Chapter 24: Be Patient

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2 days ago...

Monika's POV

I woke up from the sound that seemed like foot steps, I sit up from the bed and looked at the others peacefully sleeping. I check the time and its only 4:06am, suddenly I saw a figure opened the door. My eyes widen as I saw a man holding a gun pointed at me.

He walked inside the room with 4 other men then they carry the other sleeping girls. And they made me stand up with my hands in the air.

Man1: Don't you even dare call for help or I'll pull the trigger.

Man2: You idiot, we need her to open the portal. Besides we also need the others for them to open it.

Man3: Let's just go guys. Boss might scold us if we're late.

Man2: Hold on a sec.

As the other guy approached Y/N who is sleeping, he sprayed something to him.

Man2: Now that should keep him dreaming.

Man4: Hahaha! I can't believe you did that!

Man5: Well that's what boss said to do with him, and also I already putted the note. So come on now!

Man1: Yeah,yeah. Move it lady!

As he push me to walk we went outside of the house and I went inside of their black van. I took one last glance at the house and I mumbled to myself.

"Please hurry Y/N..."

The van started moving and after for an hour of driving we arrived into a forest and we exited the van. We walk deep in the forest until we arrive in an odd building.

I guess this is their hideout.

The gate in the building opened and we entered inside. There are a bunch of people with black jackets that has a letter 'V' logo and some are had a white coats that I think they are scientists.

We kept walking until we were in a large room and the man pushed me forward and they dropped the girls making them wake up.

"Oww!" They said then I approached them.

"Don't drop them like that!" I angrily said.

"Who cares?" The man said.

"I do!" I answer back.

"Well only you but we don't." He said.

???: Enough of that already!

A man said from behind and the other men saluted. I look around and saw a man in a gentleman suit walking towards us.

"So these are the girls that will help us, eh?" He said.

"W-who are you? Where are we?" Sayori ask scared.

"Welcome to our hideout! This is where we do our researches and experiments for us to conquer the world. I am Xavier, the boss of this organization called X as in the capital of my name. And you four will help us to do one final thing." He said.

"What do you want from us?!" I ask.

"I want you to create a portal in a computer for us to take over the digital world." He said.

"What if we don't want to." Natsuki ask.

"Well....... We'll make you suffer here until we convince you..." He said.

"No matter how much we suffer, we still won't do it!!" I yelled.

"We'll see.....HAHAHA!!" He laugh maniacally.

"Oh, and Ashley. Please escort them to the their cell in the dungeon." He added then a girl that looks like Y/N walked from the shadows and in front of us.

She looked at us with a worried face then looked at Xavier.

"Yes boss....." She said and made us stand up and lead us to the dungeon.

She let us inside the cell and sadly looked at the ground then walked away.

I wonder who she is.... And why does she looked like Y/N???

I guess we'll find it out soon.

The present...

Me and the others except for Natsuki are in a dungeon we all look scared because of what is happening to us even though were trapped here in two days.

"AHHHHH!!" I hear Natsuki screams from the upper floor.

We all flinch from Natsuki's screaming and I think Sayori was about to cry.

"I don't wanna be here anymore... We've suffered enough in the game now here.." Sayori said then tears fall down on her cheeks.

I walked towards her and tried to comfort her.

"Don't worry Sayori, Y/N will be here soon." I said holding back tears.

"But what if he still can't wake up from the thing sprayed to him?" Yuri ask.

I gazed at Yuri who is at the corner hugging her knees.

"I'm sure he will wake up soon Yuri, let's just have faith in him..." I said then gave her a faint smile.

I while after a man approached our cell then he threw Natsuki on the ground. We immediately approached her and help her up. My eyes widen as I saw her arm bloodied. (A/n: NOBODY MESS WITH THE TSUNDERE OR I KILL YOU MAN!!!)

"NATSUKI?! What did they do to you?!" I panickly ask.

She just began crying while holding her bloodied arm. I looked at the man and gave him a death stare.

"What is wrong with you?!! She is just a defenceless girl, why would you do that to her?!" I yelled can't contain my anger.

"Hmph, she deserves that. If you agree that you will make the portal we'll stop." He said smirking.

I stand and immediately ran towards him trying to a punch on him but he catches my wrist and punched me hard instead. I land on the ground and hold my cheek.

