Chapter 23: Holding It Back

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A/n: Announcement, the voting for the ending has been decided that I will make sad scene then a happy ending.

Thank you for your support and those for the ones who voted that ending....

YOU JUST ADMITTED THAT YOU ARE GAY. If the voter is a girl then congratulations you survived....


Back on the Story!

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I broke the hug and looked at the girls.

"Let's just go downstairs and enjoy ourselves for now." I said.

They nodded and we head out of the room and went downstairs to the living room.

We sit on the couch and watch some TV. After for like hours of watching we made ourselves some dinner and eat. We finished eating and I fixed myself getting ready for bed. I decided that the girls will sleep with me so that I know they're safe.

They agree with that and we finally go to bed.


I appeared in a different place, I'm completely aware that this is just a dream. But, why does it feel so real? I walked around the place and saw a shining piece in the middle of a few gathering rocks.

I approached the shining object and looked at it. Its glowing red by some particular reason.

I slowly reached my hand to it and touched it. My vision began to glow red then it became white.

"Use it wisely Y/N.." A voice spoke.

I became confused.

"Who's there?" I ask.

"You were the chosen one who touched the red orb. It contains a power that its very difficult to handle. You must use the power wisely or it'll destroy everything." The voice said.

"What kind of power did I possessed?" I ask.

The cannot be heard again. My vision turned black and I woke up from my bed.

I look at my side and there's no sign of the girls around. I turned to my alarm clock and check the date and time and my eyes widen that I've been sleeping for three days. But how? Suddenly I saw a note on my desk. I sit up and picked up the note and read it.

"Thanks for letting us borrow your girls! I'll repay you by killing you if you even dare come to our hideout. Oh wait, you don't even know where it is so there's no hope for you on finding us!! Hahaha."

As I finished reading the note I fell my anger- no wrath mixed inside me and my vision turned red just like in my dream.

The note suddenly burns into ashes in my hand. I felt shock at first then realized what the voice was telling me.

I must control my anger or I might destroy everything.

I walked to the bathroom and my vision still red because of the anger is still inside me. Then I looked at the mirror.

My eyes widen when I saw my eyes are red.

I splash myself with cold water and calm myself down.

My vision and eyes are back to normal, I began to take a shower instead to calm myself down.

I'm done at showering and wrapped myself with a towel and went to my room.

As I changed into my outfit, I saw a very long small size chain that its length is maybe at 20 feet or more attached to a spiked ball and a note next to it. (Kinda like Rem's weapon from the anime Re: zero XD)

I picked the note and read it;

"This weapon isn't ordinary, use it also for self defence it might help you on your mission."

I stared at the weapon and picked it up. I went to my backyard and I placed a big piece of wood.

Laurence appeared and watched me.

I swing the weapon in circles on my hand then toss the spike ball at the wood.

The spiked ball went through the wood and came back to me by pulling it.

Weapon practice complete, now next my anger.

I think about thoughts and memories that angers me then my vision became red and so as my eyes then I suddenly saw the wood exploded, making Laurence run away. I didn't even control my power so I still need to practice.

It might take days or even weeks to fully control this power.

"Sorry girls, but please wait for me. I promise I'll get you all back." I said to myself and sigh.

I continue to practice my anger for a couple of hours but still, I can't control it.

As I sit on the ground, having thoughts about what is happening to the girls now. Suddenly I receive a phone call, I pulled my phone from my pocket and saw that it was Steve. I answered it and put it beside my ear.

"Hey Y/N?" Steve spoke.

"Yeah?" I said.

"What are those exploding noises coming from your backyard?" He ask.

Oh no.... How am I suppose to explain to Steve that I have a some kind of power using anger? If I tell him he might not believe me.

"Uhhhh. Just s-some engine f-fixing of m-my car?" I said suspicious enough for him to realize I'm lying.

"Bro,I know you're lying. I'm coming over there!" He shouts.

"Steve! Wait-" he already hung off.

I immediately stand up and walk around in circles feeling nervous.

"Oh shit,oh shit,oh shit..... What am I gonna do now?!" I panickly ask myself.

I just went inside and head to the living room,waiting for Steve to arrive. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, I approached the door and my hand is shaking as I reached for the handle, completely anxious about what might happen.

I opened the door and saw Steve along with William and Grace.

"W-wait. I thought you were the only one coming." I said.

"Well, when I heard those explosions coming from here, I just got worried on you and decided to call them. Now, care to explain what just happened?" Steve ask dead serious.

I let them in and I lead them to the backyard. There they saw a bunch of holes on the ground and some wood pieces all over the place. They just stand there shocked.

"What just happen here??" Grave ask.

"Well.... As you can see, this was cast by my power that I received from my dream." I said.

"Y/N, were not here to joke around. Tell us what happened?!" William ask.

"I'm telling the truth! I'll even give you guys some proof!" I angrily said.

I realized that their eyes are widen staring at me and my vision and eyes are red. I then turned around and faced a piece of wood, it suddenly exploded.

As I calm myself down I turned back at my friends and they are all just staring at the now shattered pieces of wood. Completely shock.

" that?" They ask shocked.

"I told you I have powers that I'm only allowed to use it when I'm angry." I said.

They calm themselves down and then looked at me.

"I'm sorry for not believing you." William said.

I smiled at him.

"When you said that you can only use your power by anger, its like you're the Sin of Wrath." Grace said.

"I think.... Its that." I said realizing it.

"Hey what's that thing over there?" Steve ask while pointing at my weapon.

I approached it and picked it up and showed it to them.

"This is my weapon it just appeared in my room out of nowhere. So I don't need the guns anymore, its powerful also." I said.

"That's weird. Anyway where are the others?" Steve ask.

Hearing what he ask made me feel sad.

"Oh, them?.... They were kidnap by the organization while I was asleep for three days... Its like they putted something on me then took the girls." I sadly said.

"What?!" They yelled.

"Yep. I was about to rescue them now. But, I still can't fully control my power." I said sarcastically.

William then patted me in the shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry Y/N, we'll make sure we'll get them back safe and sound." He said.

I smiled back at him and nodded.

"You're right. All I need to do is keep practising on controlling this power and then get them." I said.

"Don't forget, we need to figure out a plan." Steve spoke.

"You're right, and also we need to know where is their hideout located." Grace said.

"I think we should do that first, come on guys while the sun hasn't set yet." I said then we rush down back inside the house and to William's car.

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Author's note: Hmm.. I guess this normal human world became into a magical one. Because it is a magical one because some few people have power and that includes Y/N

Hey everyone I just copied Y/N's power that will only activate when he's angry from an anime called

"The Seven Deadly Sins"

And yes, he will now be pronounced as the Sin of Wrath.

And also his weapon the so called "Spiked ball attached to a chain" is Rem's weapon from

"Re: Zero"

I just wanted to change the battle scene by Y/N having those power and weapon because some stories already have guns scene.

Also sorry for not updating for a while I've been kinda busy this past few days.



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