Chapter 9: Personal Reminders

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Third Person POV 

Ever since Yang got her robotic arm, she's been training with her dad, Tai. Every day or so, she and Tai have been training. 

To Yang

Yang blocks a punch from Tai and throw a kick at him. Tai blocks it and throws at punch at her but Yang blocks it and it blows her back. As they charged at each other, Zwei sat in front of them watching them fight. Tai spins around in the air and delivers a kick to Yang. She blocks with her arm and throws a punch at Tai with her robotic arm, launching him back. Tai knelt in front of her as he held his arm. 

Tai: Whoa. That thing sure packs a punch. 

Yang: We've been at this for weeks. I get it. You want to make sure I can still fight. *Pumps her hands together.* I think I'm doing just fine. 

Tai: You're close. 

Yang: Oh really? 
She asked as she put her hand on her hips. 

Tai: You're still off balance. 

Yang: What! No I'm not!.......Honestly I'm kind of surprised......I thought it would just be this huge weight feels natural. This did a great job with this thing. 

As Yang was admiring her robotic arm, Tai threw a punch at her. Yang stumbles back but spins to elbow him. Tai blocks it and ducks as Yang threw 2 kicks at him. Yang threw a punch as she holds Tai's elbow inches away from her face.

 Tai: I wasn't talking about your actual balance. 
He said as he held Yang's robotic arm. 

Then he knocks Yang down onto her back and walks to grab towels. 

Tai: Although that could use some work too. 
He said as he grabbed a towel from Zwei. 

Yang: Meaning? 

Tai: I saw your tournament fights. During the Vytal Festival. 

Yang: Let me guess......"I was sloppy." 
She said, mimicking Tai. 

Tai: No. No. You were predictable. And stubborn......And maybe a little boneheaded. 

Yang gets up and looks at him as she crossed her legs. 

Tai: Do you realize you used semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers? 

Yang: So what? *Turns around* How is my using my semblances any different than someone using theirs? 

Tai: Because not everyone else's is basically a temper tantrum. 

Yang scoffs at her father. 

Tai: Yang. I'm serious. Once you take damage. You can dish it back twice as hard but that doesn't make you invincible. *Yang looks at him* It's great when your in a bind but what happens if you miss? What happens if they're stronger? What then? Now you're just weak and tired. *Yang looks down* You've always been one to burn brighter than everyone else, whether it was our smile or well. I remember your first haircut. 
He said as he touched her hair, making Yang push his hand back. 

Tai: But you got to keep your emotions in check. Keep a level head and think before you act. Your semblance is a great fallback but you can't let yourself rely on it. It won't always save you. Obviously........You definitely have your mom's stubbornness. 

Yang: So now we can talk about her? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Tai: Well. As I have been informed. You're an adult now remember? 

Yang: Well. Sorry I remind you of her. 

Tai: Don't be......Your mother was great in many ways. Her strength. Her ambition. Her dedication to whatever causes she thought was worth fighting for. I'm proud of much of her I see in you ........but I'm glad I don't see all of her in you. 

Yang: Why? 
She asked him. 

Tai sighs as he looks down. 

Tai: Your mother was.....a complicated woman......Like everybody, she had her faults but those faults are what tore our team apart. And it did a real number on our family. You both act like the easiest way to tackle an obstacle is through it. That strength is all that matters in a fight. But if you just take a second look, then maybe you see that there's a way around........Come on. One more before dinner. 
He said as he held his hand out. Yang grabbed his hand getting off the ground. 

The two cirlce around each other as they got into their fighting stances. Tai lunged at Yang and threw a punch. Yang blocked it and ducked as Tai threw a kick. Tai then threw another kick and Yang jumped back. He threw a punch and Yang blocked it again. After blocking it, she jumped back further, making Tai come to her. They charged at each other and they both held their elbows, preventing the other from attacking their opponent. 

Tai: Ha. See! Alright now you're using your head instead of your head instead of you- 

Tai was soon interrupted as Yang tripped him and caught his hand before he fell onto the ground. 

Tai: Okay. That's enough for today. Let's go inside. 

Yang walks inside, leaving Tai and Zwei outside. 

Tai: She's fast learner. Just like him. 
He said as he thought of his old team. 

Tai: Oh times would be different if you both were here. 
He said as he thought of two individuals. 

To JNPR, RW, Summer, Amber, and Y/N 

The group walking through the forest as Y/N had Qrow on a bed he formed from his powers. 

Ruby: Hold on uncle. 
She said as she looked at Qrow, worried he won't make it. 

Qrow: Tai....She's not coming back. 
He mutters. 

Summer looked at Qrow and felt sadden by what her death has caused. 

