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3rd Person view

2 months later....

Y/N and the girls are visiting his twin sister from the hospital. Its already been 2 months and Ashley still hasn't woke up from her coma. His friends are now from different places, Grace was now going to college which is 2 hours away from their home. Steve is at some business building to take over his father's business as the owner of their company. While William is at his home helping his mother do chores and sometimes do some part time jobs too.


I was just waiting inside the hospital room where my sister was held with the girls. The room was just as silent until we heard some groaning and when we look at Ashley and saw her waking up.

I immediately stand up and so as the girls and I quickly hug her.

"Ashley! Thank god you're awake." I said in relief while hugging.

I let go of her and she look around the room.

"Wha...wh-what happened?? Where am I?" She ask.

"Well you were shot by Xavier back then and you were in a coma for two months and now you're here." I explained.

"Oh..." She mutters.

"Its okay now, you don't have to worry about him ever again. Because I finally found you." I said happily and gave her a warm smile.

"R-really?" She ask.

I simply nod and she smiled brightly.

"Anyway since that you're awake now, maybe in a few days you will be discharge in the hospital now." I said.

"Hey Ashley?" Natsuki ask.

"Yeah?" She said as she look at her.

"I just wanted to thank you for what you did back then, to all of us." She said as the four of them smiled at her.

"There's no need to thank me,its alright." She replied.

Suddenly the doctor came in and saw Ashley finally awake.

"Oh Ms. L/N, I'm glad that you're finally awake. Just in time." The doc said.

1 week later...

"Soo..... Where are we going again?" Sayori ask.

"To my favorite place, because when I saw a box in moms drawer back then it has this key and a note." I said as I show them the key while looking where I'm driving.

"Maybe its some kind of a place mom and dad want you to see?" Ashley suggest.

"Well, we'll find it out soon when we get there." I replied.

A few minutes later we finally reached the address that we need to go and all six of us stepped out of the car. We all looked in front of us shocked at what we are seeing.

"So that's why they this key." I said in disbelief.

We continue to walk on the front door and I used the key to open it and it worked. We went inside and saw that the place was HUGE.

"No wonder why we have short budget back then..." I mumbled.

We all looked around the giant house,or mansion to say the least and found that there is a big living room,one large kitchen with a spare space for a dining table, two bathrooms, one large basement and attic, 7 bedrooms all connected to one balcony on the second floor, and a back yard.

We all gathered back in front of the front door and we looked at each other.

"Well what do you think?" I ask them.

"I kinda like it here! Please can we live here now?!" Sayori ask and the others nodded.

"Welp,then its official. We're now be living here." I announced and all of us cheered.

The next 3 days....

"And finally...... Done!" I said as I arranged the last furniture into our new home.

"Now I'm able to run around here,while Sayori chase me for a cookie!" Natsuki jokingly mocks Sayori.

"Hey!" She response.

"Since that were done can we go back to our old house,I just forgot to do something." Monika ask.

"Why not?" I said as I grabbed the keys of my car.

"You guys go ahead I'll be staying here." Ashley said.

"You should come with us, I just need to go to a place with all of us. After all Laurance will watch over the house, right boy?" I said convincing her to come.

Laurence barked in response.

"Okay,if you say so." She says and we all went out and went in the car.

Timeskip( brought to you by the lazy author who is eating pancakes )

We arrive at our old house and stepped out of our car, we went inside the house then I open up the lights and saw that its now fully empty since we moved the furniture's to our new one.

The girls look around and went to the backyard. Ashley by the way was standing beside me.

"This place brings back memories." She said as she look around.

"Yeah...." I replied.

"Well,come on now. Let's see what the others are doing." She says as she just used her power to lift me up in the air and she began dragging me.

"You know I can walk." I said sarcastically.

She just laughs and her eyes turned yellow.

We arrived at the backyard and saw that the Literature Club are staring at the tree house. We approach them and we look at it also.

"We're gonna miss this tree house, I guess we just have to build another one in our new backyard." Monika says still staring at the tree house.

"Yeah.. Well at least we're together now!" Sayori beams and we all smiled.

I look at my wrist watch and its 8:30 pm, well might as well go to that place.

"Hey I thinks time for us yo leave and go to the place I want you guys to see. Oh,and Ashley,please put me down now." I said and she put me back on the ground.

Timeskip( seriously I'm lazy right now...? )

We arrived at the park and stepped out of the car we walked up to the hill next to the park and we all lay down on the grassy ground and faced the night sky with thousands of sparkling stars and a bright shining moon.

The girls all looked in amazement as we stared at the stars.

"Hey guys! Look, a shooting star!" Sayori shouts while pointing at a shooting star.

"Quick, Y/N! Make a wish!" Sayori said to me.

"No need to." I said and they all looked confused except for Ashley.

"Why?" They ask in sync.

"Well, because......... All I need is all of you....."


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Author's note: So what do you guys think? This will now be the last part of the story,cuz I change my plan that I'm not making a part two book of it.

I hope you understand because I kinda ran out of ideas when I keep continuing the story anyways....

Just check out my other emotional DDLC story I'm working on.

Also do you guys want me to make a RWBY story? Since that ya know. I'm kinda interested on making one. So if I'm making one please vote on these selection.

1. RWBY harem x Male reader

2. Cheater RWBY x Male reader

3. Abused and Neglected Reader x RWBY

(Family that will abuse you)

1. Belladona family
2. Rose/Xiaolong family
3. Schnee family
4. Your desired family

Well this is all I will ask for now. Other questions will be asked when the story is finally published.

That's all!!


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