{6} - |Asked out|

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-A few weeks later-

"C'mon, Jackie! I ain't never seen ye act like this!" Seaspray exclaimed, stifling a chuckle as he watched Wheeljack pace back and forth.

Bulkhead was standing nearby, trying to give advice but failing miserably. "Yeah! You're always so confident about things, what's different about this? Just pretend you're talking to me or Seaspray!"

"Bulk, I'm asking him out! If I pretend I'm talking to one of you two, I'll start laughing or I'll freak out!" Wheeljack huffed, shaking his head and continuing to pace. "I don't even know what to say! What to bring! Anything!"

Two firm hands were placed on Wheeljack's shoulders, halting him in his tracks. Bulkhead looked down at the swordsman with an amused grin on his face and chuckled. "Primus... you really love him, don't you?"

"W-Well.... I.."

"Course you do, why else would you be freaking out like this? Listen, just be yourself! I don't think Ratchet will care if you do that."


"Jackie, you gotta trust me on this one. I know you don't like opening up to anyone because you like doing things on your own, but I'm telling you.... if you open up to him like he was just a normal bot, you'll do fine!"

"But he's not just any ol' bot.... he's special..... He really is... and I'm beginning to think I'm not good enough for him....." Wheeljack sighed, hanging his head and averting his gaze from Bulkhead's.

Bulkhead frowned and shook his head, letting Wheeljack go. "You are more than good enough for him. I know that he'll always accept you no matter what you do or how you act. Just remember: be yourself."

Wheeljack sighed again and looked back up at Bulkhead, a slight smile on his face. "Thanks Bulk, you guys are the best." He chuckled, glancing at Seaspray.

"Group hug to wish ol' Jackie good luck!" Seaspray exclaimed, wrapping both Wheeljack and Bulkhead in a big hug.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need it..." Wheeljack grinned, rolling his optics slightly.


Ratchet had surprisingly gotten off work fairly early and was already heading back to his apartment.

Once he got there, he tossed the keys onto a table and pretty much dumped everything into a chair. He sat down on his couch and rubbed his optics, staring at the wall for a moment and sighing.

After a few minutes, he decided to get up and get a cube of energon. As he made his way down the hall, he heard a knock on the door. Intrigued, he turned back around and headed towards the door.

'Who could that be?'

Ratchet hesitated before opening the door, nearly jumping in surprise when he saw that it was Wheeljack. "Oh! Hello, Wheeljack! What brings you here?" He asked, chuckling nervously and trying not to blush.

"Hey, Ratchet. Um... I came here to ask you something, actually." Wheeljack replied, shuffling his pedes nervously. He gathered the courage he needed and took a deep breath, looking Ratchet in the optics. "I wanted to know if.... if.." he hesitated, his words catching in his throat.

Ratchet raised an optic ridge in slight amusement at the Wrecker's flustered behavior. "It's okay, Wheeljack. Breathe, for Primus sake!" He chuckled.

Wheeljack chuckled slightly and took a couple deep breaths before he finally was able to speak again. "I wanted to know if you..... would go out with me?"

Ratchet froze, his entire face practically going beet red. He stared at Wheeljack for a second with wide optics, looking like he was going to pass out.

Wheeljack was afraid that he did something wrong. "Ratch? You okay? Did I do something wro—"

"Yes!" Ratchet suddenly blurted out, slapping a hand over his mouth afterwards.

Wheeljack jumped a bit at the sudden answer, blinking a few times. "W-What?"

"Y-Yes.... I... I'd love to go out with you..." Ratchet replied sheepishly, immediately looking away and blushing harder. Primus, why was he like this?

It took Wheeljack a second to register what Ratchet had said, and he was overjoyed when he realized what the medic had said. "Really?!" He exclaimed, a smile crossing his face.

Ratchet looked back at Wheeljack, smiling when he saw how happy the mech was. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?" He chuckled softly.

"I don't know.... honestly.." Wheeljack snickered, rubbing the back of his helm.

Ratchet shook his head and sighed, pursing his dermas slightly. "So.... when and where are we meeting up?" He asked, tilting his head.

"7 pm, Iacon's northern border."

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