Chapter 8: The Brother Of Salem

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Third Person POV 

Y/N: I'm her big brother. 

Team JNPR and Ruby all pulled out their weapons and pointed them at him as Summer and Qrow sat in their spots. 

Jaune: Then why are you here with us! 

Ren: Are you trying to deceive us! 

Y/N: If I was. Why would I revive your friends. Why would I go through the trouble of coming here to deceive you. 

Pyrrha: You didn't answer the question. 

Y/N: Well here is a simple answer. I despise her. 

Team JNPR, Ruby, Weiss, and Amber gasp at this. 

Ruby: Why? She's your sister. 

Y/N: Your right. She is my sister. I would be glad to have one but she was the one that made me who I am. 
He said as he raised his arm covered in darkness. 

Weiss: What do you mean she made you who you are? 

Y/N: Well here is a little background about how she and I came to be. 

Team JNPR, Ruby, and Weiss slowly sat down as Y/N continued to sit there. 

Y/N: There were two gods. One, God of Light. Found joy in creating forces of life. While the other, God of Darkness spent his time creating forces of Destruction. What you see here is the two gods. As you can see they both had different ideas about how things should go. The older one would spend his days creating water, plants, wildlife. And at night, his brother would wake to see all the things the elder had made and become disgusted. To counteract his brother's creations, the god of darkness brought drought, fire, famine all that he could do to rid Remnant of life. But life always returned. So one night, the younger brother went and made something. Some that shared his innate desire to destroy anything and everything. 

Ruby/Weiss/JNPR: The grimm. 

Y/N: Correct. When the god of light found out, he finally had enough. Knowing that their feud couldn't last forever. he proposed that they make one final creation. Together. Something that they could be proud of. Their masterpiece. The god of darkness agreed. As a result, their last creation would be given the power to both create and destroy. It would be given the gift of knowledge so that it could learn about itself and the world around it. And most importantly, it would be given the power to choose. To have free will to  take everything it had learned and decide which path to follow. The path of light or the path of darkness. And that's how humankind came. 

Ren: But what does that do with us? 

Y/N: Along with human kind, came 4 relics. Knowledge, creation, destruction, and choice. Each relic exists in a physical form, left behind by the gods before they abandoned Remnant. Each of one is extraordinary dangerous. 

Ruby: How dangerous? 

Y/N: If someone was able to get all four, they would be able to change the world. And that is what Salem wants. The little sister I once loved but now burns with never ending hate. 
He said with venom. Summer leaned her head on his shoulder as she held his hand in hers. 

Y/N: Anyway. The huntsmen were created to train hunters to be humanity's protectors but I didn't train with them. 

Pyrrha: Who did you train with? 

Y/N: Let's just say. I've trained with the gods themselves. 

Jaune: H-How? You shouldn't be able to train with them. 

Y/N: You're right blondie. I shouldn't have been able to train with them. However when Summer and I were sent off to that suicide mission Ozpin told us to go. Summer died trying to fight the grimm. I nearly died trying to save her. In my last seconds of life, both gods came and saved me. They brought me to their plane of existence. Ever since then I've been training with them until I was restored completely. 

Weiss: What do you mean restored completely? 

Y/N: I used a massive amount of powers to try to get Summer and I through our mission but like I told you. It was a suicide mission. 

Jaune: So your sister, Salem. Wants all of the relics. Why? 

Y/N: That I'm not sure of. But there is one thing she didn't do when I showed up. 

Nora: What was that? 

Y/N: She didn't attack me or do anything while I killed her servant in front of her. 

Ruby: So why isn't the other academies doing anything about this? 

Qrow: The headmaster in Haven saw what happened to Beacon. They'll be on guard. 

Y/N: Qrow. I highly doubt that. Seeing how they never sent hunters and huntresses. 

Qrow: You can't just say that Y/N. What if he didn't know. 

Y/N: Don't think me of a fool Qrow. I've seen the different guidelines each headmaster should act on. However Haven hasn't done that. Which is why I don't trust him. 

Qrow: But your sister is smart. She works from the shadows, using others to get what she wants. 

Y/N: However she lacks the ability fight if there is another presence just as powerful. And I just another trick. 

Qrow: And what is that? 

Y/N: I have multiple powers just like her. She has magic. I do as well. However, I've been fighting for nearly a decade now with the gods. And I can manipulate people if I chose to do so. 

Ruby: Y/N. Uncle Qrow. This is a lot to take in. 

Summer: I know honey. But I'm right here for you. 
She said as she hugged Ruby. 

Y/N: Get some rest all of you. Including you Qrow. I'll take the night watch. 

Pyrrha: But you cant'. 

Y/N: I need to meditate so get some rest. 
He said as he walked away, leaving them. 

Qrow: We should listen to him. 
He said as he laid against a tree. 

Ruby, Weiss, Amber, and Team JNPR all slowly huddled together to sleep throughout the night while Summer walked somewhere. Summer walked into the dark woods, not noticing a raven on a branch watching them. Summer continued to walk throughout the dark forest and saw Y/N mediating in the dark. 

Summer: Y/N? 

Y/N: What is it Summer? 

Summer: I just wanted to spend sometime with you. 
She said as she near him, laying her head on his shoulder. 

Summer: It's been so long since I've seen her. 

Y/N: Then why don't you go to sleep with her? 

Summer: I want to be with you tonight. 
She said as she looked at him. Summer slowly got up and sat on his lap, facing him. Y/N looked at her as he saw her wrap her arms around his neck, bringing each other closer. Summer places her lips on his as she brought him in closer. She kissed him until air became a necessity. 

Summer: I love you. 
She said as she held him close. 

Y/N: I love you too. 

To Salem 

Salem sat in her throne room, along thinking about what to do now. 

Salem: Y/N. *sobs* I'm sorry what I've done. I now realize what I did. I've *sobs* killed you then. You're right. I was a fool. 

She forms a clone of her younger self and Y/N. She looked at the clones and saw how happy they were before the event that turned them to bitter enemies. 

"I'm s-sorry big b-b-brother." 

BOOM! Here is Chapter 8 of Wrath of the Gods! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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