Chapter 3: See You In Heaven

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1 week later

(Y/N's POV)

Today is my mom's funeral and a lot of people came actually,I just thought the only once that will be here are me,my friends and a few relatives. That doesn't matter anyway the only thing that matters here is my mom will finally be peaceful in heaven with dad. Although I still can't accept their death and I've been depressed for a week now by that,so I'll just try my best to make myself happy.....

(Steve's POV)

Y/N has been crying over the front while the funeral is starting,it's so sad to see him depressed because of that. Well me,William,and Grace just planned that we will hangout with him after the funeral,and I hope he agrees. An hour later have past and the funeral is over,all the people except us and Y/N have left,he is just standing in front of his mom's grave crying. We decide that we should ask him to hangout as friends,we approach him we try our best to comfort him.

"Hey Y/N let's go and hangout to have fun and to cheer you up." I started.

"Yeah! That would be great and we also haven't hung out since last week." Grace speaks.

Y/N smiled"Sure,where would you guys wanna hangout?"he ask.

"How about first we go to the mall then the park." I suggested

"Great then let's go." William said.

We went to William's car and we stepped inside and he drove us to the mall.


The four of us arrived at a parking lot next to the mall,William parked the car and we all went inside the mall. We started to go to an arcade to have fun so we went there and played for an hour. After that we decided to go to a cafe to eat there after all our energy were drained from the arcade,we went inside a nice cafe and took our seats. We each took a menu that is on the table a man soon arrived and ask for our order we each picked our order and the waiter had left. We just chatted there while waiting for the food to arrive.

"Hey Y/N have you already played the new game?" Will ask me.

"What game?"

"The game called DDLC." Steve retorts.

"Who think is the best Doki Girl?" William ask again.

"I think it's Yuri." Grace commented.

"Well I think it's Just Monika." Steve said in a somewhat creepy voice.

"Well all of you are wrong.......all dokis are best dokis and that includes the PROTAG!!" I shouted.

We all started to laugh after a few more minutes the waiter arrives and gave us our food."Well.................DIG IN!" we all said then started eating. We ate our food without saying a word and were finally done eating,we exited the cafe and we just walk around the mall for a bit then we exited the mall and went to the parking lot. We went inside the car and William started driving,the car ride to the park was silence but I just let myself deep into thoughts. We soon finally arrived at the park instead we hangout at the park we went to a hill that is right next to the park. We were now on top of the hill and laid there making our heads face the sky. It's already 8:30pm and the night sky is clear so we get to see the stars from the sky and also the wind here is refreshing and relaxing so we just stayed there for a bit longer.

Steve then broke the silence."Hey guys,graduation will now be I three weeks. What will you guys do after that?"he ask.

"I think I will go outside of town for college." Grace replied.

"Well I think I'll just stay at the house watching TV or do house chores." William answered.

"My dad wants me to take over the business we own. What about you Y/N?" Steve ask.

"Well, I don't know.....I think I'll just a part time job since that mom left me with all of her properties and money...." I said in a saddened tone.

"I'm sorry again for what happen to your mom." Grace spoke to me.

"It's alright,she's happy when I'm happy so yeah."

We were silent again and we just decide that to stare at the night sky again. Seeing those sparkling stars makes calm down a bit. I pulled out my phone and checked the time and it's already 10:07pm....time always went so fast,we all stood from our position and head back to the car. The ride in there was silent again and we soon arrived at my house,I stepped out of the car then I waved good bye to them as they leave.I unlock the front door and head inside the house I walk to the bathroom and began brushing my teeth,after that I went upstairs to my room and changed into my pajamas and then went to my PC. I open it and started to play DDLC I remembered that I was now with only Monika and I just went to the dialogue until my PC screen went off,I tried to turn it on again but it was no use I think it's broken."Well I guess I'll just have to fix it tomorrow.. "I said to myself. I just leave the PC and went straight to bed,besides I still have school tomorrow.

"I wonder how it's like for them to be real...." I said to myself.

(??? POV)

I finally accessed the code to the computer,all I need to do is get out of here with the others."I wonder how it's like when us and Y/N are together."I thought.

"Hey gals! The portal is now ready,I think we can get there now."

"Okay come on,I think his asleep so let's just surprise him when he woke up"

"Let's not surprise him too much cause he might freaked out or something."

"You guys ready?"


We now entered the portal and were in someone's bedroom probably Y/N's and my prediction was true,his sleeping peacefully on his bed.

"Your reality has come true Y/N....." I said to myself.

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Author's note: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Well you already guys know who are those person is,so what will Y/N react when he saw them. We'll find it out next chapter.
Leave a comment down here if you have any opinions and suggestions about this story.

I hope you like it~~

So see you Bye

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