Chapter 10: Thank You Little Sister

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Third Person POV Salem's Palace 

Cinder was standing in front three beowolves. She slashes at them as a wave of energy slashed through them. Cinder pants heavily until she notices another as it lunges at her. Cinder reels her arm back and punches through it as an fireball burns through the grimm, turning it ash. Cinder falls to her knees out of exhanusation. 

Salem: Enough. I thought you wanted power? Did you lie to me?! 
She said, trying to hide her aching pain. 

Cinder turns to look at Salem and shakes her head. 

Salem: Then stop holding back. If you wish to master your new powers and defeat Y/N, you must learn how to control it.....and Use it. 

Cinder slowly nods and forms shards of glass as grimm slowly surrounded her. As the grimm got closer, she unleashed a wall of fire as the shards were sent to the grimm, killing them. 

Salem: That's enough for today. 
She said as she started walking away. Cinder looks at her hand as she forms a small grin. 

Cinder: When we meet again........It'll be different. 
She said as she looked at the fire before crushing it. 

Salem walked into her room and sat on a chair, staring into a nearby photo. A photo of two people. Salem stared at it as tears slowly streamed down her face. 

Salem: How things could have been different if I just listened to you.
She said as she looked at the photo of Y/N. 

Salem: Please forgive me. 
She said with a depressing tone as memories of her and Y/N flashed through her mind. She clenches her hand on the arm's chair as more tears started to form. 

Salem: I'm sorry. 

To Yang 

Yang was squatting as she held a can of spray paint. After spraying she got up and looked at the two things she was spraying, revealing to be her cybernetic arm and gauntlet. She equips her cybernetic arm and carries her gauntlet back. Before reaching the house, she turns to a shed. She opens it up, revealing a bike. Yang walks in and slowly uncovers her bike, revealing bumbleby. 

???: I don't remember saying you were ready. 

Yang: Oh yeah? You're gonna try and stop me? 

Tai: No. I think I'm still too sore after our fight. 
He chuckles as he pat his shoulder. 

Tai: I just want a better goodbye than a letter. 
He said as he crosses his arms. 

Tai: And I also have a question for you.
He said as Yang turned to look at him. 

Tai: Where are you going? 

Yang: What do you mean? 

Tai: We.....Despite asking him numerous time not to. I know Qrow has told you where your mother's been at these days.....I know how much you want to see her. I've stopped you in the past but I won't anymore. And we both read the note. We know your sister's headed to Mistral. So. Where are you going? 

To Blake 

Sun was laying on a couch as he had a bandage on his shoulder. 

Sun: Blake? 
He said as he saw Blake looking down. 

Blake: why Sun. 

Blake: This is why I left them all behind. 
She answered as she looked at him. 

Sun: What are you....Wait, where am I? 
He asked as he slowly got up. 

Blake: I am done seeing my friends hurt because of me. 
She said as she clenches her fists. 

Sun: Blake? 

Blake: SHUT UP! Do you think I like being alone? Every day......Every day I think about them! Ruby. Weiss. Yang...they were my friends. I loved them like I never thought I could love anybody. And I hope they hate me for leaving. 
She said as she looked away. 

Sun: You don't mean that. 
He said as he slowly reached out to her. 

Blake: YES I DO! You saw Ilia last night and she's not even the worst! No. No more. They're better of without me. I made my choices and I'll deal with the consequences because they belong to me. 

Sun: You think you're being selfless but you're not. Yeah, that chameleon friend of yours got me pretty good. But I'll do it all again if it meant protecting you. And I can promise Yang would say the same. 
He said as Blake looks away. 

Sun: You can make your own choices, sure. But you don't get to make ours. When your friends fight for you, it because we want to. So stop pushing us out! It hurts more than anything the bag guys could ever do to us. But if it makes you feel any better, the next time I go up against Lizard Girl, it won't be for you. It'll be to get even. 
He said as he raises arm but grunts back in pain while Blake looks at him. 

Blake: My hero. 
She giggles. Suddenly there was a loud thud, revealing Kali and Ghira. 

Kali" Oh! Oh dear. Would you look at that, he's awake. Thank goodness! 
She said, trying to hide away her embarrassment. 

Ghira: Kali. Please. 
He said as he face palms. 

Blake: MOM! 

Sun: Hi Mrs B. 
He nervously said. 

Blake: What are you doing? 

Kali: Well Sweetheart. Your father needed to speak with the two of you. 

Blake: Huh? 

Ghira: I'm afraid you were right to be suspicious. 
He said as he pulled out the scroll Blake got from Ilia. 

Blake: What do you mean? 

Ghira: Adam Taurus is planning to overthrow the leader of the white fang and scale a full scale attack on Haven Academy. It would be the fall of Beacon all over again. 

Sun: Not if we destroy the white fang once and for all. 

Blake: No. 
She said as she slowly gets up. 

Blake: We're not going to destroy the white fang. We're going to take it back. 

Unknown to them, there was a white figure holding a staff. He was watching over the Belladonna household while he floated over the island. This was no other than Y/N L/N. 

"That is a pretty good choice. But Adam is a nuisance. Such as yourself little sister. But I must say thank you because of you, that grimm would last me for a couple of months. Send more. So I can destroy you once and for all." 

BOOM! Here is chapter 10 of Wrath of the Gods! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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