Chapter 27: Lost And Found

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I quickly run up the staircase of the building until I reached into the top floor. I smash every single wall on each room,not caring if the doors are unlocked. Until as I smashed one of the walls I finally saw the girls with the two men that I finally recognised.

"XAVIER!!! You better prepare yourself or I'll crush you!!" I yelled at them and I quickly ran at them.

"Quick, stop him!" He said and his men started to ran and attack me.

I used my weapon and being attacking them with it. But some of my attacks don't deal much damage at them, one of them suddenly used his power at me sending me flying into the walls.

"Damn it...." I said as I slowly stand up.

I run again at them and quickly throw a punch at one of them. Two men started running towards me with a bat with them. I look at each of the bats and saw aura with with it.

I transfer my energy on my weapon and launched it at them,making their weapons break. I both kicked them as hard as I can sending them outside of the whole room into the next room.

Now finally,all I need to face I'd Xavier and his henchman Gerald. I'll make sure that they will taste my wrath that I feel to them when they kidnapped my sister.

Gerald attack me by running at me at full speed and punch me at the face,making me fall back down.

"Heheh, didn't know you have such power kid. Well not for long when you die in my hands!" He yelled.

I quickly stand up and use my weapon at him, he dodge it and I keep attack at him. Making sure to hit him and not blow an attack at me, I punched the ground making him shake in his position and I immediately went to him and slammed my weapon to his face.

He fell on the ground unconscious and face bloodied. If it wasn't for his power to defence himself he would have been dead.

I look directly at Xavier and slowly walk towards him. He look terrified at me and quickly took a gun from his pants and aim in at........

My eyes widen as it is Ashley....

Ashley's POV

As Y/N slowly approach Xavier, he pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. I saw Y/N widen his eyes,shock to see me alive.

"A-ashley?" He called.

I look at him with sad blue eyes and I look back at Xavier.

"Now,now. You don't want your sister to be killed right. Do as I say and stand back down and don't you dare attack." He warned.

"Fine... But what do you really want?" He ask.

He thinks for a second and finally made a decision.

"How join me, we can conquer the world together!" He yelled and started laughing maniacally.

Y/N then became agitated by his decision and started to run at Xavier as he grab his wrist to move it away from me,but they accidently pull the trigger and it shot through........


I grab Xavier's wrist trying to aim his gun ata different direction but suddenly the trigger was pulled and it shot through Ashley...

I look at her in shock and eyes wide.

The guy next to her quickly help her and tried to keep her alive.

My anger was now unbearable that I made Xavier's wrist crack. He scream in pain and I knee him in the gut making him fall on the floor.

I pick up the gun and aim it at his head, I stare deadly at him before I said a word.

"Well...... Just like I promised, I'll take you down and your organization." I said and pulled the trigger and shot him.

Some of him blood spilled at my shoes, I angrily look at him and gazed at their girls. The four of them are beside Ashley.

I quickly ran to them and I checked her pulse. Luckily she is still alive but in a bad condition.

"Hurry! We can still make it to the hospital!" The man said and we carry her down the building.

We meet up with my friends and they saw us. They look shock at Ashley first but soon helped.

Lucky we take Williams car and mine so my friends were at Williams car with Natsuki and Monika, while me,the man, Ashley, Sayori and Yuri are at mine.

We rushly drive our way to the hospital and after for 10 minutes we gladly made it.

We carried her inside the hospital and gladly we bumped into a doctor. We explained to the doctor that my sister was shot and the doctor lead us to a room.


Me and the others are waiting outside of the hospital room, I impatiently walk back and forth in front of the door waiting for the news.

"Calm down Y/N, I'm sure she will be fine." Steve said.

"How am I supposed to be calm?! After 14 years of her being kidnapped, I finally found her but was shot by Xavier." I angrily said.

"I know that it feels horrible like that but at least try to contain your anger." Grace said.

"Okay..." I mumbled which they actually heard and I started to calm down.

After I few minutes the doctor finally came out of the room and all of us stand up from our seats and crowded around the doctor.

"How was my sister,doc?" I ask.

"Well turns out the patient was shot near the stomach,but luckily the bullet passed through her and there is no injured organs. We just have to put her into a bit of surgery and she will be fine." He explained.

Hearing what he said we all sigh in relief. I ask if we can see her and he agreed. We went inside and we saw her laying on the hospital bed,unconscious. I walk towards her and sit beside her. I hold her hand and began crying.

"After all this years...... I..... I finally.... Found you....... twin...." She said between sobs.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Author's note: Well everyone I think you guys should start packing up and wait to say goodbye, I'll be posting the epilogue tomorrow to get your happy ending you guys always wanted.


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