Avni's Life

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Chapter 24:

It was the time of the night, the moon was shining over Avni and Ayesha’s home, and silence was all around. Inside it, Juhi entered Avni’s room and a rod was in her hand. Juhi looked at the room where Avni was lying unconscious on the floor. Juhi got shocked to see Avni and she threw the rod and ran to her. Juhi sat beside Avni and jerked her but no use. Juhi got shocked and worried. Juhi thought and she ran to get her phone. Juhi came back and was standing near Avni. Juhi was shaking and was trying to dial a number. Juhi was crying.

Juhi: He, hello. Hello...

Avni was laying on the floor in an unconscious state.

On the other side, the crying of a child was echoing all around the Khanna Mansion. Inside the mansion, Neav was crying and the Khanna family was trying to pacify him. Shweta, Bebe, and Neil were sitting on the bed and Prakash was standing beside Neil.

Shweta: please, stop crying, baby.

Prakash: Neav, let’s play the video game.

Neav was crying and he shook his head.

Neav: Mamaa…

Neil was looking at Neav helplessly.

Bebe: Neil, call Avni, he will not listen to us.

Neil thought.

Neil: Neav.

Neav looked at Neil.

Neil: I will call Mama but on one condition.

Neav sobbed.

Neil: first you stop crying. First, you stop crying then I will call Mama.

Neav stopped crying and he sobbed. Neil was looking at Neav and then he turned his face and took his phone from the side table. Neil thought and he dialed Avni’s number but Avni’s number was switched off. Neil thought. Neil dialed Juhi’s number who cut the call. Neil looked at the phone and thought. Neil got worried. Neil again dialed a number and the ring was going.

An ambulance came and stopped outside the hospital and inside it, Vidyut and Juhi were standing outside the emergency room. Vidyut’s phone was vibrating and he took out his phone. Vidyut saw Neil’s number. Vidyut saw Juhi who was standing at some distance and was crying. Vidyut turned and moved away from there. Vidyut stopped. The call cut and Vidyut looked at the phone. Neil thought and his phone rang. Neil saw Vidyut’s number. Neil picked up the call.

Neil: Hello.

Vidyut: yeah, say Neil.

Neil hesitated.

Neil: ab, Vidyut, Neav is crying for Avni. I dialed Juhi’s number but she didn’t pick up the call. Can you ask her to make Neav talk to Avni? Actually, Avni’s number is off.

Vidyut: Neil… Avni…

Neil frowned.

Vidyut: Avni is in the hospital.

Neil got shocked and he felt a thunder fell on him.

Vidyut: she is serious.

Neil got numbed.

Soon, a Car stopped outside the hospital and Neil hurriedly got down from it. Neil ran to the hospital. Prakash was with him and he hurriedly went behind him. Neil came to the reception.

Neil: Aaavni.

Receptionist: sorry, sir.

Prakash came there.

Prakash: A patient has been taken here in an emergency a little while ago.

Neil looked at Prakash and gulped.

Receptionist: patient name.

Neil looked at the receptionist.

Neil: Avni. Avni Neil Khanna…

Prakash looked at Neil. The receptionist checked.

Receptionist: sorry, sir, but there is no one with this name admitted here.

Neil got shocked. Neil was about to say.

Prakash: check Avni only.

The receptionist nodded and she checked. Neil was getting impatient. Neil gulped.

Receptionist: yes, a patient is in the emergency ward with this name.

Neil got shocked and hurt too.

Prakash: where is the emergency ward?

The receptionist told them and Neil ran from there. The lift was not free so Neil went down the stairs. Neil was passing while checking the boards. Neil saw Vidyut and he came to him. Neil was panting.

Neil: Av, Avni?

Juhi got angry to see Neil. Prakash also reached there. Vidyut signed at the room and Neil and Prakash came there. Neil gulped and his eyes got moist. Neil moved a step to the door.

Juhi: what are you doing here?

Neil and others looked at her.

Juhi: What do you come to take now? You have snatched everything from Avni, what do you want from her now?

Neil was sadly looking at Juhi.

Vidyut: Juhi.

Juhi stopped Vidyut showing her hand.

Juhi: not today, Vidyut. Today let me talk.

Neil and others were looking at Juhi.

