Broken Soul

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Chapter 23:

It was daytime, the sun was shining over Avni and Asha’s home, and a car stopped outside Avni and Asha’s home and two men got down from it. They moved to the home and inside the home, Avni was waiting for them folding her arm. Avni saw the time on the wall clock and she thought.

The door was opened but a man still rang the doorbell. Avni was standing in the living area and was waiting for them by folding her arms. Avni looked there and saw Neil standing with the lawyer. Avni’s lawyer was also standing in the living area on the other side. Juhi and Vidyut were present there. Avni and Neil were looking at each other. Neil looked at the lawyer and then he looked at Avni. Neil came inside with the lawyer and stood in front of Avni.

Avni: please, sit, Mr Khanna.

Neil felt a pinch in his heart to hear the word “Mr. Khanna”.

Avni signed the lawyer to sit.

Everyone was sitting in the living area and Avni was sitting by bowing her head. Neil was looking at Avni and then he looked down.

Avni: thank you for coming here on my call. Ab, I called you guys to tell you that I am ready to give Neav’s custody to Mr Neil Khanna.

Neil and the others got shocked. Avni’s lawyer looked down. Neil was looking at Avni and he can clearly see the pain on Avni's face. He found Avni sitting like a defeated person who lost her everything and now doesn’t want to live anymore.

Avni: I don’t know what will be court’s order but I don’t want Neav to get into court’s matter and all. All these will have a bad effect on him and I don’t want it.

Neil lowered his gaze. Avni smiled sadly.

Avni talked and her voice cracked: And Neav has already told us his decision. He wants his papa so now there is no room left for anything.

Neil felt bad. Avni gulped and looked at Neil.

Avni: I am sorry, Mr. Neil Khanna, I kept you away from your son. I became a wall between you two. But I promise now I will not come in between you two. After giving Neav’s custody to you, I will go away from your life.

Neil and the others got shocked.

Avni: I will not let my shadow fall on you and Neav. I will go far away from you two.

Neil got shocked.

Avni: but before going, I want to apologize to you. I am sorry, Mr. Khanna, I spoiled your life. I am sorry for coming into your life and making it hell.

Neil felt a pinch in his heart. Avni looked down.

Avni: Actually, I lived alone since my childhood so when I got a family, I started fearing that my family might not be away from me. I was afraid that if I lose you and our family then I will not be able to survive. I will die.

Neil got shocked.

Avni: Even after being away from you, I survived and I was able to start a new life; it was just because Neav, your sign was with me else I would have drowned a long time ago.

Neil felt a pinch in his heart. Avni realized that she went on the wrong track.

Avni: ab… and I started to behave oddly and then one day, I saw you with Maya in XYZ Mall. 

Neil got shocked.

Avni: I called you and you lied that you are in the police station.

Neil got shocked. Vidyut and Juhi looked at Neil. Vidyut was shocked.

Avni: I thought, you are betraying me, and my fear grew and with time, it grew more and more. One after one, things started to get worsen. You have health issues and I got worried for you so I started to call you but trust me that day, I was not calling you to ask about where are you. I was calling you because I got to know about my pregnancy.

Neil got shocked.

Avni: I wanted to share the good news with you. I got so excited that I didn’t realize that you could be in the police station. I wanted to plan a surprise for you so I wanted to know till when you will come but I was feeling nauseous so I couldn’t be able to make the arrangements.

Neil felt bad. Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: trust me, I didn’t realize that I am irritating you.

Neil gulped and Avni sniffed. Avni lowered her gaze.

Avni: I never realized that I am becoming clingy and making your life hell. I thought that I am taking care of you but no, I was wrong, I was spoiling your mind peace. You started to feel suffocated with me and now Neav also feels the same, he feels suffocated with me. He also said the same things that you said six years ago. Two people can’t be wrong. The problem is in me.

Neil shook his head. Juhi’s eyes were teary. Vidyut looked down.

Avni: I am the wrong one here else why two people will say the same thing to me. But it’s good that everything got clear on time. As people say, it is late but is right also. It is good that I realized the reality on time at least now Neav’s life will not get spoiled.

Neil felt his heart heavy.

Avni: He will get a good life. I was so stupid that I was thinking of keeping Neav with me. What do I have to give him? Nothing. I can’t even fulfill his basic needs. He wants a luxurious life and I run my home by making deductions. I run on a budget. I will not be able to give him the life that he wants so it is better that I give his custody to you. At least, he will get the life that he wanted, he will be happy there and his future will be secure.

Neil was sadly looking at him.

Avni: and most importantly, he will have a family that I never got in my childhood. He will get the love of his grandparents, he will get the love of his father.

Avni gulped and smiled. Her eyes were moist. Neil was looking at her.

Avni: he will never miss me and will forget me soon.

