Chapter 11: Overwhelming Power

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Y/N's POV 

The rest of us finally made it Haven. It was all thanks to her. The petite thing I call a sister. Well thanks to her we were able to make it to Haven. Now I am just laying against the wall as I sat next to Summer on the bed. I felt Summer laying her head on my shoulder. I looked down to my left and I saw my mask. I looked back to Summer and I felt my heart warm. 

"It's been so long since we've been like this."
I said as I waved my hair through her hair. 

Summer shifted in her sleep and wrapped her arms around my arm. I smiled as I laid my head against the wall, thinking about earlier. 


The rest of us were suddenly blown back as the area was filled with dust. I slowly got up as I grabbed my staff. We all got up and heard heavy thuds as it got closer. There it was. The nuckelavee. 

"My favorite." 
I said as I gripped my sword. 

Ruby: Y-Your favorite? 

"My favorite grimm to hunt and kill." 

The grimm looked at Qrow and Jaune started running to Qrow. The grimm threw its hand at him as I raised my staff. It nearly hit Jaune but he dodged. As it was about to pull its hand back, I threw my spear. 


My staff stabbed its hand, impaling it the floor as it roared out in pain. 

"Summer. Get Qrow away from here." 

Summer: Got it. 
She said as she used her semblance, getting to Qrow. 

"Pyrrha. Weiss. Amber Go help Summer." 

/AmberPyrrha/Weiss: Got it. 
They said and ran to Summer and Qrow. 

The grimm broke its hand out of my spear as I grabbed it. 

"Let's go." 

Third Person POV 

Ren, Nora, Ruby, and Y/N charged at the grimm. Ruby pulled out her scythe and started shooting at it. The grimm slams its hands at her but she moves. As she moves out of the way, she is suddenly hit away. Nora pulls out her hammer but is suddenly hit away as well, landing next to Ruby. Ren ran around the grimm but his hands were suddenly grabbed. 

Jaune: Guys run around! 

The grimm was about to throw Ren but it was suddenly hit in the back by Nora's grenade launcher. It let go of Ren and focused on Nora. Y/N pulled out his twin swords and slashed across the legs of the grimm. The grimm looked at him as he grinned. The grimm raised its arms and started swinging around, hitting everyone. It hit Nora, Ren, and Ruby. As it was about to hit Y/n, he pulled out his staff and impaled it the ground. Y/N cut off its hand and jumped away, earning a scream as he took its hand. 

Y/N: I must say. The grimm are easily fool. 
He said as a ball of light formed in hand. 

Y/N grabs the hand and the hand starts to decrease in size. Slowly the hand starts to turn to ash. As it turned to ash, Y/N's hand glowed with dark and light. 

Pyrrha, Weiss, Amber, Summer, and Qrow all looked at him as they saw this. 

Pyrrha/Weiss/Amber: W-What is that? 

The grimm slammed Ren into a building. It threw its hand at him but was redirected by Nora. Ren slowly lowers his arms to see Nora handing next to him. 

Nora :Quit Looking. 
She said as she crossed her legs. 

the grimm looks at them and goes to pull its arms away but is suddenly held in place. The grimm screeches as it struggled to get out of its prison. As it struggles, its arms were cut off. Ren and Nora fall onto the ground as the grimm struggled to get out of its prison. The sight they saw was Y/N levitating in front of the grimm, holding a magic of darkness. 

Y/N: You shall be my next prey. 
He said as he held on the two arms of the grimm. The two arms slowly disintegrated. The horse went to kick him but its leg was held in place as well. 

Y/N: Once feared. Now nothing more than a simple prey. 
He said as he grabbed his twin swords, which was coated in magic. 

Y/N: I'm going to enjoy cutting you up. 

He slashed the legs of the grimm one by one, earning a screech of pain. As he did this, the others watched with shock. 

Pyrrha: H-He  c-can do that? 

Ruby: So powerful. 
She said as she saw his weapons. 

Weiss: No one can do that so easily. 
She said as she watched Y/N decapitate the grimm, slowly absorbing the grimm. 

The grimm continues to screech in pain as Y/N complete slashed the arm off completely. Y/N impaled the horse with his staff, impaling it to the ground as well. Y/N leviated in front of it and grabbed the head of it, making it look at him. 

Y/N: Ren. I think you should do the honor. 

Ren doesn't hesitate and walks towards it as he holds the knife his father gave him. The grimm roared in his face as it struggled to get out of its hold. 

Ren: For my home. 
He said as he slashed its head off. Y/N held his hand out and absorbed it. 

Flashback Ends  Y/N's POV 

I still sat there as I remembered the event too clearly. While I was thinking about it, I felt her hand touch my chest. I looked and I saw Summer with her eyes open. 

"How was your nap?" 

Summer: It was great. How about yours? 

"It was fine." 

Summer nuzzles her head into my chest as we sat there. 

Summer: Thank you. 

"For what?" 

Summer: For protecting Ruby. 

"Of course." 

Summer: What do you plan on doing after all this? 

"I don't know." 

Summer: I guess you could live with us. 

"With who?" 

Summer: With Ruby and I silly. 

"But you're with Tai." 

Summer: He'll understand. 

"We'll see then." 
I said as I held her close. Summer looked at me with her silver eyes. Staring into my eyes. Then she leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. I felt her hand go onto my chest and pushed me down. 

"Whoa. Someone's pushy." 

Summer: *giggles* Let's be together tonight. 

To Ruby 

Ruby was in the room with Qrow as he was sleeping from his wound after Y/N healed him completely. Ruby rubbed her hand across Qrow's hair. She leaves to go to a table with a notebook and pen on it. Ruby sits down and starts writing on it. 

Ruby: Hey sis. I hope my letters have been reaching you and Dad. Hand-written stuff's never been super reliable but I guess it's all we got these days. Anyway, in case you haven't been getting them. I want to say I'm sorry for leaving the way I did. I know you told me it was a reckless idea and after everything I've been through, I can definitely say you were right. Things have been hard and I'm not just talking about the monsters we fought out there. If you were here, you would be surprised about the things happening. Hope to see you again Yang. 


Nora and Ren sitting on one bed as Pyrrha and Jaune laid on the other bed. 

Jaune: I've missed you. 
He said as he held Pyrrha close to him. 

Pyrrha: I did too. 
She said as she laid her head on his chest. 

Pyrrha: I'm sorry.
She said a tear started to drip down her cheeks. 

Jaune: It's okay. 
He said as he held her closer. 

Pyrrha nuzzled her face on his chest as he held her close. Ren held Nora by the waist as she leaned her head on his shoulder. 

Nora: We finally made it. 
She said, leaning on Ren. 

Ren: Yeah. 

Nora: So what now? 

Ren: Whatever Y/N or Qrow has planned. 

Somewhere Else 

Near Haven Academy, there was a figure with a black mask as he was listening to Lionheart and Watts. 

Watts: Mistress did say you were......hospitable. 

???: Just wait little sister. Everything will soon come. And I'll be the one that takes the fall maiden's power. 

Here is chapter 11 of Wrath of the Gods(Male Reader X RWBY)! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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