Juhi: why you came here, hmm? Why? To see where Avni is alive or died? To know if she is alive then who will pay the bills and if she has died then who will do the last rituals?

Neil and the others got shocked.

Juhi: what was her mistake, Neil? What mistake did she make that you gave this big punishment to her? Her mistake was that she loved you?

Neil looked down.

Juhi: you have everything, family, money, health. Everything. But she, she has nothing except Neav. Neav was her only support. He was her everything but you did not tolerate that also? You snatched him from her too and you claim that you love her. How?

Neil was looking at Juhi and Prakash looked down. Vidyut looked at Neil.

Juhi: what type of love is it? What type of love is it where you snatched everything from her? Her family, her child, her health, her peace. Everything.

Neil looked down.

Juhi shouted: And today, she is fighting for her life just because of you.

Neil got shocked.

Juhi shouted: you are solely responsible for her condition?

Neil got shocked.

Juhi shouted: I am asking you what was her mistake.

Vidyut and Prakash were looking at them.

Juhi: her mistake was that she was used to calling you and wanted to come with you everywhere Did you ever try to know the reason behind it? Why she was like that? You both were together for almost three years but in three years, you don't know what Avni was afraid of.

Neil frowned.

Juhi: you didn’t get to know that she is Autophobia.

Neil got shocked.

Juhi: she is afraid of being alone.

Neil, Vidyut, and Prakash got shocked. Juhi got emotional.

Juhi: She lived alone since childhood and when she got a family and love, she got afraid what if her love and family would be snatched from her. She spent every day in fear and because of her fear, she started to behave oddly.

Neil lowered his gaze and thought.

Juhi: she was afraid of losing her love and family. She never dreamt of a luxurious life. She just wanted a normal happy life, a happy family. That’s it.

After being away from you, she survived because Neav was with her. She counted the days when Neav will come and she will serve her life for him.

Neil felt guilty.

Juhi: but you snatched him from her and see what happened? Where you brought her?

Neil felt his legs getting weak. Juhi cried.

Juhi: you must have gotten peace now. You got your revenge.

Vidyut pulled Juhi in a hug.

Vidyut: ssshhhhh… relax, calm down…. Nothing will happen to Bhabhi. She will be fine.

Juhi cried. Neil moved the steps back and he fell on the bench with a thud. Neil was in shock and now he was also thinking about what type of love his was. A tear fell from his eye. Neil was numbed.

Everyone was waiting for the doctor to come. A nurse came out and everyone looked at her. Neil was about to get up and others moved but she went from there. Neil was looking at the nurse. Neil lowered his gaze.

Vidyut and Prakash were standing and talking about Avni. Vidyut saw Neil sitting by bowing his head. Neil was looking tired and pale. Vidyut excused himself. Vidyut came to Neil and Neil looked at him. Neil bowed his head and Vidyut sat beside him.

Vidyut: don't worry, Bhabhi will be fine.

No reply. Vidyut sat properly and looked straight.

Vidyut: the doctors thought that it was a brain hemorrhage.

Neil looked at Vidyut.

Vidyut: but thankfully, nothing is like that.

Neil got relieved.

Vidyut: the doctors are trying to diagnose the issue. She will be fine soon.

Neil: she has to be… she has to be fine for me, for Neav, for her family.

Vidyut was looking at him.

Vidyut: ab, how is Neav now?

Neil nodded.

Neil: I asked him that I am going to get Avni so he got calmed.

Vidyut nodded. Neil thought and recalled his dream.

Neil in mind: God, please, nothing should happen as I dreamed. Please, give me back my Avni all fine. Please cure her soon. Please. Please.

Neil was lost in his thought. Neil’s phone rang and Neil came out of his thoughts. Neil took out his phone and Neil and Vidyut saw Shweta’s call. Neil excused himself and Vidyut nodded. Neil went to the side and stood while facing the wall. Neil received the call and kept his hand on the wall.

Neil: Hello.

Shweta and Bebe were standing in Neil’s room and Neav was sleeping. The phone was on speaker.

Shweta: Hello, Tillu, how is Avni?

Neil: Can't say anything now. The doctors are inside and trying to treat her.

Shweta was crying.

Shweta: don’t worry, she will be fine soon.

