Chapter 5: Revealed

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Third Person POV At Beacon 

Y/N: It's been so long........Summer 

Summer: Y/N! 

She runs up to him brings him into a crushing hug as she cries on his shoulder. 

Summer: I've missed you! 
She said as tears fell from her eyes. 

Y/N: I've missed you too. 

Amber: Where am I? I thought I died. 

Y/N lets go of Summer and looks at Amber. 

Y/N: I revived you. 

Amber: Revived me? Why? 

Y/N: Because I need someone to take the fall maiden's powers. 

Amber: But a girl in a red dress killed me and took it. And would I follow you? 
She said. 

Y/N: Because I am your only chance to bring down the ones that did this to you. 

Amber/Pyrrha: R-Really? 

Pyrrha: How? And why does Ruby look older? 

Y/N: This is not Ruby Ms Nikos. This is Summer Rose. 

Summer: I'm the mother of Ruby. 


Pyrrha/Weiss: She never talked about you! 

Summer: That was because I died when she was very young all thanks to Ozpin. 

Pyrrha: What did Ozpin do? 

Summer: He sent me on a suicide mission! 
She yells as she clenches her fists. 

Y/N: Easy now love. I will find Ozpin and we can figure out what we can do with him. 

Summer slowly calms down and looks at the 3 girls. 

Summer: I was Ozpin's wild card. The silver eyes. 

Y/N: I was also his wild card but he was a fool.

Ironwood: H-How? 

Y/N: He wanted to use Summer and I to try and fight Salem all alone! 
He yelled. 

Ironwood: I would have done the same. 

Y/N then looks at Ironwood with a killer look. 

Y/N: So you're going to use me like Ozpin sent the both of us on a suicide mission! 
He yelled as he formed a ball of dark magic. 

Y/N: You think I'm going to become your weapon! My loyalty does not belong to Beacon Academy or Atlas! My loyalty belongs to the gods and Summer Rose! 
He yells as Ironwood shrinks in fear. 

Summer places her hand on his shoulder. 

Summer: It's okay Y/N. Calm down. 

Y/N looks at her and slowly calms down. 

Y/N: Ironwood. You and Penny go back to Atlas. Ms Nikos, Schnee, Amber, Summer and I are going to Haven. 

Y/N opens a portal and Ironwood and Penny walk through. He closes, leaving Summer, Weiss, Pyrrha, and Amber with him.  

Weiss: Can't you just teleport us there? 

Y/N: Well I used half of my powers to revive them. They won't come back until I start killing grimm. 

Pyrrha: So killing grimm will restore your powers? 

Y/N: Correct. I would go to Beacon to do that but something is coming. 

Summer: Well lets get going. 

Y/N nods and he forms a platform of light. He steps on it and turns around to the others. 

Y/N: Well this platform will be our transportation. I can control how fast we get there and no you won't fall off. 

Pyrrha, Weiss, Amber, and Summer slowly climbed on and sat down while Y/N was the only one standing up. The platforms start to move fast while they all sat there. 

Y/N: You all might as well get some sleep. I'll be on guard and I'll be careful. 

They all nervously looked at each other and they fell asleep. Everyone slept except Summer and Y/N. Summer slowly got up and held him by his arm as he concentrated getting to Haven safely. 

Y/N looks at Summer as she held his arm. Summer smiles and kisses him on the lips. 

Summer: I've missed you so much. What did you do after I've died? 

Y/N: I went back to the gods and begged them to bring you back but they wouldn't. Ever since I've been training with them. They gave me the power of dark and light magic. 

Summer: I'm glad you're here. 
She said as she kisses him on the lips. 

With Qrow 

Qrow was sitting in bar as he watches Ruby, Jaune, Ren, and Nora. He was soon interrupted as a waitress places a drink on his table. 

Qrow: I didn't. 

Waitress: From the woman upstairs. Red eyes. Says you wouldn't mind bottom shelf. 

Qrow looks up and looks back at the cup. 