Neil and others felt bad. Avni smiled.

Avni: you can take him with you today. This legal process will continue.  Neav's happiness should not get affected. He should be happy.

Neav came there from inside. Avni saw him and smiled.

Avni: Neav!

Everyone looked at Neav. Avni got up and went to Neav. Avni sat on her feet and held Neav’s arm.

Avni: Neav, you are going to live with your Papa.

Neil was feeling his heart heavy.

Avni: now you will live with your Papa and family. You wanted it right? So, Mama fulfilled your wish.

Neav got excited.

Neav: really?

Neav looked at Neil who smiled faintly. Avni smiled and her eyes were moist.

Avni: yes, now you are happy with Mama, right?

Avni looked at Neav hopefully. Neil was feeling a burden on his heart.

Avni: you don’t have any complaints with me, right?

Neav and Neil were looking at Avni.

Avni: I have packed your bags also.

Neav smiled.

Neav: you will also come there?

Avni’s smile faded and Neil was looking at her.

Neav: it will be good if we all live together.

Avni smiled.

Avni: No. I can’t come there. That is not my home na and how can I come along you? You feel suffocated with me if I come there then how will you get your peace, hmm?

Neav, Neil, and others were looking at Avni.

Avni: behave like a good boy there and don’t give anyone a chance to say how your mother has brought up you. Hmm?

Neav nodded. Avni smiled and hugged Neav. Avni squeezed her eyes and tighten the grip and everyone felt bad. Avni sighed and wiped her tears. Avni broke the hug and cupped Neav’s face while smiling and her eyes were moist.

Avni: I will be back with your bags.

Avni smiled and got up. Avni went. Avni came back with a large bag and a small bag. A school bag was also with it. Neil and others were standing there. Avni passed a list to Neil.

Avni: ab, this is a list of Neav's likes and dislikes and of those things that Neav is allergic to.

Neil took the list from Avni. Avni passed a file then.

Avni: and this is Neav’s medical file. When Neav was three years old, he suffered from typhoid so his all reports and prescriptions are in it. His vaccination card is also in it. His complete medical history is in it.

Avni again passed the file to Neil who took the file looking at Avni.

Avni: he catches a cold if he takes a bath at night time so don’t let him take a bath at night and, and…

Avni looked at the bags to check what she wants to say. Neil and others felt bad. Neil got angry at himself for making Avni suffer.

Avni: and yes, his favorite blanket is in it. He has the habit of sleeping by hugging it.

Avni smiled.

Avni: when he was of a few months then I bought it for him but he loves that very much and still he sleeps by hugging it.

Avni smiled and Neil smiled to see her. Avni looked at Neil and the reality hit her. Avni set her hair with her hand. Avni felt awkward.

Avni: ab, everything is written in this list. You will get to know when you read it… please read it carefully.

Neil gulped and nodded. Avni looked around as she was finding something and her mind was not working.

Avni: ab, now you can take Neav with you. I won't waste your time anymore. You can go.

Neil gulped and his lawyer talked to Avni and Neil got angry. Avni looked down and nodded.

Neil: we can talk about it later.

The lawyer looked at Neil who glared at him and the lawyer looked down. Avni was looking at them.

Neil: Neav, do you want to come or want to stay with Mama?

Avni looked at Neav who thought.

Avni: No, no, you go with Papa and experience that life. You will enjoy there a lot. Your toys and games are also there.

Neav nodded. Neil looked at Avni who sat and cupped Neav’s face. Avni kissed Neav’s face and then she hugged him. Avni cried closing his eyes and then she tried to control her emotions. Avni sighed and wiped her tears. Avni huffed and broke the hug. Avni cupped Neav’s face and kissed his cheek. Avni smiled.

Avni: go.

Avni smiled and got up.  Neil forwarded his hand and Neav held his hand. Neil grabbed the bag and Vidyut took the small bag. Neil looked at Avni who looked away. Neil looked down and moved. Neil was taking Neav with him and Avni was looking at them. They went and Avni ran to the door. Avni saw them going. Neil kept the bags in the backside and then he made Neav sit and looked at the door. Avni hides. Neil looked there and then he went to the car and opened the door. Neil got in the car and Avni saw them. Neil went and Avni was looking at them. Avni ran from there to her room. Avni locked her room and came forward. Avni fell to her knees and cried bitterly.

On the other side, Neil reached home with Neav. Everyone got surprised to see Neav and they got up. They smiled.

Shweta: my Neav came.

Shweta spread her arms and Neav ran to her and hugged her. Neil smiled and everyone hugged Neav. Prakash looked at Neil who looked at him and his smile faded. Neil looked down. Prakash got suspicious.

Prakash: ab, Neav, you go to your room, Dadu is coming to play with you. You arrange the toys.