Neil: hmm.

Shweta sensed his sadness and pain.

Neil: how is Neav?

Shweta: don’t worry, he is sleeping. He was waiting for you and Avni. I gave him milk and then made him sleep.

Neil: ok. If he cries then call me.

Shweta: ok and please keep us updated.

Neil: ok… ok, bye.

Neil cut the call and sighed. A hand held Neil’s shoulder and he looked at his shoulder and then he looked at the person. It was Prakash. Neil was looking at his father and he broke down. Neil hugged his father and cried.

Neil: Dad, Avni.

Prakash gulped and caressed Neil’s hair.

Prakash: don’t worry, she will be fine.

Neil cried. Neil heard something and he saw the door open. Neil broke the hug and wiped his tears with his sleeves and everyone came to the doctor.

Neil: Doctor, Avni…

The Doctor was looking at them.

Doctor: The patient is still not stable. The next 12 hours are crucial. We are trying our best. Let’s hope for the best.

Prakash: but what has happened to her?

Doctor: strokes.

Neil and the others got shocked.

Doctor: First we thought it was a brain hemorrhage but thankfully, nothing was like that. Her reports are clear. Maybe, she was in stress and because of that, she suffered strokes.

Juhi glared at Neil who looked at her and then he looked down.

Doctor: we are hoping that it doesn’t have done any damage to the body.

Neil frowned.

Neil: what do you mean?

Doctor: usually strokes cause damage to the brain or cause disability.

Everyone got shocked and worried.

Doctor: but thankfully, her brain is fine. Now let's hope that her other parts of the body are fine also. We have done the tests now you guys pray for her.

Juhi: can we meet her?

Doctor: first we shift her to the ICU then you can meet her but no disturbance.

Everyone nodded.

Vidyut: Sure, Doctor.

The doctor nodded and went from there. Juhi looked at Neil who was lost in his thoughts.

Soon, Avni was taken out. The oxygen mask was on her face and a drip was in one ward boy's hand. Neil saw Avni and got emotional. Juhi cried and hugged Vidyut whose eyes were teary. Prakash held Neil's shoulders and was crying. Neil and Prakash were just looking at Avni. Neil caressed Avni's hair and kissed her forehead.
Neil: Please, love, don't punish me like this. Please get well soon and come back to your Neilu. Please... I love you.

A ward boy held Neil's shoulder who looked at him. The ward boy asked him to let them take her and Neil nodded. Avni was taken from there and everyone was walking with it. Avni was taken to the lift and Neil saw the floor number. It was 3rd floor. Neil hurriedly ran from there and went downstairs using the stairs. Neil asked about the ICU and a ward boy told him and Neil saw them taking Avni. Neil ran to them. Neil saw a glimpse of Avni and Avni was taken inside. Neil saw from the glass and he saw that they shifted Avni on the bed and did their work.

Soon, the family reached and they tried to see. Neil looked at them and then he saw Avni.

The night converted into the day. The sun rises but there was no effect on Avni. Neil and others were sitting outside there. Vidyut came with KK. They were carrying coffee cups and sandwiches. Vidyut went to Juhi and asked her to have something. Juhi refused but Vidyut tried to feed her. KK was sitting with Prakash. KK came to Neil and sat beside him. KK asked Neil to have something but Neil refused. KK insisted but Neil refused.

KK: for Bhabhi.

Neil looked on.

Neil: If she wants to see me fine then ask her to come back to me. I will only eat when she will feed me with her hands.

KK and others were looking at him. Neil got up and he went from there. Neil came on the terrace and he looked around. Neil came to the rail and he can see down from there. Neil thought and closed his eyes.

Neil heard: Neil.

Neil came out of his thoughts and he frowned. Neil opened his eyes. Neil turned his face and he was surprised because Avni was standing there. Neil smiled to see Avni who also smiled.

Neil: Avni.

Neil ran to Avni and stopped in front of her. Neil hugged Avni. Avni smiled with moist eyes.

Neil: You came back. You came back to me. I knew that you will come back to me. My heart was saying that my Avni will come back…

Avni was smiling.

Neil: do you love to trouble me? Hmm? What was that all? Does anyone do that?

Neil broke the hug while holding Avni’s arms.

