Valentine's Day Again?

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Already? Didn't we just have this miserable holiday?

Sprinkles: It's only miserable when you don't have someone to share it with. Which in your case, you don't.

Oh is that so?

Sprinkles: Yes.

That's where you're wrong Sprinkles of Gloom! I happen to have my bestest most wonderfulest friend in the entire world right here to spend the day with.

Sprinkles: Seriously? Who?

Frodo Puffins!


My wonderful and adorable hamster Frodo Puffins! Isn't he precious?

Sprinkles: What are you trying to do with that extreme close up? Give me a heart attack?

My camera has zoom problems...

Sprinkles: Ugh, look at its creepy little eyes...


Amarth: I think it's cute.

Ohmygosh Amarth how long have you been here?!

Amarth: Since you created me.

No I mean how long have you been here.

Amarth: Oh not for that long. I heard screaming and thought I'd pop in to see what was going on. Who was that anyway?

Sprinkles: Not me.

Amarth: Suuuuurrrreeee it wasn't.

Wait, Amarth why aren't you running away from Sprinkles? And why isn't Sprinkles threatening you with torture?

Amarth: It's Valentine's Day so we have a truce.


Sprinkles: We made an agreement that there would be three holidays where I wouldn't cause any harm to any of the characters in here. Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Oh that's nice of you Sprinkles. I never thought you- wait a minute! What do you mean by characters and where exactly are they living?

Amarth: Well, not counting myself and Sprinkles over here, a few. As for where they live, we all live in the universe.

That's not the answer I was looking for Amarth...

Amarth: I never give a straight answer you should know this.

Why did I ever create you?

Amarth: For a fanfiction.

Sprinkles: Wasn't that a straight answer?

Amarth: Yes but it wasn't the one she wanted.

Okay can you two leave now? You're giving me a headache...

Amarth: Aw man... but I'm starting to enjoy making these appearances in your Rant book.

Sprinkles: I'll reluctantly admit that I'm also enjoying this. Despite being almost frightened to death by your little death rodent...

Amarth: So that WAS you screaming!

Sprinkles: You're the one who's going to be screaming when I get through with you elf!


Amarth: Ah! But it's Valentine's Day, you're not allowed to hurt me.

Sprinkles: Doesn't mean I can't begin planning your future torment.

Amarth: Oh yeah... later! *runs away at the speed of a frightened elf*

Sprinkles: That never gets old.

Yep sure doesn't, now can you please go and do something useful like help me plan a chapter for something?

Sprinkles: What kind of chapter? Which story?

Just pick one! I don't care.

Sprinkles: You're giving me leave to do whatever I want?

Yes! Wait no!

Sprinkles: I'm going to enjoy this... I'm off to begin my work!

Sprinkles come back! Sprinkles!

Why must I be put through this?

Where was I even going with this chapter?

Oh yeah!

Valentine's Day is awful! Unless you have chocolate and someone to share it with of course, which in this case I am lacking chocolate, but I do have someone to share the day with!

Isn't that right Frodo Puffins?
Oh yeah you're a hamster, you can't type.

However! I hope the rest of you enjoy your Valentine's Day. I wish you all chocolate and candy hearts!

Now if you'll excuse me I have to play with my hamster.

Alright, I'm Out

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