the Ring. 

Gandalf pulled out the ring with some pliers. "Hold out your hand, Frodo." 

Sansa looked a little stunned. Was Gandalf going to burn Frodo now. "It's quite cool." He assured.

Frodo let the ring drop into his palm. And he found that it was indeed quite cool. "What can you see?" Gandalf asked. 

"A ring." Sansa answered not sure on what was going on.

"I meant on the ring. Can Frodo see anything?" Gandalf clarified.

Frodo rotated the ring around. "Nothing." He answered. "There's nothing."

"Wait what's that?" Sansa seemed to notice that the ring had started to glow. And with markings. 

"There are markings. It's some form of Elvish. I can't read it." Frodo also saw it.

"There are few who can." Gandalf replied. "The language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here." 

"Mordor?" Frodo asked.

"Mordor?" Sansa asked. Judging by the way that Gandalf described it, it couldn't be good. "What's Mordor?"

"In the Common Tongue, it says: "One Ring to Rule Them All. One Ring  to find them. One Ring to bring them all. And in the Darkness, Bind Them." Gandalf explained.

"I-I don't understand. What's Mordor? What's One Ring to Rule them all?" Sansa interrupted. "Will someone just tell me what's going on?"

Gandalf sighed. He had to remember that Sansa was from another world herself. But he did tell Sansa the tale while Frodo made everyone some tea: "Long ago. The Races of Middle Earth were forged Great Rings. Rings that were forged the will and power to govern each race. 3 were given to the Elves, 7 to the Dwarf Lords, and 9 to the Race of Men. But unbeknownst to the races, another ring was made. Far to the East, in the Land of Mordor, in the Fires of Mount Doom. The Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a Master Ring to control all others. The One Ring. To resist his malice, a Last Alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor. In that battle, Sauron was defeated by Isildur, son of the King. He cut off the hand of Sauron, separating Sauron's soul from his body. 

And Sansa's eyes widened trying to let it all sink in while looking at the Ring. "So... this is-"

"The One Ring. Forged by the Dark Lord Sauron, in the Fires of Mount Doom." Gandalf stated.

"Bilbo found it, in Gollum's cave." Frodo realized.

"Yes. 60 years the Ring remained quiet in Bilbo's keeping, prolonging his life, delaying old age." Gandalf answered. "But no longer, Frodo and Sansa. Evil is stirring in Mordor. The Ring has awoken. It's heard its Master's Call." 

"But he was destroyed." Sansa pointed out nervously. 

"Sauron was destroyed." Frodo agreed.

Both Frodo and Gandalf looked at the Ring then at each other. "No. The Spirit of Sauron endured. His life force is bound to the ring and the ring survived. Sauron has returned. His Orcs have multiplied. His Fortress of Barad Dur is rebuilt in the Land of Mordor. Sauron needs only this ring to cover all the lands in a second darkness. He's seeking it. Seeking it among his thought is bent with him. The Ring above all else to return to the hand of its Master. They are one. The Ring and the Dark Lord. He must never find it." Gandalf explained.

"So did no one think that keeping the Ring was a bad idea?" Sansa asked nervously. "You're telling me that this contains the spirit of a Dark Evil Guy and Bilbo's been carrying it around in his pocket for 60 years?" She was seriously hoping that Gandalf would say something like: "No it's just a fairy tale, it's not real." But no such luck.

"Isildur thought it different. He had this one chance to destroy evil forever. But he kept the ring. And the Ring betrayed Isildur to his death." Gandalf added.

"Oh, Seven Hells." Sansa whispered nervously. 

"Don't panic Sansa." Frodo assured. "We throw it away. We keep it hidden, we never speak of it again." He suggested. "No one knows it's here, do they?"

"Please say no one knows it's here." Sansa pleaded.

"There is only one other who knew that Bilbo had the Ring. I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum, but the enemy found him first." Gandalf said. "I don't know how long they tortured him. Amidst the endless screams and insane babble they discerned two words: Shire. Baggins."

"Shire and Baggins?" Sansa asked.

"But that would lead them here." Frodo realized.

Sansa also realized the same thing. And a new emotion had run in her. Panic. Panic that soon they would be targeted for an attack from evil forces.

"Take it Gandalf." Frodo insisted showing the ring to Gandalf.

"No Frodo." Gandalf said stepping back.

"You must take it." Frodo insisted again.

"You cannot offer me this ring." Gandalf explained.

"I'm giving it to you." Frodo clarified. Anything to get the ring out of his house.

"Don't tempt me Frodo!" Gandalf snapped. Frodo reached back. "I dare not take it." Gandalf's voice was now calmer. "Keep it safe, Frodo. Understand, I would use this ring from a desire to do good."

