Hey Guys!

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I finally got an idea for my first official YouTube video!

Want to here it? Sure you do otherwise you still wouldn't be here reading this.

I thought that since it will be my first video it should be a, "Get to know MonsterCupcake video."

So what I would like you guys to do (if you want to of course) PM me some fun questions that I will not answer via Wattpad but via YouTube video.

It'll be like a tag but I'll answer the questions with a video. Does that sound like a good idea to you guys or am I just crazy?

Anywho, if you all are interested PM me a minimum of three questions each and I will answer them all in my video.

It can be stuff like,

"What's your favorite animal?"
"When did you decide to start writing?"
"How much do you actually like cupcakes?"
"What is your deal with being unable to write a single story where everyone lives?"

Ignore that last one.

Anywho, whatever you guys want to ask me go ahead!
The reason I ask for you to send the questions through PM is so that there can be some surprise for you guys if you all know what I mean.

So ask away!

And I will begin my first video once I have a good amount of questions.

Alright I'm Out.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro