My Works

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I want to think about some of what I've written here on Wattpad, and where I plan to go with it. I also want to list a few ideas I haven't shared before, and where and when I might begin work on them.

Tales From Sinaloa: "Tales" is a horror experiment. It's my first attempt at a horror book, and its main purpose is to let me play around and experiment with different forms of horror. I plan to finish it in a few more chapters, ending it somewhere around 14 chapters total if all goes well. Additional bonus chapters might be added as well, but that's unsure. Overall, TFS is practice for horror, and an experiment.

Diary of a Forgotten: DoaF was originally an improv project that taught me that I suck at improv. For those who have read it, yes, I plan on finishing it. Once I finish "Tales," I plan to work on and complete DoaF, however long that may take. DoaF will be a dark story, hopefully executing horror and suspense. It will be a supernatural tale, hopefully with a dark conclusion. It probably won't be a very hopeful story, but even I don't know how it'll end.

Fate's Call: This was my first Wattpad project, and whether or not I will ever finish it is uncertain. It was supposed to be a fanfiction, one that would be unrivaled by any other Ocarina of Time fanfic, but when I began to work on TFS (which was originally supposed to be a side project) I quickly got sidetracked and stepped away from fanfiction. To be frank, I'm not sure if I like it enough to continue it. My one motivation is my friend Travis, who's been asking for the next chapter for a long time now. Perhaps I will finish it for his sake.

Now for the upcoming/theoretical ideas. I won't share all of my ideas though, there's one or two that I want to keep as a surprise. 

A Regular World: In this world, humans are terrorized my monsters that they call demons. These monsters came from another world and began to devour the humans in mass numbers. Yet in this peculiar town, the humans didn't seem to care. They carried on with life, even with everything around them crumbling. It was simply as though they didn't care. [This is going to be an attempt at a goofy comedy.]

In the Age of Gods: Superheroes are supposed to be defenders. Keepers of the peace. So how did all this happen? They rule over us like cruel gods, and the feeble humans are subject to their whims. But I'll be different. I'll stop them. I'll kill them all if I have to. In the age of gods, I am a true hero. [This is an older idea, a dark story about wars between superheros.]

Prodigy: I was born different. Everyone knew it, because I was proud of it. But some people were cruel. Some people tried to run experiments on me, and on others like me. But we were too strong. We vowed to rise above those who put us down, and show the world that superheroes will not be toyed with. [This is a lighter story, a prequel to the story above.]

Hunter-08: Twenty-one dimensions make up our general multiverse, and all of them connect to a single point: the void. A place between the dimensions where elite soldiers reside. They protect the dimensions from outside threats, and personally ensure the stability of the dimensional gateways. One person from each dimension is selected to join the highest of honors: the Elite Hunter Task Force. Meet Hunter-08, hunter of the eighth dimension and the only human on the force. [This is a lighter idea with some darker elements here and there. I hope to begin work on it soon.]

Tales by Candlelight: A collection of tales and stories written by me. This will be a side project while I work on larger things.

Beyond Reality: Every now and then, a human child is born with strange powers. Powers that distort the reality around them. These children are taken to an alternate world where they can be trained in a safe environment. Their powers can be properly managed under professional supervision. But some of the children lose control of their abilities, and are lost. The academy works hard to prevent more children from being lost, but only so much can be done. [This story is a dark concept with a lighter approach. It was a recent idea, and I'm itching to get it started.]

Mask: When monsters invaded our world in the ancient times, we slew them. Yet no matter how many times we killed them, their spirits lived on. To contain them, we bound them. We trapped them within masks to confine their powers. Then we wore those masks, taking their powers and using them as our own. We cut off their world, and began to exterminate the few that remained here. A few of them, however, went into hiding. And even now, they're waiting for the perfect moment to strike back. [This is a dark story dwelling on the topic of revenge. It's another one that I hope to start soon.]

Other ideas (or at least snippets of ideas) might be added in time as I think of them. 

Yep, I've made up my mind. This book will be the place where I run through my ideas. 'Cause tbh, I'm enjoying this so far. It might be worth it to keep a book of my ideas and concepts. This is basically gonna be my writing journal/blog from now on.

As for what I'll be writing next, after TFS I'll resume DoaF. Once that's completed, it's between one of three main options. I could start on Hunter-08, Beyond Reality, or Mask. I'm still not sure what I want to do first, but I have a little time to figure that out. Still, choosing an idea is hard...

As for In the Age of Gods, Prodigy, and A Regular World, I'll probably have to get to them later down the road, as there's another BIG project that I want to get to soon.

We'll see how that all goes I guess.

Well, since this is basically a journal now, I think I'll sign off of each chapter until the next time.

See ya!

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