Qrow: Thanks. 

Waitress: But I went ahead and gave you top. Lucky you! 
She said as she winks. She then walks away. 

Qrow: Yeah. 
He says as he grabs the cup of alcohol. He heads up stairs and sees who it was. 

???: Hello brother. 

Qrow: Raven. 

He walks to the table and waits. Raven moves her mask and puts it by her. Qrow sits down. 

Qrow: So what do you want? 

Raven: Can't a girl catch up with her family? 

Qrow: She can but you're not. How about we get on with it?....... Unless you plan on keeping these coming. 
He said as he puts the cup down. 

Raven: Does she have it? 

Qrow: Did you know Yang lost her arm? 

Raven: That's not....

Qrow: Rhetorical question. I know you know. It's just obnoxious that you bring up family then carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist. 

Raven: I saved her. 

Qrow: Once. Because that was your rule, right? Real "Mom of the Year" material, sis. 

Qrow reaches for the cup but Raven grabs his wrist. 

Raven: I told you Beacon would fall and it did. I told you Ozpin would fail, and he has. I told you that he was going to use Summer and Y/N and he did. And I'll ask again. Does Salem have it? 

Qrow: I thought you were weren't interested in all of that. 

Raven: I just want to know what we are up against. 

Qrow: And which "we" are you referring to? 

Raven looks at him with hint of anger in her face. Qrow sighs at her as he grabs the cup. 

Qrow: You should come back Raven. The only way we beat her is by working together. All of us. 

Raven: You're the one who left. The tribe raised us and you turned back on them. 
She responds harshly as Qrow took a sip of his drink. 

Qrow: They were murderers and thieves. 
He said as he puts the drink down. 

Raven: They were your family. 

Qrow: You have a very skewed perception of that word. 

Raven gets up in anger. 

Raven: I lead our people now. And as leader I will do everything in my power to ensure our survival. 

Qrow: I saw. The people of Shion saw too. 

Raven: The weak die, the strong live. Those are the rules. 

Qrow: Well, you've certainly got someone strong on your side. I've seen the damage. But not as much he can do

Raven: Don't you dare talk about Y/N! He was our best friend and family! Then Ozpin sent him and Summer on that suicide mission! 

Qrow: What if Y/N is still alive? 

Raven: He is long dead! If he was still alive why isn't he here! Why didn't he protect Beacon! Why didn't prevent all of this! 
She yells at him in anger. 

Qrow: Because I believe  he will answer our prayers. We also need to get the spring maiden as well. I don't where she is but if you do, I need you to tell me. 

Raven: And why would I tell you. 
She said as she grabs her mask. Qrow stops her by grabbing onto her mask. 

Qrow: Because without her. We're all going to die. 

Raven: And which "we" are you referring to. 

She walks away and slashes his sword, forming a portal. 

Qrow hears a gasp and turns to see a waitress. He looks at her as she stands there in fear. 

Qrow: Make this a double. 
He said as he shakes the cup. 

Time-Skip With RJNR

Nora: Another day! Another adventure! 
She exclaims. 

Ruby: What's on the agenda today? 

Jaune: Walking! 

Nora: With the side of? 

Ren: Walking. 
He finishes her sentence. 

Ruby: Haven is a lot farther away than I thought. 
She said as she sighs 

Ren: Ruby? How long did you think this journey was going to take? 

Ruby: I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home. 
She yells out of frustration. 

Jaune: Right long? 

Ruby: Maybe like uh.... two weeks? 

Jaune: What! 
He yells as he looks at Ruby. 

Ruby: Okay fine! three or something! 
She yells. 

Ruby: But whatever. Hey what is that? 
She said as she spots another village.

Nora jumps onto a fence to get a better look. 

Jaune: That's strange. I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days. 
He said as he looks at the map. 

Nora: Are those buildings damaged? 

Jaune: We should look for survivors! 
He said as all of them started running towards he village. 

They all run right behind him and they entered the vilage. 

Ruby: Anything? 

