A new machine?

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It was a normal day at Game Central Station. Ralph was on his way to see Vanellope. "Hmm. Where could that kid be?" He asked. He walked around until he found her and, to his surprise, Sonic too. "Oh hey Sonic" Ralph said. "Ralph!" Vanellope said and hugged him. "Yes, hi Ralph" Sonic said. "What were you guys doing? Sonic, I thought you were at my game to hang out with Felix" Ralph said. "Oh right. Sorry, got distracted. Me and Vanellope were just racing" Sonic said. "Yea, he is pretty fast. Y'know, for a hedgehog who can't catch up to Eggman" Vanellope whispered the last part to Ralph. "I heard that" Sonic said. "Oh, sorry, I forgot you have sensitive hearing" Vanellope apologized. Sonic laughed a little. "It's fine" Meanwhile, at Green Hill Zone, Eggman was just building another invention when Shadow walked up. "Hello doctor" Shadow said. "Oh, uh.... Shadow, what are you doing here?" Eggman asked. "That's what I'm asking you and what are you building?" "Well, if you must know, I'm building a high-frequency machine" "And?' "Then you and Sonic wouldn't be able to do anything once I activate it because you two will just be too busy hearing the noise" "In that case, I won't let you activate it" Eggman laughed. "Try and stop me" Shadow made a choas spear and threw it at Eggman. He ducked and the spear hit the machine. "You were saying?" Shadow said. "This isn't over yet hedgehog!" Eggman said. "Whatever" Shadow walked away. Eggman growled, walking away as well. All of a sudden, the machine started. As Shadow was walking away, he could hear a noise and he covered his ears. "Ow" He said. 'What is that noise? It can't be that machine, I destroyed it. This is definitely strange' Shadow thought and ran away. Back at Game Central Station, "Can I watch you guys race this time?" Ralph asked. "Sure. Ready to lose Sonic?" Vanellope asked Sonic and he replied with, "Vanellope, you're racing the fastest thing alive here, I'm pretty sure you're the one who's gonna lose" "We'll see about that" Vanellope in her kart and was ready to drive. "Ralph, can you countdown?" Sonic asked. "Sure" Ralph said. Felix came with Calhoun. "Well, at least it's not in Diet Soda Mountain" Calhoun said. "You said it" Felix said. "In 3, 2, 1, g-" "Wait" Vanellope said. Ralph stopped. "What?" Felix asked. "Sonic, you ok?" Sonic's ears twitched. "Yea, your ears are kinda twitching" Calhoun said. "Oh, I'm- ugh.... what is that noise?" Sonic asked. "What noise?" Ralph asked. "Yea, I don't hear anything" Calhoun said. "Me neither" Felix said. Sonic covered his ears, just as Shadow came in. "Faker, you hear it too!" Shadow shouted. "Hear what?" Vanellope asked. "The noise!" Sonic shouted. "What noise are you talking about? We don't hear anything?" "We should go see Tails, maybe he can find out what's going on" Ralph said and he, Calhoun, Felix, and Vanellope went to find Tails. "What did they say!' Sonic shouted. "I don't know! Maybe we should wait until they get back!" Shadow shouted. "Ok!"

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