Chapter 7: The War Between the Two Siblings

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Third Person POV 

Y/N stood in front of Salem as she stared at him with shock. 

Salem: H-How? 
She said with shock. 

Y/N: I've been given a second chance. Thanks to you. 
He said with anger as he reveals his silver eyes. 

Salem: H-How do you have silver eyes? 

Y/N then teleports in front of Salem. 

Y/N: Because you. Because you I was created to be the one. 

Salem: The one for what? 

Y/N: The only to kill you. 
He said as he pulls out his staff. Salem forms a shield and blocks the attack. However she is blown through the doors of the council room and crashes into the ground near Cinder. Cinder runs to her mistress and helps her up. 

Cinder: My lord. What happened? 
She asked as she helped Salem up. 

Y/N: Still depending on your minions. No wonder you couldn't destroy Atlas yourself. 

Cinder: Who are you! 
She said as she used Fall Maiden's powers. 

Y/N: I see you taken the Fall Maiden's powers. 

Cinder: Yes. I am the most powerful in this room beside from mistress Salem! 

Y/N: Very well. I should take you very seriously. 
He said. Suddenly he appears in front of Cinder. Cinder formed a shard in her hand and threw it at Y/N. Y/N caught it, surprising Cinder. 

Cinder: H-H-How? Y-You s-s-should b-b-be in a-a-ashes. 
She stuttered. 

Y/N: Oh Foolish. 

He flicked Cinder's forehead, making her break through the wall and crashing into the floor in the next room. 

A/N: Just like this! Beerus is Y/n. Goku is Cinder. 

Salem stood there in shock as she sees Cinder go through the floor and seeing Y/N strong. 

Salem: How? 
She asked in shock. 

Y/N: Let's just say. I've been training the moment since I've died. 
He said as a clone of him formed. 

Salem: W-W-With w-who? 
She said as she looked at her older brother. 

Y/N: Who do you think. 

Salem: O-O-Ozpin? 

Y/N: No. I'll never train with that pathetic fool. He's only alive thanks to me. 
He said as both of him held their staffs in their hand. 
A/N: Remeber Y/N has a black and white persona. Black resembling his cruelty and hate. White resembling his kindness and nobility 

Salem: W-W-Who then. 
She said with fear in her voice. 

Y/N: The ones that let you live. 
He growled with venom. 

Salem: T-T-The B-B-Brothers? 
She said, realizing her brother was trained by the gods. 

Salem: S-Silver eyes too? 

Y/N: The gods made me the first silver eyes warrior. Pathetic little sister. Sending people to exterminate the people you find dangerous. What are you going to do now that I'm here.
He said as both of him got into his stance. 

Salem looked at her brother as she had a tear slowly flowing down her cheek. She summoned a Ursa behind him but Y/N(dark) slashed the Ursa's head off. 

Y/N(Light/Dark): Pathetic. Come at me. All out. 
He taunted her. 

Salem was conflicted about facing her brother again and charged at him. She formed a ball of dark magic in her hand and threw it at him. Y/N(Dark/Light) both formed a ball of darkness and it overpowered Salem's. It sent her into the open field in front of the castle. She slowly gets up and sees Y/N levitating in front of her. 

Y/N: Come on. You're boring me. 
He said he became one. Dark lingering with his light. Salem looked at him as her eyes widen, seeing how different he became when they last fought. 

Salem: Why are you doing this? We could rule Remnant as brother and sister. 
She said as she looked at Y/N. Then Y/N teleports in front of her and grabs her by the throat, making her look into his silver eyes. 

Y/N: I didn't come here to make an alliance with you. I'm here because I want a war. A war between us. The assassin of the gods and the Queen of the grimm. I'll let you try to gather all of the relics. Because they're all under my protection. 
He said as his grip got tighter. Salem struggled to get out of his grip as she was slowly suffocating. Tyrian jumped down and lunged at Y/N. Y/N sees this and drops Salem and teleports behind Tyrian. He grabs Tyrian's tail and rips it out of his spine. Tyrian screamed in agony as he falls onto the ground as a puddle of blood formed around him. 

