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So, you know that some people sleep talk or walk?

I often do, IN REAL LIFE, what me, IN MY DREAM, is doing.

Like, last night, I had a dream of watching some YouTube. The screen was, like, floating in front of me. I wanted to change the video so I reached out to change it.
And I flipping put my arm up to change it in real life (69 MARK). I woke up with my arm in the air.

My dad has told me that I have SAT UP, IN MY SLEEP, AND TALKED.
So, when this would happen, my dad would wake me up. I always thought he was waking me up for no reason, and thought I had "sat up" when woken up.

So. Ye.

This part here is written by my father, who read this before I published this.

At first I didn't know you were asleep. I would try to talk and make sense of what was said. Eventually I realized that to get back into a healthy sleep you needed to get back in sleeping position. Speaking to you did not get you to awaken, but if your body was moving you would wake up instantly. So I took to pulling you out of your half-dreams by raising you into a sitting position by taking a hand and pulling you up by one arm.  If I was pulling you out you were having a nightmare. You were acting out distress. I expected you would remember bad dreams that ended with someone dragging you out of danger by your arm (I didn't). When you were not distressed I would come and say loudly and clearly, "Close your eyes and go to sleep." You would act confused and I would say, "You are asleep right now. Right now you are dreaming. Just lay back and relax and close your eyes. You are already sleeping.'

I am awake most of the night so before you had the loft bed I would be very aware of you at Night.  You do even remember the bad dreams. Interrupting them and putting you back to sleep before the dream became intense enough to rouse you resulted in you remembering ONLY that you'd been roused. You have no recollection now nor on the morning after that your dream had been turning dark.

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