Pyrrha: Y/N. Why don't you heal him? 

Y/N raised his hand and healed Qrow. Suddenly Y/N fell onto the ground as he coughed up blood. Summer knelt to Y/N, helping him up. 

Ruby: W-What just happened? 
She asked, seeing Y/N coughing up blood. 

Y/N: D-Damn it. Need.....more......

Jaune: Need more of what? 

Summer: Y-Your powers? 
She asked as she was able to get him up. 

Weiss: More powers? 

Y/N: My powers are draining. I can't use them until......

Nora: Until what? 

Y/N: I need the grimm. 

Amber: Why Grimm? 

Y/N: I need the grimm to refuel. They're the source of my powers. I need to kill a couple to regain them. 

Ruby: How much further? 
She asked Ren. 

Ren: Without a map, there is no way of knowing but I feel like we're close to something. 

Suddenly Ren stopped. 

Ruby: What is it ? 

Ren runs up to a sign with directions to different cities. 

Nora: Hey. Hey! Mistral! We're on the right path! 
She said as she puts her weapon on her back. 

Nora: Oh. 

Ruby: Does it say we're close. 

Ren: No.....But it looks like the path will take us through the mountains. 

Jaune: Guys. I don't think all of us can make that climb. 
He said as he looks at Qrow. 

Ruby then runs up to Ren and Nora. 

Ruby: Okay. Well. What about this place? 
She pointed towards the direction, the sign says Kuroyouri. 

Ruby: Ku-Kuroyouri. 

Ren: That village was destroyed years ago. 
He said as he clenched his hands together. 

Jaune: But if it takes us around the mountains, its the best we've got. 

Ren: That'll take too long.

Ruby: Maybe the town has a doctor or maybe we could scavenge for medicine! 
She said. 

 Jaune: That's right. 

Ren: We won't find anything! We just have to press on! 

Y/N: If there is grimm over there, I'll be able to replenish myself and we could get to Haven faster. 

Ruby: How? 

Y/N: The grimm refuel my powers as long I can sustain them for a while. I used a large portion of it to revive Pyrrha, Summer, and Amber. Now I'm on the edge of not having any. 

Pyrrha: Ren? Why are you acting this- 

Nora: We can split up. 

Ruby: Huh? 
She gasped out of fear. 

Nora: Ren and I cut through the mountains while you guys go around the village. 

Jaune: No we stick together. Only way to make sure we're safe. 

Nora: We don't have time for safe! 

Y/N: She's right. Ruby, Pyrrha, Amber, Weiss, Summer. We go through to the village and Ren and Nora go through the mountains. 

Summer: What about you? Without your powers -

Y/N: I don't need my powers to fight. I'm a silver eye warrior. Just like you. 

Jaune: Alright fine. Be safe you three. 

They grab Qrow and started heading towards the city. Ren, Nora, and Y/N walked, cutting through the mountains. 

Summer: We're going to be okay Ruby. 

Ruby: O-O-Okay mom. 

Jaune: I'm not sure about that. 

15 minutes later 

Ren and Nora got up to the side of the mountain, seeing the area of the land. 

Ren: We never get the easy path do we? 

Nora: Easy's no fun anyway. You okay? 

Ren: Yeah. And you? 

Nora: I've got you here don't I? Come on. There's one way up a mountain. 

Ren looks around the area as Nora went up ahead. 

Nora: HEY! 

Ren looks at Nora as she stood in front of a cave. 

Nora: There' wind blowing out of this cave! 
She yells out to Ren. 

Nora: Thinking about taking a look? 

Ren: I suppose there's only one way to find-ah! 
Nora giggles as Ren struggles to take it off. 

Ren: Yeah. Very funny.
He said as he pulls the cover that hit him and pulled it off. He stares at it as he held it in his hands. 

Nora: Hey what's wrong? 

Ren: This is the symbol for Shion Village. 

Nora: Shion? But that's the village where we found the huntsman. It's weeks away from here! 

Nora: REN WAIT! 
She yelled as Ren ran into the cave. Ren runs into the cave and stops at the entrance. 

Nora: Oh god. 
She stops as she sees amount of weapons in the cave. Ren walks and kneels down as he sees an arrow. The two walk to the openning in front of them and see the trees moving. Nora held onto Ren's hand as they stood there. 

To Y/N 

Y/N and the others finally reached the village and started searching for supplies while he stood with Qrow. As he watched Qrow. He heard something that he caught his attention. Y/N smiles as he hears the roar of a grimm. 

"Now you send it after us, little sister. Good. It'll be a good time to replenish and we can start our 'sibling rivalry'. Little sister". 

BOOM! Here is Chapter 9 of Wrath of the Gods! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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