Y/N: And you're her supposed minion. Yet you couldn't even best the two roses. Pathetic. 
He said as he formed a ball of dark magic. Tyrian looked at him as his eyes were consumed in fear. 

Y/N: Hakai. 

Salem watched as her minion was turned to ashes before her. She looks at Y/n with fear as he looked back at her. 

Y/N: Let the war begin little sister. And be happy I haven't gotten serious. I could have just revived every silver eyes warrior that ever existed. 
He said as he walked through a portal. Salem just knelt there on the ground as she realizes that she'll have to go against her only family left. Her big brother. Who is allies with the silver eye warriors. 

Salem: I'm not ready to fight you...Big brother. 

Y/N exits out of the portal and he sees Qrow and the others sitting in front of a campfire. 

Y/n's POV 

I stepped out of the portal and I saw Qrow and everyone sitting in front of a campfire. Summer looks at me and runs at me. 

Summer: Y/N! 
She yells as she brings me into a hug. 

"I couldn't have been gone that long." 
I said as I hugged her back. 

Ruby: So these maidens....They're powerful fighters that don't need Dust to use magic. 

"Qrow. What have you told them." 
I said as I sat by Summer and her daughter. 

Qrow: Just told them a few things. 

"More like how the maiden's are." 

Nora: So they are 4 maidens? 

"Yes. Always." 

Ren: So whenever one dies the power transfers to someone-a female that they care about? 

"Whoever was in their thought last. Important distinction." 

Qrow: Best option being someone we trust. Regardless, their souls become combined, in a way. 

Jaune: And that's what you were trying to do to Pyrrha. 
He said with venom as Pyrrha laid her head on his shoulder. 

Qrow: Amber here was the previous fall maiden. She was attacked. She was young, inexperienced and her assasilant, who we now know as Cinder somehow managed to steal some of her power but not all of it. 

"Just because you followed Ozpin." 
I growled. 

Qrow: What are you saying Y/N. 

"I'm saying if you all trained her instead of hiding her away, then this wouldn't have happened." 
I said to him. 

Qrow: Ozpin thought it was right to hide them away. 

"Hide them away like they're a relic." 

Ruby: M-maybe h-he didn't know. 
She said. 

Summer: Honey. Let the adults talk. 
She told her daughter. 

Qrow: Ozpin thought it was right to hide them away. 

"No he didn't think it was right. He wanted to do it." 

Qrow: What are you saying? 

"Raven was right about Ozpin." 

Qrow: Don't you say that. 

"Why not? He sent Summer and I on that suicide mission. She died and I barely survived." 

Summer looked down as Ruby looked at her. Team JNPR all gasped at the sudden information. 

Qrow: He believed it was a right call. 

"By using the only two silver eyes warriors he had and sending them on a suicide mission." 

Qrow: He believed that would have ended the war between Salem and him. 

Ruby: W-Whose S-Salem? 

Qrow: A powerful enemy. 
He said as he looked at me. Summer held onto my hand as she laid her head on my shoulder. 

Ruby: Who are the two silver eyes warriors? 

Qrow: People- 

"That have silver eyes and are powerful." 

Ruby: How powerful? 

"Powerful enough to wipe out an army of grimm." 

Qrow: That's all we know about it.

"Well you do." 

Qrow: What do you mean? 

"Did you forget Qrow. I am a silver eyes warrior myself." 
I said as I looked at him, revealing my silver eyes. 

Ruby: Y-Y-You're one too? 
She asked as she looked at me. 

Qrow: Ruby. It's my job to watch over you. It was Summer's last wish. 

"Apparently not. Since you waited until Tyrian got to her." 

Ruby: W-What do you mean? 

Jaune: He was using you as bait. 

Qrow: I wouldn't put that way. 

Pyrrha: But why are the schools are being attacked. First Beacon? Now Mistral? 

"It's because of Salem." 

JNPR/Ruby/Amber: Who? 

"Salem. The Queen of the Grimm. Also my--" 

Ruby: You're what? 

I felt Summer's hand tighten around my hand as she laid on my shoulder. I took in a deep breath and looked at them. 

"I'm her big brother." 

BOOM! Here is chapter 7 of Wrath of the Gods! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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