The man then locked the cell and walked out of the dungeon.

I sigh and walked towards the others. I look at Natsuki who is groaning in pain. All of us have bruises and cuts from the beating of the men trying to convince us.

Good thing I had a handkerchief in my pocket and wrapped it on her arm so she won't loss more blood.

After that I immediately hug the three of them and started crying.

"Let's just wait for Y/N.... I'm sure he will be here soon." I whimpered and we all just hugged each other.

Suddenly the girl who seems to be Ashley walked towards us with a box on her hand and opened the cell then approached from us.

"What do you want?" I ask in an agitated voice.

"I'm here to aid her..." She said.

"Why should we trust you?" I ask.

"Because I feel the same way as you guys.." She answers back and kneels down.

"Hold still." She said as she took Natsuki's arm and removed the handkerchief and began to aid her.

After she wrapped the bandage around her she looked at us and smiled.

"Well I have to go now." She said then began walking towards the door.

I immediately stand up and grabbed her arm which she turned around and looked at me with a surprised look.

"What do you mean by you feel the same way as us?" I curiously ask.

She looked at me with her sad eyes that the color is the same as Y/N's.

"Because I've suffered many times here for years..." She said and walked out of the cell.

I stand there dumbfounded from what she said.

How does she suffered here but she looks completely fine?

I need to know more about her.

4 days later...


I was at the backyard with Steve still practising my power but I keep failing. I still didn't give up and continue to train. We still haven't found their hideout yet but William and Grace are driving around the whole city trying to find them.

"Maybe if you use your anger while holding your weapon, maybe it'll work?" Steve suggest.

"I'm not sure, but I'll give it a try." I said and picked up my weapon.

I concentrated and transfered half of my power energy to my weapon then I strike. It just destroyed one of the trees but good thing its not with the tree house.

"Did you see that Steve?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Woah, I think you need that weapon to control you're power." He said.

I smiled widely realizing that I finally know how to control my power. Suddenly an idea popped in my head.

"Hey Steve,would you mind if you pass me your gun" I ask.

"Why?" He ask.

"Just give it to me." I said and he gave me his gun.

I concentrated my power and transfer some energy to the gun. I gave Steve back his gun and ask him to shoot at the log in front of us.

"Are you sure Y/N?" He ask.

"I'm 1000% sure!" I shout confidently.

She shoot at the log and then it shattered in pieces, our jaws dropped and we looked at each other.

"That. Was. COOL!!!" We shouted and laughed at each other.

"You should do that to William and Grace's weapon too!! That way it will be more powerful." He suggest.

"That's a great idea, let's just wait for them to arrive." I said and we entered inside the house, leaving the messy backyard behind.

We watch TV for a while and I began to think what's happening at the girls now. I hope that the guy isn't hurting or doing anything to them, or else I will get my hands bloody by killing him.

(A/n: well too late for hoping that :/)

After for half an hour, William and Grace finally arrive and look at us with a surprise look.

"How was it? Did you guys manage to find it?" Steve asked.

"Well........" William said.

"YES!!!" The siblings both said.

Our eyes widen and smiled at each other.

"Its a I guess lucky day for us. Now I just need a minute to borrow your guns." I said then the two of them gave me their guns.

I use my power and transfer the energy to the guns and gave it back to them.

"Now the guns are even more powerful." I said smiling at them.

"You finally learned how to control your power too?" Grace ask.

"Unfortunately, yes. I do have by just using my weapon." I said.

"That's great, now their hideout is just at the end of the city to the South where a forest is located and deep in it is a building with a letter X." William said.

"Good, now let's just get ready and we'll go there by midnight." I said and we all nodded.

While the others are preparing, I just used my time to clean up the backyard.

"Wow, having powers sure is messy." I mumble to myself.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Author's note: Sorry that the oraganization is called like that cuz i dont have any ideas for the name of the group.... Well......

Screw the X! They hurt the Dokis! I will make them pay! By making a happy ending and maybe a part two I guess??

Also check out my other DDLC story!

That's all, I have nothing more to say but...........

I finally mentioned another character! Yay! And also you guys already knew why she looked like Y/N. What really happened to Y/N's whole past?

We'll find it out soon,my buddy ;)


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