Chapter 25: Lost Memories

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A/n: Just a quick heads up guys this will be the colours or Ashley's eye due to her emotions and using her powers.

Brown- normal ( the same as Y/N's and when she is showing no emotion. )
Red- anger
Blue- sadness
Yellow- joy
Green- digust
Orange- embarrassed, nervous,curious
Purple- fear
Scarlet- excited,surprised
Cerulean- weakest power
Lime- average power
Gold- strongest power (this is rarely used because it might destroy a whole facility if she didn't control it)

Changing colours- mixed emotions and power.

Ashley is my OC btw this is what she looks like. (My OC's real name is Yuki but I just change it to Ashley, because why not?)

And also this is how Y/N looks

If you don't like that then you can change it if you want.

These photo does not belong to me......

Well continue on the story.

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Ashley's POV

I walked out of the dungeon and walked down the halls to my room, or should I say my jail. I entered the room and I sit on my bed, I removed my contact lenses from my eyes and putted it on my desk.

I grabbed the mirror and looked at my face, my eyes are at its normal state until I changed it into a pair of blue eyes. I used my power to reveal my bruises hiding around my body.

"*sigh* Why am I even dragged into this place... Did I deserved this??" I ask myself.

I moved away the mirror and pick up my contact lenses back to my eyes. I could have kill Xavier long ago if it wasn't for his men using their powers against me for my punishment.

I lay on my back and stared at the ceiling, and started to think about my last memories about my family.

"I miss you"

I began to break out crying and after a while I just close my eyes not trying to sleep.


3rd person view

19 years ago....

"Look honey, I guess we are more than lucky to have twins instead of one."

"I think I'm gonna tear up now Sarah, my dream of having a family has come true!"

"No need to shout Andrew, they might wake up from your noise."

"Oh sorry kids, I guess daddy is just so excited to have you guys."

"*giggles* I guess you are."

5 years later....

Ashley's POV

"Mom! Dad! Have you seen Y/N? He's been hiding and I can't find him!" I shout.

"Maybe he's hiding in the washing machine again? While your mother is doing the laundry." Dad said.

"What?! I gotta save him!" I said and ran to the laundry room, I just hear dad laugh as I exit the living room.

I saw mom carrying a basket of laundry and I walk towards the washing machine where Y/N might be hiding.

As I open the washing machine I saw him just sitting there.

"Found ya!" I said.

"What? How did you know I was hiding here?" He ask.

"Well. Why are you always hiding here!" I ask.

"What?! It smells nice here!" He answers.

"You're smelling socks scent!" I said.

"No its not! Its smells like perfume!" He said.

"Ashley, Y/N. You two should play somewhere else, I'm going to start washing the laundry now." Mom said.

"Yes, mom!" We said and Y/N got out of the washing machine and me and him went upstairs to our shared big room.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask.

"How about... Oh! How about you use your power again we play outside!" He suggest.

"Okay! Come one!" I beamed as we walked out of our room and went downstairs to the living room.

"Dad? Can we play outside the backyard?" We ask in unison.

"Sure kids. How about this old man join your game?" Dad ask.

"Yeah that would be fun!" I said.

Me, Y/N and dad went to the backyard and began to play.

We just played tag and dad carried me by his shoulders while Y/N is chasing us.

When Y/N finally tagged Dad, he kneels down and let me get off of him and me and Y/N started running from dad while he chase us.

I used my powers and I hide behind the tree and camouflaged myself.

As dad was in front of me I resist to laugh but I failed to do so. My camouflage turned off and dad caught me.

"Now the little girl will be eaten by the monster!" Dad said as he carried me up.

"Ahhh! I don't wanna be eaten!" I said as we laughed.

"You're it! Ashley!" Y/N said then dad put me back to the ground and started chasing them.

As we keep running around the backyard, a helicopter appeared from above and a ladder came down.

2 men came down in front of us and me and Y/N are behind dad.

"So Andrew, I see you got nice twins there?" The man at the right said.

"What do you want now Xavier?" Dad ask irritated.

"Let's make a deal. I'll give you all you want for your daughter there." He said.

"You're not gonna have her! I don't want anything you offer." Dad said.

"Well,well. Look who is the one here to talk. You still need to pay your debt by the way. So I think you will be payed when you give her to us." He said.

Suddenly mom came out of the house to the backyard and saw us.

"What's going on here??" She ask.

"Sarah. Take the kids and go inside, I'll take care of here. Go to your mother now." He said to us and we ran towards mom.

As we were about to approach her someone then grabbed me and pointed a gun at me.

Fear suddenly came in me and my eyes turned purple.

"Ashley!!" My family shouts.