Nora: Nothing over here! 

Jaune: No one over here either! 

Ren: It seems like the village was abandoned. 
Ren said as he kneels down. 

Ren gets up as Jaune and Nora continued walking. Ruby looks up at the sky in a depressing manner. 

Nora: Hey I think I found something! 

Everyone walks over to Nora as she stood in front of a sign. She moves a branch over and sees what the sign says. 

Nora: Oni-Yuri? Never heard of it. 
She said as she looks at it confused. 

Jaune: Me neither. 

Ren: I have. You might think of it as Aniama's Mountain Glenn had it never been completed. Years ago. the richest members of Mistral were unhappy with how the kingdom was being run. Frustrated with the council they pooled their resources together to build their own city. With their own laws. They hoped that one day, that it cold even become its own kingdom. Many thought it would be the future. I know my parents did. 
He said as he walks over to railing. 

Ruby: What happened? 

Ren: What always happens. 
He said as he wipes off the dust off the railing, showing a claw mark. 

Jaune: The grimm. 

 Ren: Not just anyone. 
He said as he clenches his fists. 

Ruby looks at him worriedly as Nora looked at him with a hint of sadness. 

Ruby: One? 
She asked as a couple of birds flew over them. 

Jaune: Let's go. This place gives me the creeps. 
He said as he walks off. Ruby continues to look at Ren as Nora follows Jaune. 

With Y/N 

Y/N continued using his powers to his minimum to keep flying to Haven Academy. He was sitting down with his staff out. He spins it in the air above him as Summer, Pyrrha, Weiss, and Amber were sleeping. He looked to the side as he saw nothing but trees. 

Y/N: How much has changed since I've been with her. 
He said as he thought of her. 

Y/N: How much you have changed....Salem. 


Y/N had his swords out as Salem stood in front of him. The two of them were fighting at the front entrance of the God of light's temple. 
A/N: Y/N in this time period does not have the silver eyes! 

Y/N: Why are you attacking the gods! 
He yelled at her. 

Salem: I simply wanted to make a request. 
She said as she had a ball of dark magic in her hand. She shoots it at Y/N but he deflects it. 

Y/N: You have gone mad with grief! And did you forget. I am a master swordsman! 
He said as he held his swords in his hand. He charges at Salem as the army formed magic in their hands. They all shot at Y/N but he dodged all of them. They all struggled to hit him as he zoomed past them, killing them. They all ran at him as they shot magic at him. He deflects one magic ball and slashes his sword through it. The magic ball splits in half and explodes behind him. 

One Soldier: H-How! You can't do that to magic! 

Y/N: Oh. How foolish of you all. Did you forget I can perform magic! 
He said as he coats the blades of his sword with magic. 

Y/N charges at Salem with his sword and brings it to her chest. He swings it at her but is stabbed through the chest. He drops his swords and falls to the ground as he lays in a puddle of blood. 

Salem: Foolish. The gods took everything from me. 
She said as she looks at him. 

Y/N: *coughs* The only fool *coughs* here is you. 

Flashback Ends

Y/N's POV 

I clenched my fist as I remembered that very day. The day she truly changed. The one sister I loved became mad with grief. If I was stronger then I would have been able to stop her. I looked at my staff and I thought to myself for a little bit. 

"Maybe I can take one of her minions and take their mind away. And they become my puppet." 

"I can performed an illusion and force her to kill all of her minions." 

"I can kill all of the grimm and my power can fully restore." 

"I can go with an all out fight with her but that will destroy Remnant considering I have my swords, staff, my powers, and the silver eyes." 

I was knocked out of my thoughts as I felt someone's hand on mine. I looked and I saw it was Summer holding my hand as she looked at me. 

"Hey Summer." 
I said. 

Summer: Hey Y/N. How are you feeling? 

"I'm doing fine. How was your nap?" 

Summer: It was great. Best nap I had in a while. 

I chuckled at her response but stopped as she punched my arm. 

Summer: Don't laugh at me. 
She pouts. 

