Chapter 26: Realization

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Sayori's POV

"His name is Y/N......" Ashley said.

As she said those words we just stand there, our eyes widen and shocked by what she say.

So Ashley is Y/N's sister. Why he didn't say this to us?

"Are you guys alright?" She ask.

We all snapped back and looked at her.

"Oh! Yeah,yeah we're fine. And you're definitely need to come with us!" I said to her making her confused.

"Why would I do that?" She ask.

"Well because..." Monika started.

The four of us looked at each other and nodded and gaze back at Ashley.

"The one rescuing us is your brother." We said to her.

Her eyes widen and turned scarlet as she look at us.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

Her eyes turned back to normal.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Well you guys should get going now we'll take care of the others." She said.

"But we thought-"

"Hurry! Just go." She said.

We just obeyed her and we ran away out of the dungeon.

As we kept running some X members stop us.

"Where do you think you're going?!" One of them said.

"Don't even under estimate us."

"Will you just get out of our way, your base is under attack anyway." Monika said.

"Oh hohoho. Look whose here to talk,brat!" He said.

Out of the corner of our eyes, we saw something moved with dull speed. And we look at the members of the X,they are all knocked out on the floor and Ashley is in front of us with Henry.

"Don't worry! We got your back!" Henry said.

We nodded and continue to run to the where Y/N is.

"Over there! Hurry!" Natsuki shouts and points to a door to the left.

We went there and entered the door and found ourselves into the main room where all of the men are fighting against Y/N and the others.

But something's not right about Y/N..

"Come one now Sayori! Don't zone yet!" Monika said.

I snapped back into reality and we continue to run.

While running to the exit hole on the wall something was about to attack us but it got killed. We looked behind us and saw William.

"William! You're here!" We said.

"Yeah we are. Now go! We'll take care of this." He said.

We kept running and we saw Y/N. He didn't noticed us because he's busy fighting the others, so we just approached him. Until...

"Gotcha!" One of the enemies grabbed and pulled my hair.

"Sayori!" The others yelled and made Y/N look at us.

The man who caught me pointed a gun at me and smiled evilly at the others.

"You don't won't this lady to get hurt, will you? If you don't then do as we say and get back here!" He yelled.

Y/N approuched us and look directly to the mans eyes.

"Let. Her. Go." He said.

"What if I don't?"

Y/N looked back at the other three and scan each of them and look at me.


I look at each of the girls and scan them, I saw all of them had bruises and cuts, but Natsuki's wounds are the worse of them all.

Anger filled my body, my vision and eyes turned red. And looked directly at the man.

The girls saw my eyes and they look terrified. I slowly approached them and stand a few meters away from them.

"Don't you even dare move closer,or else this one gets it." He warned.

Red mist covers my body and my weapon was summoned to my hand and I grip to it tightly.

"One last time. Let. Her. Go." I said.

"Not gonna happen." He said.

"Well you ask for it." I said.

I begin to hold the chain with two hands and maid the spiked ball roll in circles in the air and directly thrown it to the man's head avoiding Sayori's.

The head of the man was separated to his body and both of it fall on the floor letting go of Sayori.

I continue to attack the other enemies with my wrath and kept killing them with my weapon. I got stuck on my position when some men used their power against me.

That didn't stop me and I keep using my power to escape from their trap but it failed.

"You can't stop us now,can you?" One of them said.

"He's completely weak." The other one said.

"Let's just finish him already."

I stop from my struggling and directly look into one of the men's eyes. My eyes are still red and I just stared at him.

He looked at me with shocked and then he ran off leaving the other 5 men trapping me.

"Hey!! Come back here you brat!" One of them yelled at him and the man just escaped but got killed by Grace anyway.

I then turned to the others and directly look at their eyes. They then became scared and they released me.

This gave me the opportunity and I killed them one by one.

"That's for hurting the girls." I said under my breath and continued to attack.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw someone dragged the girls away and then disappeared with them.

My wrath cannot be handled again and I just kept attacking and went to find the girls.

Ashley's POV

Me and Henry continued to run for our escape with seeing us. I decided that we go to the underground path where it led to another exit, hut it was blocked by a pile of stones from the wall.

We just kept running until we have nowhere to escape.

"Its useless Ashley, there's only one way out!" Henry said.

"Just trust me with this, without us getting caught by them." I said.

"But the attacker is your brother! So its fine if they saw us!" He yelled back.

"I don't care! I've changed my mind.... I don't wanna see him again.." I said and my eyes turned blue.

"Wha-why?" He ask.

"Never mind that, let's just go." I said and continued to run.

While running down the halls, we saw Xavier,Gerald and some other men pointing his gun at the girls.

They captured them again.

"Now you don't want them to be killed right?" Xavier said.

"Let them go this instant!" I shout.

"And who are you to give me orders? If you don't want them to get hurt obey my orders and follow us." He warned.

Sighing softly I just obeyed him and me and Henry followed them.

I'm doing this for them,not for me.

I don't deserve to be in this world...

Why am I so useless?

We entered in the elevator and went up to the top floor and walked inside the experimenting room.

They throw the girls in front of the large computer and pointed the gun at them.

"Now do your work and create that portal!" He yelled.

The four girls looked at me with worried eyes and I just nodded at them.

They began to do some coding until after for about 10 minutes a portal appeared on the screen and we looked at it in amazement.

"Hahahahah!! Yes! The final step is finally complete! And its all thanks to you four. No boys, go get the thing inside we'll wait for you here." He said to them.

His men nodded and went inside the portal.

After for about 20 minute or so they finally came back with a bag and the portal stays open.

"Boss! We finally found it!" One of them said.

"Very good now give it to me." He said then he reached out to the bag and dropped all its contents on the floor.

My eyes widen as its all the orbs in different color that if I touched it I will be powerful.

Heh, they taught that if I touched it my powers will be sucked in each orb and he will use it.

He just made the wrong idea.

"Now Ashley touch all if them." He orders.

I just stand there and looked at him, he also made the wrong decision.

"And why would I do that?" I ask sarcastically.

"So we can have your power and conquer the world. If you didn't do it these four gets it!" He warned.

As I was about to speak, the wall then break down revealing a familiar man with red eyes holding a chain attached to a spike ball.

My eyes widen as it is Y/N.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Author's note: One more chapter and an epilogue and this will all be finished!

I decided I'll make a part two of this but the role will happen in a different world where its full of adventures. Not in Y/N's world.

I've change my mind guys, unfortunately I won't be able to make a second book of the story. So I just have to end it soon. Sorry about that.

But I can make it up to you buy reading my other DDLC story! You can find it at my profile,so its not hard. Anyway...


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