Neil: hmm, does anyone do that? You know I was so scared. You…

Avni: I am angry with you.

Neil got shocked.

Neil: ang… angry? But why? Fo… for Ne…

Avni; why you are not eating anything?

Neil was looking at her
Avni: if you do this then how will you take care of Neav?

Neil: why do I take care of him alone? You don’t have any responsibility to him?

Avni: I have given his responsibility to you.

Neil was looking at her.

Avni: if something happened to me then?

Neil kept his hand on Avni’s lips.

Neil: please don’t say this.

Avni kept his hand away and forwarded her hand.

Avni: then promise me that you will take care of yourself and Neav.

Neil got shocked and turned his face.

Neil: please don’t say like this.

Avni turned Neil to her. Neil looked at her and avoided eye contact.

Avni: promise me else I am going.

Neil was looking at Avni innocently. Avni forwarded her hand.

Avni: promise me.

Neil looked at Avni’s hand and then he looked at Avni. Neil kept his hand on Avni’s hand and Avni smiled to see this. They looked at each other.

Neil: I promise. I promise that I will take care of myself and Neav.

Avni smiled and held Neil’s hand and took him from there. Neil was looking at her. Avni took Neil to the corridor and they saw Prakash and others. Neil looked at Avni who looked at him.

Avni: go and eat something.

Neil: feed me with your hands.

Avni smiled and took him to the bench. Avni opened the packing of the sandwich and feed him. Neil smiled to see Avni.

Avni: Now, I am going.

Neil got shocked.

Avni: don’t forget about your promise. Now you have to take care of yourself and Neav.

Neil got shocked. Avni vanished and Neil got another shock.

Neil: Avni.

Neil woke up with a jerk. Neil was sitting on the floor resting his back on the rail. Neil looked around and he realized that he is on the terrace. Neil thought.

Neil was sitting in the café and he ate half piece of a sandwich and had coffee.

Neil was standing in the corridor and was talking on the phone.

Neil: how is Neav?

Shweta: he is asking for you and Avni. I asked him that you both have gone to buy toys for him.

Neil was listening.

Shweta: But he is not eating anything. He is saying that he will eat from Avni’s hands.

Neil got emotional.

Neil: give him the phone.

Shweta: ok.

Shweta did as Neil said.

Neav: Hello, Papa.

Neil: hey, tiger, what happened? What Grandma is saying that you are not eating anything?

Neav: Papa, where is Mama, and when you two are coming?

Neil smiled fakely.

Neil: we came to buy toys for you. Now we all live together then we have to renovate your room so we came for that work. We have selected a Superman theme for your room. Is it ok?

Neav got excited.

Neav: yes.

Neav got sad.

Neav: please get Mama here soon, I miss her.

Neil got emotional and he sniffed. Neil looked away and gulped. Neil smiled.

Neil: ok, we will try to complete our work soon. And pray to God that Mama comes home safely.

Neav: why?

Neil: Because God listens to children’s prayers.

Neav: mama also says this.

Neil suppressed his lips. Neil sniffed.

Neav: ok, I am going to pray for you two.

Neav gave the phone to Shweta and it fell on the couch. Neav ran to pray.

Shweta: how is Avni?

Neil: no improvement.

Shweta felt bad.

Neil: you go to Neav and please feed him something.

Shweta: ok.

Neil: ok, bye.

Neil cut the call and sniffed. Neil wiped his tears and sighed. Neil came to the corridor and he saw everyone is present there.

Vidyut: the stuff is prohibiting us from sitting here. Only one person can stay here.

Neil: I will stay here.

Everyone looked at him. Vidyut was about to say but a nurse came out hurriedly. Neil and others looked at her. Neil stood in her way.

Neil: what happened?

Nurse: the patient’s condition is critical. She is sinking.

Neil and the others got shocked. The nurse went from there. Neil recalled Avni’s words.


1. Avni: then promise me that you will take care of yourself and Neav.

2. Avni: promise me else I am going.

3. Avni: promise me.

4. Neil: I promise. I promise that I will take care of myself and Neav.

5. Avni: Now, I am going.

6. Avni: don’t forget about your promise. Now you have to take care of yourself and Neav.

Flashback ended.

Neil got shocked and got restless.

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