"Okay okay. I won't." I said. 

I looked over to the other girls and I saw Weiss slowly waking up. She looks at me with tired eyes. 

*Stomach growling* 

She looks away in embarrassment. 

"Seems you are hungry." 

Weiss: I suppose so. But we don't have anything. 

I snapped my fingers and a plate full of food appeared in front of her.

Weiss: Thought you said you can't use your powers? 

"Well I can still use them. I'm just using the minimum amount it takes to use them. And summoning food doesn't take a lot. 

Weiss: Oh. 
She said as she grabs the food. 

Summer: I think it's great that you have all of these abilities. 
She said as she laid her head on my shoulder. 

"It's been so long since I've been able to relax." I told her. 

Summer: Why is that? 
She asked. 

"Ever since that day. I've been training with the gods." I told her. 

Summer: R-Really? 

"Yeah." I answered. 

I looked over to Weiss and saw Pyrrha and Amber slowly waking up. 

"Good morning Pyrrha. Good morning Amber." 

Amber/Pyrrha: Good morning. 

Amber: Where are we? 

"On our way to Haven Academy." 

Amber: Oh okay. 

Pyrrha: My parents are in Mistral. So we should be able to stop by. 
She informed us. 

"Okay then." 

To Yang 

Yang's POV 

I sat in the kitchen while eating. I finally started using the cybernetic arm father got for me. 

Tai: I'm home! 
I heard him yell as he brings in a few bags of food. He sets the bags as I sat there. 

Tai: How are you feeling Yang? 
He asked. 

'I'm doing fine." 
I said. I got up from the chair until a photo fell out. I grabbed it and looked at it again. I stared at the man with silver eyes as he hugged mom. I thought about asking him but I was afraid. But I want to know. Ever since I've found that photo it's been bothering me. I decided to finally ask him. 


Tai: Yes Yang? 

"Do you know this man?" 
I asked as I pulled out the photo. He looks at it wide-eyed as I sat there. I felt uncomfortable due to long awkward silence between us. 


Tai: Yang. Where did you find this? 

"Um. I accidentally knocked one of the photos down and this came out." I answered, afraid of what might happen.

Tai: Yang. Do you want to know who he is? 


Tai: Yang. His name is Y/N L/N. 

"But what is his relationship with mom?" 

Tai: Let's just say Y/N and I had a thing with your mother.


Tai: *sighs* Your mother, Summer had silver eyes. So she was given more missions more than your uncle and I. 

"What about Y/N?" 

Tai: Well he also had silver eyes. So he was with Summer all the time they were given missions. 

"S-So. They g-got together." 
I said awkardly. 

Tai: You could say that. Yang. Could we talk about this another time? It's just hard to talk about her ever since she passed. 

I nodded and I grabbed the photo. I went upstairs and sat on my bed. I looked at the photo, curious knowing what made the silver eyes so special. 

Tai's POV 

I sat outside as I thought of them. Y/N. Summer. 

"It's so hard. You two not being here. Summer how Ruby misses you and wishes for you to be here. Y/N. It's been so long we saw each other. I guess I miss seeing you around. From how skillful you were and how you comforted Summer every time in her time of stress ." 


I was sitting with Raven, Qrow, and Summer as we ate our lunch. I looked at Summer as she had a hint of sadness on her face. 

"Summer? What's wrong?" 

Summer: Oh. It's nothing. 

"Summer. You can tell us." 
I said trying to comfort her. 

???: It's Ozpin. 
I heard someone say. I turned around and I saw Y/N as he had his two swords on his hip. 

"Hey Y/N. How are you feeling?" 

Y/N: Tired. Ozpin has sent Summer and I on a lot of missions recently. Oh and Summer. We have another mission. 

Summer: Oh. 
She said as she looks down. 

"Summer. It'll be okay." 
I said, holding her hand. 

Intercom: Y/N L/N. Summer Rose. Report to Ozpin's office for mission details. 

