Mini Lego Middle Earth.

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So today I thought that I'd finally dust off my Mini Lego Middle Earth and at the same time I thought, "Hey! Why not do a "Before and After" as long as I have nothing else to do?"

So this is MLME (Mini Lego Middle Earth) before I got it all dusted.

Sorry about the poor picture quality. And as you can see, MLME consists of Mordor, Rivendell, Thranduil's Dungeons, and Ravenhill.

*time skip to after I got all the sets dusted off*

So after I finished all that I put everything back together.

Here is Mordor:

Note: That "Nazgul" is actually the Mouht of Sauron. My little brothers lost his metal hat so I decided to turn him into a Ringwraith. Aren't I clever?

Here is Imladris, or Rivendell:

We've got Agent Smith from the Matrix- *cough* I mean Elrond, in the back over there. We also got Arwen studying that very interesting chair, Gimli about to destroy that table with his axe, and Frodo wishing that he had stayed home instead of going to this crazy place.

Next we have Thranduil's Fabulous Dungeons:

Eesh! This is the worst quality photo I've ever taken. Anywho, we have Bilbo breaking and entering, Gloin and Oin in the jail cell, Unamed Mirkwood Elf No. 43 is guarding that spear he's holding, and my personal favorite; Gary the elf enjoying some delicious elven Grape Juice.

Last but certainly not least, my newest adition to MLME, Ravenhill:

Sorry that it's so dark! My phone camera is awful. Anyways, here we have Bard in a scene that he was never in, Dain Ironfoot battling an orc in a scene that he was never in either, Thoring fighting Azog in a scene that he is in (little does he know that there is a little switch in the back that if pushed will send both him and Azog flying out of the set) and of course everyone's favorite blond pointy eared elvish princeling Lego Legolas fighting an orc.

So that is all of MLME. Hope you alle enjoyed it and for those of you waiting for my first YouTube video, expect one sometime on Monday!

Alright I'm out.

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