Neav nodded. Shweta called Bheema and ask her to take Neav from there and Bheema took Neav from there.

Shweta: What happened, Prakash Ji, why you sent Neav?

Prakash looked at Neil.

Prakash: I also want to know what happened.

Neil looked at Prakash and then he looked down. Neil avoided eye contact.

Prakash: Neil?

Neil looked at Prakash.

Prakash: what happened? You brought Neav here one day before yesterday and today also you have brought him?

Shweta: so what is wrong with it? Neav…

Prakash: Shweta, I am talking to Neil.

Everyone got shocked.

Prakash: Answer me, Neil.

Neil: ab, Avni has given Neav’s custody to me.

Everyone got shocked.

Prakash: what?

Neil nodded. Neil told them everything. Everyone got shocked and felt bad for Avni. Neil sighed and looked at the family.

Prakash: You did very wrong by snatching a son from his mother.

Neil got offended. Already he was guilty of making Avni suffer.

Neil: Dad, I didn’t ask her to give me Neav’s custody. She, herself gave me that.

Prakash: you didn’t ask her but you forced her to give Neav’s custody to you. You filed the custody case.

Neil: but no one knew who will get the custody. Maybe she would have won.

Prakash: you very well know about the financial condition and you were sure that you will win. You intentionally did all this because you wanted her to suffer.

Neil got shocked.

Neil: Dad, I…

Prakash: I heard your conversation with the lawyer that night.

Neil got shocked. Shweta and Bebe were confused.

Prakash: you knew that she doesn’t have money to hire a lawyer and you will win the case easily.

Neil: but she got the law…

Neil stopped and got shocked. Neil looked at Prakash.

Neil: she doesn’t have much money then how she arranged the lawyer?

Prakash was looking at Neil and Neil at Prakash. Shweta and Bebe were looking at Neil and Prakash.

Neil: Dad, how she arranged the lawyer?

Prakash: I hired a lawyer for her.

Neil and the others got shocked.

Neil: you?

Prakash looked on.

Neil: you are my father or…

Prakash: I am the father of both of you.

Neil got shocked.

Prakash: And I'm sure Avni can do Neav's upbringing better than all of us.

Neil got shocked and Bebe nodded.

Prakash: soon, you will also realize that.

Neil was looking at Prakash who went from there. Neil thought.

Soon, the day converted into the night and Juhi was standing in her room and talking on the phone.

Juhi: Vidyut, she didn’t come out since morning, I am getting worried.

Vidyut: relax, Juhi, give her some time, she will be fine.

Juhi: Neil and Neav have done really wrong with Avni, I will never forgive them for this.

Vidyut sighed. Juhi cried and cut the call. Vidyut looked at the phone and then he thought.

The moon was shining in the sky and silence was all around. The moon peeked into a room where a broken soul was sitting on the floor keeping her head on the arms on the bed and clenching the duvet in a fist. Avni was lost and her all energy had drained. Her face was looking pale and the tears had dried but tear marks were on her face.

Avni heard the laughter of a lady and she looked up. Avni looked around but no one was there. Avni again heard the laughter and she turned her face and an old lady appeared there. Avni got shocked to see the lady.

Lady: tch, tch, tch, tch, tch.

Avni got angry and got up.

Avni: Dayawanti Mehta.

DM: I told you, I told you that you are an illegitimate child and you will never get happiness because you are a sin.

Avni: shut up. I am not illegitimate. Your son marries my mama.

DM: But who knows that? No one. There is no evidence of their marriage.

Avni: there was but you destroyed the evidence.

Dayawanti Mehta smiled.

DM: You are a bad omen and you don’t deserve happiness. You are a sign of sin.

Avni: No.

DM: you can never make anyone happy. You just destroy others’ lives.

Avni: shut up.

Avni heard: what she said wrong?

Avni looked at the other side and she got shocked to see Ashish.

Ashish: She said right, you are a bad omen. The day, you came into my and Asha’s life, our happiness got destroyed. We were so happy but your evil shadow fell over us and all got over between us. You are a bad omen.

Avni got shocked and tears formed in her eyes.

Ashish: Neil did right by leaving you. See, today you are alone. Your husband, your son doesn’t want to live with you. They don’t want you in their lives.

Avni got hurt.

Ashish: they are happy without you.

Avni was looking at Ashish hurtfully.

Avni heard: Papa.

Avni turned her face and she saw Neav. Avni smiled to see Neav.

Avni: Neav.

Neav looked at Avni and Avni spread her arms. Neav turned his face away and smiled. Neav ran. Avni got shocked.

Avni: Neav.

Neav ran and Avni saw Neil standing at some distance. Neil was smiling and he sat on his knees. Neav ran to Neil and hugged him. Neil also hugged Neav. Avni got shocked and hurt. Avni felt a sharp pinch in her heart. Neil and Neav broke the hug and Neav kissed Neil’s cheek.

