Chapter 4: Revival

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Third Person

With Blake

Blake was on a a boat as it was on her to Menagerie. Her home. She takes off her bow and looks at it one last time. 

Blake: Guess I won't be needing it. 

She walks into the inside of the ship, not realizing a man in a red cloth is watching her. 

To Yang 

Yang was sitting on the crouch as she turned on the TV. She grabs the remote and starts flicking through the different channels. She goes through channel by channel but only sees them talking about the fall of Beacon. She turns it off but hears her dad come in. She looks behind her and sees him with her cybernetic arm. 

Tai: Hey Yang. 

Yang: Hey Dad. 

Tai: *rubs the back of neck* It came in today. 

Yang: It's for me? 

Tai: For you and only. 

Yang opens the box containing her arm. She  closes it and looks at her dad. 

Tai: Ironwood told that you fought admirably. You should be proud of yourself. Well are you going to try it on? 

Yang: Um. I'm not feeling to great right now. Maybe later

Tai rubs the back of neck as he looks at his daughter. 

Tai: *sighs* alright then. 

Yang walks up the stairs but stops to look at Tai. 

Yang: Thanks dad.  

Throughout the day Yang was doing her chores. Sweeping the ground, grabbing the mail and washing the dishes. However when she was washing the dishes, she looks at the cup she was holding. 


She drops the cup as she remembers his face. His sword. His red hair as he had his hand on the hilt of the blade. She gasps as she looks at the shattered cup on the ground. She slams her hand onto the counter as she is recovering from her flashback. While unknown to her, her father was watching her with signs of guilt on his face. 

Back to Blake

Blake was leaning on the railing as she was thinking. She looks over her shoulder and sees faunas couple. She gets up and walks away but not before seeing someone with a red cloth on top of her. She notices him and pulls out Gambal Shroud. 

Blake: Whose there! 
She yells at the mysterious person. 

The mysterious person runs away. While Blake was looking at the stranger a grimm was swimming through the water, causing the waves to hit the ship. The ship rumbles as Blake struggles to gain her footing. The grimm reveals itself as she looks at it. 

A/N: I don't own this! 

Ship Member: Red Alert! 

The alarms on the ship go off as Blake stood there as she readies her weapon. She jumps into the air as she uses her semblance. She launches her self towards it and uses gambal shroud and clings it onto the grimm. She changes Gambal Shroud into its secondary mode. She shoots at it but she is launched back to the ship. She tries to get back up but she groans in pain. She is about to run at it again but is stopped as the mysterious person uses her head as a footing. Blake looks at him as the stranger reveals himself. 

Blake: Sun! 

Sun gets on top of its head and holds onto it. This causes the grimm to swings it head, trying to get him off. The sea fielong is able to swing him off and he flies towards one of the islands. Blake uses her semblance and is able to catch him. 

Sun: My hero. 

Blake groans in annoyance. 

Ship Captain: Hunstmen! If you can clip its wing and draw it towards the bow. We can take it. 

Sun and Blake look at each other. 

Sun: I mean you're the one with the swords. 

Blake groans in annoyance. 

Sun activates his semblance and launches himself in the air. 

Sun: It's now or never! 

His clone launches Blake into the air. Sun's clones grab her and throw her higher into air and she lands on Sun's shoulder. She uses him as a platform to go higher. She dives towards the grimm as he tries to hit her with its energy beam. As it continues to miss, she is able to cut through its wing as it screams in pain. She is about to crash into the ground but Sun catches her. 

Sun: This is where you say it. 

Blake groans in annoyance. Then the grimm destroys the rock holding them both. They both run as the grimm tries to catch them both.

Sun: Okay! Maybe Later! 

The captain starts the ship and catches up with them. Blake and Sun are running as the grimm catches up to them. Sun jumps off a rock and the grimm smashes through the rock as it is about to eat Sun. Blake swings in and saves him. They both hang off the rock as the grimm is about to shoot an energy beam at them. 


The ship impales the grimm and shoots at it, killing it. 

Everyone cheers finally seeing the grimm dead. 

Sun holds out a high five. 

Sun: Up top. 

Blake turns with an angered look. She slaps Sun across the face. 


???: Hello I am Professor Ozpin. 

A young boy falls over as he thinks he is losing her mind. 

???: Who are you. 

The boy ask. 

Ozpin: I know who you are. 

???: You do. 

Ozpin: Of course. I do. I am you. Oscar. 

Back at Beacon 

Y/N: Pyrrha Nikos. Penny. Summer Rose. Amber. I've beg for your return.
He said as he slams the ball of light into the ground as a pillar of yellow light lights up the area. Weiss and Ironwood are pushed back from the amount of force being created.

Weiss: What is he doing!
She yells at the general.

Ironwood: He's performing the ritual.
He answers her.

Weiss: What ritual?!
She asks.

Ironwood: He's bringing the dead back to the living.

Weiss turns to look at Y/N and saw two of him.

Weiss(thoughts): Why are there of him?
She asked as 3 individuals started to form in front of him. Y/N was on one knee as he planted his hand on the ground. He could feel his powers draining from him.

Y/N(thoughts): I won't be able to use my magic abilities. Oh well. Not like I needed them. No one in this world is strong enough to fight the brother of Salem. Only her, the gods, and the silver warriors. They'll be the only ones that can kill me.

He looked to his side and he looked at other self. All black while he is white.
They both nod at each other and put full force into the ritual. This caused Ironwood and Weiss to get blown further. Slowly as he knelt in front of it, Pyrrha Nikos started reform. Penny started to reform. And Summer Rose reformed in front of him. And Amber starts to reform. The light starts to die down as he pants heavily.

Y/N(thoughts): That took half of my power. I can only put a fourth of its full power into my attacks now. Of well. It should give me a challenge. 

He knelt onto the ground as 4 people rose up. 

Pyrrha's POV 

"How am I here?" 

I looked around in confusion as I saw Ironwood, Weiss, and a man in black and white. 

???: Ugh. How am I here? 

I turned and I saw Penny and Amber. My eyes widen as I saw them. I ran and hugged Penny as I felt tears roll down my eyes. 

"I'm so sorry Penny." I said, holding onto her. I felt her arms wrap around me as I hugged her. 

Penny: It's alright Ms. Nikos. 

???: Pyrrha! 

I turned and I saw Weiss running at me. She  and I hugged each other. 

Weiss: I've missed you. 

???: Where am I? 

???: It's good to see you again Summer. 


 I slowly got up as I watched her get up. There she was. One of the last few silver eye warriors left. 

"It's good to see you again Summer." 

Summer: Y-Y/N? 
She said as tears fell. 

I pulled off my mask, revealing my H/C hair and silver eyes. 

"It's been so long..........Summer." 

Well here is Chapter 4 of Wrath of the Gods. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? What do you think of Y/N bringing the previous fall maiden back? Pyrrha Nikos? What do you all think will happen if Ruby actually meets Summer? Yang? What will happen if they all encounter a being as powerful as Salem? 

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