"Well that doesn't sound so bad." Sansa commented.

"But through me, it would yield a power too great and terrible to imagine." Gandalf added and that sounded bad to Sansa now.

"But it cannot stay in the Shire." Frodo protested.

"No. No it can't." Gandalf agreed. And Frodo put the ring back in his pocket, knowing that he was about to go on an adventure of some kind.

"What must I do?" Frodo asked.

Frodo started to gather his clothes together and other things. "You must leave, and leave quickly." Gandalf insisted. "And take Sansa with you. I don't think it wise to leave her here on her own." 

Sansa nodded nervously. She wouldn't want to encounter Orcs, or worse. "Where do we go?" She asked.

"Get out of The Shire." Gandalf answered. "Make for the Edge of Bree."

"What about you?" Frodo asked putting on some travel clothes.

"I'll be waiting for you. At the Inn of the Prancing Pony." Gandalf answered. 

"And will the ring be safe there?" Frodo asked.

"I don't know, Frodo." Gandalf admitted. "I don't have any answers. I must see the head of my order. He is both wise and powerful. Trust me, Frodo and Sansa. He'll know what to do."

That sounded assuring to Sansa. A part of her wished her Father was here with her. Ned Stark would probably know what to do as well. 

"You'll have to leave the name of Bag End behind you." Gandalf told Frodo. "But that name will not be safe outside of The Shire. Travel only by day. And stay off the road."

"Why stay off the road?" Sansa asked. That meant traveling all over Cross Country, which Sansa was never really a fan of. She remembered her mother telling her and Arya that the country was always dangerous and that the main road was more protected and more suited for a Lady. Arya of course would ignore that. She ignored a lot of her mother. But this wasn't the time for debating it. 

"The enemy could be watching the road." Gandalf answered.

Frodo on the other hand didn't seem to have a problem with it. "We can cut across country easily enough." He assured.

Gandalf took a moment to stop. "Hobbits really are amazing creatures. You can learn all there is to know about their ways in a month and yet after a hundred years they can still surprise you." He praised. "And Sansa. I think it might be best that you leave your dress behind into something for more used for traveling." He suggested.

Sansa did looked at her dress and probably thought that by traveling across Cross Country, it would be better if she wore something else. She left their sights as Gandalf and Frodo heard a rustling from the bushes.

"Get down." Gandalf motioned as he leaned through the window. He made a bonking swish with his staff and then grabbed something out of the window.

It was Sam! "Burn all, Samwise Gamgee! Have you been Eavesdropping?!" Gandalf interrogated as he threw Sam onto the table.

"I haven't been dropping no eaves sir. Honest. I was just cutting some grass under the willow there, if you follow me." Sam quickly explained.

Gandalf wasn't going for that though. "A little late for trimming the birds, don't you think?" He pressed. 

"I erase voice." Sam tried to say.

"What did you hear? Speak!" Gandalf accused.

"N-Nothing important." Sam answered. "That is... I heard a good deal about a ring, and a Dark Lord and something about the End of the World. Please Mr. Gandalf sir, don't hurt me. Don't turn me into anything... unnatural." He begged. 

"No, perhaps not." Gandalf decided. "I've thought of a better use for you." 

"This feels so underdressed." Sansa commented as she stepped back into the others view. Now she was wearing slacks, a shirt, and a coat on her. Something that her brothers probably would've worn. 

"It'll do." Gandalf assured.

"Why is Sam here?" Sansa asked noticing Sam.

"He's coming with us on our journey." Gandalf announced.

"Huh." Sansa thought.


Jon Snow thought he was hallucinating because he could've sworn that a massive energy of light had consumed him. When the light had cleared he saw that he was in another world of his own. This own with strange architecture and not many people around him. "Hello?" He asked. "Sam? Ghost? Anyone?" This was strange for him. "I got the feeling I'm not at the Wall anymore."

That was when a small person saw him. That small person being Bilbo Baggins. "Hm. I'm seeing a lot of humans these days in anyplace that you don't normally see humans." Bilbo commented.

"Who are you?" Jon asked.

"I think the better question is who are you?" A voice interrupted from behind him.

Jon turned to see a man in some odd robes, long dark hair, and strange looking ears. "Are you, a Man of the Watch?" He asked.

"No. I am an Elf." The Man answered. "Lord Elrond to be exact." 

"Lord Elrond?" Jon asked. "I've never heard of you."

Elrond seemed to look at Bilbo. "So it seems that girl wasn't the only one who arrived." He said.

Bilbo looked intrigued.

"What girl?" Jon asked.

"A Red Haired Girl that arrived in the Shire one day." Bilbo answered. "A girl named Sansa Stark."

"Sansa?" Jon asked in shock.

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