Neav: I love you, Papa.

Neil: I love you too, my tiger.

Avni was looking at them.

Ashish: see.

Avni looked at Ashish.

Ashish: see, how happy they are with each other.

Avni looked at Neil and Neav and they looked at Avni. Neil held Neav’s hand and he got up. Avni looked at their hands.

Neil: yes (Avni looked at Neil) we are happy without you. We don’t want you in our lives. We feel suffocated with you. Go away from our lives.

Neav: yes, we don’t want you. Go, away.

Neil and Neav together: we hate you, Avni, Mama. We hate you. Go away.
Avni was looking at them.

Everyone said: we hate you. We hate you.

DM: you don’t deserve to live.

Avni looked at Dayawanti Mehta.

DM: Kill yourself. Finish yourself. Just finish yourself.

Neil: yes, go away from our lives. Go away.

Avni was looking at them. They repeated the sentences.

Neil: yes, we are happy without you. We don’t want you in our lives.

Ashish: you are a bad omen.

Neil: We feel suffocated with you. Go away from our lives.

Neav: yes, we don’t want you. Go, away.

DM: you don’t deserve to live... Kill yourself. Finish yourself. Just finish yourself.

Neil: yes, go away from our lives. Go away.

Neil and Neav together: we hate you, Avni, Mama. We hate you. Go away.

Everyone said: we hate you. We hate you.

Avni was looking at them and they were repeating the same thing. Avni kept her hands on her ear and squeezed her eyes but still, their words were echoing in her ear and were roaming in her mind.

Avni shouted: Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
Silence was all around there and Avni felt that. Avni looked around and saw no one was there. Avni was panting. Avni started to cry and she fell on her knees and cried.

Avni: why everyone hates me, why? What I have done? Why do people hate me, why?

Avni cried bitterly.

Some time passed and Avni was sitting in the corner of the room hiding her face in her arms and legs. Avni looked up and she felt silence and a void. She got up and moved forward. Avni came to the center of the room and silence was all around there. Today, the rain was also not there to make noise. Avni looked around the room with tearful eyes and the silence was killing her. She was feeling lonely. Avni started panting and she felt a burn in her heart. Avni rubbed her chest. She was feeling suffocated. Her head started to spin and she caught her head. Avni looked around and she felt dizzy. Suddenly, she collapsed on the floor and fainted... Fainted? Fainted or died? Avni was laying on the floor.

On the other side, Neil and Neav were sleeping together in Neil’s room and they woke up with a jerk.

Neil: Avni.

Neav: Mama.

Neil looked at Neav and Neil was panting. Neil gulped and he leaned to Neav. Neil cupped Neav’s face.

Neil: what happened, tiger?

Neav: Mama. Mama. I want Mama.

Neil got shocked. Neil turned and poured water into a glass and then he turned to Neav. Neil made Neav drink water. Neil kept the glass back and turned to Neav. Neil cupped Neav’s face.

Neil: feeling better?

Neav shook his head.
Neil: what happened? Did you see a nightmare?

Neav nodded.

Neav: yes, I saw Mama is going away from me. Her mama came to take her.

Neil got shocked because he also saw the dream that Avni is going away from him.


Neil saw that he is in an isolated area and smoke was all around there. Neil moved there and he saw Avni. Neil faced her back. Avni turned and smiled to see him.

Avni: I am going, Neil. I am going away from you forever.

Neil got shocked. Asha came from behind and stood beside Avni. Avni looked at Asha who also looked at her. They smiled and looked at Neil.

Avni: I am going with Mama.

Neil got shocked.

Avni: Bye, Neil. Bye forever.

Avni looked at Asha and they turned and moved.

Neil: Avni.

Neil ran but Avni and Asha vanished in smoke.

Neil: Avni. Avni. Avni.

Neil looked around but no one was there.

Neil shouted: Avni…

Dream ended.

Neil was lost.

Nea: I want to go to Mama.

Neil looked at Neav. Neav made a crying face.

Neav: I want Mama.

Neil got shocked and felt bad.

Neav: I don’t want to live here. I want to go to Mama.

Neil felt bad.

Neav: I don’t want toys. I don’t want video games. I will never ask for them. I will daily drink milk, that too without chocolate syrup. I will never trouble her. I will be a good boy and will listen to her. please, bring me to her…

Neil: Neav…

Neil cupped Neav’s face.

Neil: it is late night, tiger, we will go tomorrow.

Neav: no, I want to go to her now. I want Mama.

Neil: we will go tomorrow.

Neav shook his head.

Neav: no, now.

Neil sighed and felt helpless. Neil thought.

Neil in mind: why I am feeling restless? Hope you are fine Avni.

Neil thought.

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