"Now,now Gerald. We need that child so don't harm her let's just go now. Thanks Andrew for letting us have your daughter!!" The man said as he took me up the helicopter.

"Mom!! Dad!!" I yelled at them. But it was useless.

I just sit there my eyes keep turning to purple and blue as my emotions are just fear and sadness. The man then looked at me and spoke.

"You got some nice eyes there, you'll be definitely useful to us with your power." He said.

"What are you gonna do with my power?" I ask.

"We will use your power to conquer the world." He said as he lit a cigarette .

"No! I don't want to happen that! So I won't use my power!" I said to him.

"Well if you didn't use your power if we need it. Then we'll just force you to." He said evilly.

My eyes turned red and I was about to attack him until one of his men attack me with his power.

Wait, there are other people who has powers too?

I lie down on my seat holding my damaged arm from the attack.

"Sit down and be a good girl, or else you don't want to get hurt, do you?" He ask.

I was about to attack again,suddenly I smelled something and then I feel dizzy.

"Heh,that should keep her to be behave." Is all the last words I hear then I black out.


Present...(before Y/N was about to attack in midnight. time: 11:12pm)

I was at my room thinking about my past until Henry who is working for Xavier but my trusted friend came in.

"Hey Ashley. Boss said that you meet him in the dungeon." He said.

"Why?" I ask then my eyes turned orange but Henry can't see bacuase of my contact lenses.

"I don't know, he just want to ask you something. And I think he might punish you again..." He sadly said.

I stand and walk towards him and hugged him.

"Its okay, you don't need to worry about me. I'm always been punished by him anyway." I said to him and he broke the hug and looked at me with concern on his eyes.

"If only I'm strong enough to save you from him. Then we will be out of this place a long time ago..." He said.

"Don't worry Henry, I'm sure we'll escape here soon." I smiled at him and he smiles back.

"Well good luck with Xavier." He said then he left.

I just stayed in the room for a minute until my courage welled up on me.

I have enough of this suffering of mine.

I removed my contact lenses and a dropped it to the ground and stomp on it making it break.

I look at the mirror and saw my eyes are red.

I calm down for a bit and it went back to brown normal.

I walked out of my room and began to go to the dungeon. I entered the dungeon and saw Xavier and Gerald along with two men in front of the prisoners cell.

I approached them and I spoke.

"What do I need to do now?" I irritatedly ask.

"Care to explain who bandaged one of the girls here?" He said as he pointed at the short pink haired girl who I just aid the other day.

I look at her then back at Xavier.

"I was the one. So deal with it." I said.

"Watch your mouth there, or you don't want to be punished again." He warned.

I smirked at him then my eyes keep turning to red and lime as I use my power to pin the others at the wall and angrily look at him.

"What punishment do I have get now?" I ask.

He look at me in shock as he is just a normal person.

He's completely pathetic.

"What are you doing put them down now!" He yelled.

"What if I don't want to!? After you kidnapped me when I was a child just for your stupid dream, this is what you do to me?!" I ask cannot contain my anger anymore.

I let go of the men and gave them a stern look. Until we heard the intruder alarm go on. And a man came to us.

"Boss! Someone has attack the base and we think that its the man whose with the girls!" He said as I saw the four girls' heads lit up.

"I guess he found out our base. I want you to gather everyone,as in everyone and take him down!" He said.

"Yes boss!" The man said as he ran out of the dungeon.

"You four I want you to take this girl down." He said.

My eyes turned into cerulean and used my powers and made them suffocate except for Xavier.

"I bet you guys should deal with the intruder first before me." I said.

"Grr... Fine! We'll leave you alone just let them go!" He said and I let them go.

They all walked out of the dungeon then Henry came to me.

"Let's go now! Or the attack might kill us!" He said.

"Wait for a moment." I said.

I approached the four girls' cell.

I used my powers and the cell door broke open.

I looked at them and nodded.

"You guys should escape and go to them now." I said.

"You can come with us if you want?" The girl with a red bow said.

"What?" I said.

"Don't worry, we just wanted you guys to escape with us. Your name is Ashley if I'm correct?" The girl with a white bow ask.

"Yes. What's your name?" I ask.

"I'm Monika,this is Sayori,Natsuki and Yuri." Monika said as she introduced themselves to us.

"Well nice to meet you all, I guess we can see each other soon. I'm just gonna travel around the whole city until I found my brother." I said.

"What's your brother's name by the way?" They ask.

"His name is Y/N...."

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Author's note: Okay and thus this day is the beginning of Y/N's invasion on the X and the girls knowing that his sister or should I say twin sister is Ashley.

Well your welcome that I made this chapter a bit longer so you readers don't get bored.

By the way, I'm thinking about what's gonna happen to the twin siblings and decided to make a second book of thus story.

Well gotta go now!


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