Chapter 4: Morning Suprise

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I woke up to the sound of the alarm my eyes still close,I was about to turn it off but it suddenly stop. I was confused at first then suddenly slide it off I gently open my eyes my vision is still a bit blurry and then I can now see clearly. As I look around my room I saw four figures looking at me,when they saw me awake they began walking towards me. I begin to panic inside I got up from my bed and ran out of my room,I dash downstairs and went to the bathroom. I splash myself with some cold water from the sink after it I just brush my teeth I tried to pinch my self and it hurts.

"Well I'm not dreaming......wait if this is real then the people I just saw is real too. Oh my god.......maybe I'm just seeing things?" I said to my self.

I just fixed my hair and exited the bathroom,once I was out of the bathroom I was greeted with the same people that I saw. I begin to panic again and started dashing to my room. When I entered there I immediately closed and lock it.

"Well....I'm wrong this is real.." I said to myself.

"Of course it is real!" A female voice said.

"What the?!" I said panickly.

"Hehe,hello there Y/N" I saw a familiar looking girl sitting on my bed then she stands up and walk towards me.

"AHH!! Please don't hurt me." I shout in mercy.

"Why would you think I'd do that?" she ask.

"Wait..........Monika??" I said confused.

"Yep,that's me!" Monika said doing her signature pose.

"So wait,if you're here then the other people that I saw downstairs are the other girls?" I ask.

"Yep,we scare the heck out of you so that's why you didn't realize." She answered.

"Okay...."I unlock the door and open it,revealing the other three standing in front of me. As they saw me they immediately jump at me excitedly.


"Hey there Y/N! It's finally nice to see you for real." The girl with a red bow who is Sayori said happily.

"Hehe,you should see the look of your face when you saw us." A short girl with both pink eyes and hair who is Natsuki said.

"H-hello there Y/N. I-it's finally nice to see y-you." The all to familiar taller girl with purple hair and eyes said embarrassed.

"Uhhh.....hey,what time is it?" I ask.

"Let me check,it's already 7:20am." Monika replied.

"Oh shoot!! I'm gonna be late! Would you girls mind if you get off me? I gotta hurry for school." I ask trying to hide the panic inside me.

They all got of me and I hurriedly dashed downstairs to go to the bathroom to shower. After a few minutes I get the towel and wrapped it around me I stepped outside the bathroom then went upstairs to my room,as I opened my room and saw the girls waiting there. They all suddenly hardly blushed when they so me on a towel.

"O-oh....uhhh,sorry but will you girls leave the room for a moment. I'm just gonna change." I ask them slightly embarrassed

They stepped out of the room and went downstairs. I locked the door and began to change into my uniform. As I finished getting changed I packed all of my supplies then I unlocked the door and went downstairs. The aroma of a delicious food led me to the kitchen as I saw Natsuki cooking some breakfast and the others are sitting from the dining table.

"Hey Y/N,I know that you're in a hurry so I decided to cook you guys some breakfast." She said then smiles.


Natsuki finished cooking and placed the food in each of our plates. She sits down at the table and we began eating,a minute later while we were eating I suddenly realized that the girls are still in their uniform.

"Hey girls,when I got back here from school we will go to the mall to buy you guys some clothes and other personal stuff." I spoke.

They all happily nodded in agreement. I smiled at them then we finished our food,I put the dishes to the sink then started heading out outside.

"Wait!" Sayori shouted from the living room.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Before you leave. Can I at least have a hug?" She begs.

Instead of saying a word I spread my arms to the air signaling her to hug me. She beams then ran towards me,while we're hugging the others saw us then ran to us also.

"Group hug!" Natsuki joyfully shouts as we were all hugging each other. We now let go of the hug and smiled at each other.

"Well I'll be going now,I see you later." I said as I leave the house.

As I was walking to go to Steve's house so we can walk together as always,I think on how on earth did the girls exist. Well that doesn't matter anyway as long as I'm okay with it. I finally reach Steve's house,I was going to knock on the door then Steve suddenly open it.

"Hi bud,ready to go?" I ask.

"Yeah,come on."

We started walking our way to school,I was thinking about if I should tell Steve about the girls. Maybe I'll tell him after school when we walk home? Well,he might freaked out just like me when he found out so I'll tell him soon.

"Hey you alright there? You've kinda been having that serious look on your face." Steve ask snapping me back to reality.

"Oh,I was just having deep thoughts" I answered.

"Oh okay"

After our short talk about some random stuff we now arrive at the school. We entered there and began having our separate ways. But before we do,I just have to tell him about the girls on lunch.I'll just also tell William and Grace too about that. The sooner the better they say...

"Hey Steve."


"I have something important to tell you guys with William and Grace at lunch okay?"


After our conversation we now went to our own class period. Well,as usual I just have to endure the boring lectures on every period before lunch.


As the school bell rang,it's now lunch. I packed all my things and went straight to the cafeteria,as I arrived at the cafeteria a male student with two other students was trying to tripped me but I noticed it then dodge. I gave them a death stare.

"You should watch where you're going punk." The guy who was trying to trip me said.

"Well you should at least watch your dirty foot cuz it's blocking my path" I said to them in an agitated tone.

"Well,well,well. You should watch your dirty mouth there or you'll have to face some consequences." He warned.

"You're the one who will face some consequences!" I shout.

"Why you!" He said as he tries to put his fist on my face.

I quickly dodged it and grabbed his wrist. He turned shock as I smirk at him I kicked him as hard as I can on the stomach and send him flying for a few meters. The other two suddenly attacked me on both sides and I grabbed both of their heads then smashed them with each other hard they both fall down unconscious due to their head hit hard. I look at the other guy that I kicked and walk towards him. I hold him by his throat making him choke.

"Next time you try to fight me I will make what I did worse." I warned him.

I let go of him and walk past him noticing some students staring at me,I just ignored them and look for my friends I just lost my mood to eat. As I searched for them I quickly saw them on the corner happily chatting,I approached them and greeted.

"Hey guys." I waved at them.

"Hi Y/N,we've been waiting for ya." Steve greets.

I take a seat beside them and look at them.

"So what are you going to tell us that is important that Steve said?" Grace ask with a bit of concern.

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Authors note:Sorry for the cliff hanger guys. You guys will soon find out what will happen next chapter.

That's all I have for now.

So see you soon Bye

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