Chapter 22: Goodbye School, Hello Trouble

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After we had eaten our lunch a few hours later I then look at the time and its 2:16pm. Might as well take the girls our now, I stand up from my bed and then I grabbed my gun at the table and walked out of my room.

As I was just at the hallway from upstairs, its obvious that the girls are in the tree house again due to the whole house being quiet again except for Laurence barking.

I guess they call their tree house a hang out place.

I walked downstairs and entered the kitchen to the glass door that leads to the backyard and walked towards the tree house.

I climbed up the ladder and then knocked on the door.

"Knock,knock." I said playfully.

"Who's there?" There girls said from behind the door. I swear that I heard them giggling.

"Y/N." I said.

"Y/N who." They continue.

"Y/N L/N, your boyfriend that was going to take you girls out." I said.

"B-boyfriend?!" They all said flustered.

"Yeah,what? You don't want me to be your boyfriend?" I ask chuckling to myself.

"Uh....- No! Of course not why would we not want that?" Sayori cutting off the others.

I chuckled at them,I bet that their blushing madly right now.

They finally opened the door and I was right all along, they are at a state of a blushing mess.

"Haha. So you want to continue the 'date'?" I ask making them blush even more.

"Y-yeah..." They said flustered.

I just laugh at them then gave them each a peck in the lips. I look at them and their faces are overfilled with shocked.

"Come on now let's go." I said trying not to break them.

We went inside the house and went to the garage and we drove off to the place where we want to go for our date.

2 days later..

Today is graduation...FINALLY!! I'm out of that prison that made me boring as hell. Well at least it payed off being the valedictorian, and its all thanks to my friends the girls and finally my parents even my long lost sister, well I didn't see her since we're 5. I didn't even know if she is still alive........ I wish they were here with me. But at least I still have my friends and the girls as to call my family now.

I smiled at the thought of that. After the graduation ended I walked up to my friends and we hugged each other for finishing senior level.

Even though Grace is going to college for the next two months,were still be contacting each other.

"I'm going to miss you guys!! I don't wanna leave! But I have a career to reach!" Grace shouts making some people gazed at us.

"Well at least you're not going to take over a business." Steve said.

"At least you're still going to be with them." Grace argues back.

"Now,now we were going to see each other every time when we are all free,okay?" I said to them.

"You know what? You're right." Steve said.

"Hey guys!!" A familiar voice yelled.

We turned around and saw the girls waving at us. They approached us and then hugged me.

"Congrats! Y/N!" They all said in unison.

"Thanks,I did this for you guys and my parents." I said to them and smiled.

"Now what are you gonna do now that you are now done at high school? Are you going to college?" Monika ask.

"Well technically, no. Because I'm here to protect you guys from those bastards that are after you." I said to them.

They all blushed from what I said.

"No need to watch over us dummy!" Natsuki said in a sassy tone.

"Oh and what are you gonna do when they captured you?" I said.

"I can protect myself." She said.

"Oh okay!" I said then playfully winked at her.

"Steve! Time to go son!" Steve's dad called him.

"Well, I gotta go guys see ya!" He said then he leave with his parents.

"I think we should go back now, bye Y/N/!" William said then he left with Grace and their parents.

I looked at the girls and smiled.

"Shall we go then?" I ask.

They all nodded in agreement and we walked towards our car and I drive us home. After for a while we finally hit home and we went inside the house and I was greeted by Laurence who is climbing his two front paws at me.

"Hello there,boy. I'm finally graduated. Now I can play with you now." I said to him and I pet him.

He just happily barks in response.

The girls went to the living room and watched TV and I walked upstairs to my room and began to change into my pants and a long sleeved shirt.

After I got changed, I put my diploma in a frame and placed it on the table with my family picture when I was a kid. I took that frame and look at it, as I saw my happy face and so as my parents' it made me smile. I put back the frame and sit beside of my bed.

I stared at a random direction until I received a phone call.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and saw that its an unknown number. Curiosity hits me and I press the call button and placed my phone next to my ear.

"Hello?" I talked.

A few seconds later a male voice spoke.

"Hello there sir."

"Who is this?" I ask.

"No need to know who we are. All you need to know is that we want those girls." The voice said.

When he said that sentence I already knew what are they after me.

"Tell me first that why are you after them?" I said in an agitated tone.

"Hahaha... You got some nerves there for a kid like you." The voice laughs.

"Tell. Me. Why. Are. You. After. The. Girls." I seriously said.

"Fine I'll tell you.... You see we are a secret organization that are doing some research and expirements and when one of our men saw you with those girls from that silly game. We taught that they might come out of the computer and the fact is,its true! We want to use those lads to make a portal from the computer to take some creatures and characters as well from game to show." He explained.

"And why would you do that?" I ask again.

"So we can conquer the whole country oh wait I'll make it better. THE WHOLE WORLD!!" The man said and he laughed.

Rage then filled my body.

"I won't let you happen that! So the answer is no!" I yelled.

"Well, if you say so. We'll just have to take them by force and kill you." He said.

"If you lay a finger on my girls, I'll make sure that that's the last moment you will ever see them.... Oh and also I'm going to take your organization down." I said then I ended the call.

I sigh loudly and look at the ground being frustrated from just a talk on the phone.

I heard a door open and I lifted my head and saw the girls.

"We heard what you were talking about.... What are we gonna do?" Natsuki ask.

Sighing again I then spoke.

"Don't worry girls. I'll protect you from them no matter what, even if it cost it my life." I said to them.

"Do you think that after they used us they will put us back in the game?" Monika ask curiously.

I then stand up from my position and I approached them and hugged them tightly.

"I don't know yet but I will not let that happen." I said to them.

They hugged me back and I gave them a faint smile.

"I'll protect you all and I'll stop them." I said.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Author's note: Oh my god! I already reached chapter 22 and its only been a month!

Well its all thanks to you my fellow readers. Oh and by the way have you guys already read my second DDLC fan fiction? I suggest you guys check it out!

Oh did you guys saw that I mention Y/N's sister. Well she will be part of the story in the next chapters! So wait for it.

And also what do you guys want for the ending to be?

I didn't made a prologue cuz its just an introduction...

Let's do a voting:

If you want a sad ending comment- 0

If you want a happy ending comment- 1

Or if you want to be sad scene at the chapter before the epilogue and then a happy ending comment- "OH MY GOD IM GAY!"

Hope you guys know what you want for the ending but it depends if how many are the votes in one than the others.



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