Summer got up as she still had the small hint of sadness in her face. She was about to walk away but Y/N places his hand on her shoulder. 

Y/N: You know you're not in this alone. I'm here with you. Always. 

Summer slowly nods and holds him close as she laid her head on his shoulder. 

Summer: T-Thank you.
She quietly said. 

I clenched seeing her like this. 

Y/N: I guess we'll see you all later. And don't worry about Summer. I'll keep her safe. 
He said as Summer laid her head on his shoulder. 

Flashback Ends 

I looked down in sadness as I thought the two. 

"How you two would have made a perfect couple if you both didn't die on that mission." 


Ruby, Jaune, Nora, and Ren continued walking through out the destroyed city.  They all continued to walk until Ren held out his hand, signaling them to stop. Ren pulls out his weapon as the others pulled out theirs. Suddenly a figure came out of nowhere and landed in front of Ren. This figure had trench coat and a pony tail with a crazed look in his eyes. This was no other than Tyerian.  He charges at Ruby but Ren runs at him. Tyerian pulls out his weapons as Ren shoots at him. Tyerian blocks all the shots and throws a kick making Ren duck. As Ren ducked Tyerian sent another kick making Ren fly away from the others. Tyrian charges at Ruby and throws an attack. Ruby blocks it but is sent back a little as Tyrian charges at her again. Ruby blocks his attacks with a look of fear on her face. Tyrian throws another but Jaune gets in between them. Tyerian notices and jumps on his shield, meeting Jaune face to face. He grins manically at him as he was on his shield. Nora runs at Tyrian and swings her hammer but Tyrian jumps up. He jumps onto her hammer and uses it as a platform. He jumps and crashes through a building. 

They all looked at him as they held their weapons. 

Jaune: We're not looking for a fight! 

Ren: Who are you? 

Tyrian looks at them and drops down in front of them. 

Tyrian: Who I am matter not to you. 
*points to Nora* Or you. 
*points to Ren* Or you. 
*points to Jaune* Or. Well you do interest me. 

No I only matter to you
He said as he points to Ruby. 

Ruby: Me? 
She asked with a questioning look. 

Tyrian: starts to laugh manically as they all looked at him worriedly. 

Tyrian: You. You haven't the slightest clue, do you! Oh! How exciting this must be! 

Ruby: What do you want? 

Tyrian: Oh. The rose has thorns! My little flower, I'm here to whisk with me! 
He said in mocking tone. 

Nora: Well. What if she doesn't want to go with you?
She said as she steps in front of Ruby, readying her hammer. 

Tyrian: Then. I'll take her. 

Jaune: We're not going to let you do that.
He said as he steps in front of them. 

Tyrian: Good. 
He said as he grins.

A/N: I'm going to stick with the fight between them and Tyrian since this chapter is too long as it is already. I'm changing the ending of the fight a little. 
Cut the video from the beginning to 9:10. I don't own this video! It's goes to it creator! 

Tyrian is able to cut Qrow with his tail. Ruby cuts his tail off earning a scream of pain from Tyrian. Tyrian turns around. 

Tyrian: You bitch! 
He yells at Ruby. He charges at them but


is suddenly stabbed in the leg. 

Ruby, Jaune, Nora, and Ren looked at him with shock as they suddenly see a staff impaling his leg. Tyrian screams out in pain as he holds his leg. Qrow stared wide-eyed seeing the staff. 

Qrow: It can't be his. There is only one person that wields that weapon! 
He said to himself. 

???: Oh how foolish of her. Sending her henchmen to do her job. 
Someone said.  

They all looked at the stranger and they all familiar faces. 

Tyrian: No! It can't be! 
He yells as his eyes widen in fear. 

Jaune, Nora, and Ren all looked at the stranger in shock as they saw two familiar faces. Ruby and Qrow stood there in shock as they saw someone with similar looks to Ruby. 

Ruby: M-Mom? 

Well here is Chapter 5 of Wrath of the Gods(Male Reader X RWBY). I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

Word Count: 3805

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