Tales From Sinaloa

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Okay, I do need to talk about this. Bear with me as I ramble for a bit.

And don't get me wrong, I love TFS, I love my creation very much and wish to see it completed. But at the same time, I don't love it.

Tales is a fun experiment, and I've enjoyed writing it. I think that writing the finale will be a lot of fun. However, a few things hold the story itself back. I'm going to be completely honest here: Tales never has been and never will be a masterpiece. It will never be the pinnacle of my work, even when it's the only completed story I've written (aside from Adventures of Max).

Even if it's only in the confines of my mind, I've created better. Knowing that, Tales will never truly satisfy me as a writer.

First off: The only real character is the narrator. Me. And over the story, I don't actually experience any real character growth at all. I'm what's called a static character, unless my own character has developed without me realizing it.

I guess that's not entirely fair though. Tales was never mean to be that kind of story. It was just supposed to be a collection of stories, but in time evolved into something slightly more elaborate. So I guess I shouldn't be too hard on the story, or on myself.

But still, knowing that I'm capable of writing better is annoying. I guess I just don't want people thinking that Tales is the best thing I'm going to write. Aw, who am I kidding, no one's just gonna assume that, that's just dumb.

Also, another thing about Tales frustrates me, as the writer.

1. Chapters are too long. I should have broken them down more for the sake of the readers.

2. Sometimes the climax just does NOT work, and the tale falls flat. Prime example: Tale 2: Pests.

3. No interesting characters aside from me, the narrator. I should have at LEAST had some sort of partner in crime over the course of the tales.

Just a few things, I could list more, but a lot of them are unfair to Tales.

In the end though, I do love my story, and I think that it serves its purpose well enough. What's its purpose? To introduce my writings, mostly. Show people a glimpse of what I can do while I wait to get into the real stuff. 

And like I said, I love it. Being something original that I wrote myself means something to me. I really do value my story. And I've LOVED writing it thus far.

I just think I can do better.

I don't actually know why I wrote a whole chapter that knocks on my own story. Well, there goes 15 minutes of my life that I could have spent on actual writing.
Hahaha, I need to go do something productive.

This is Luke signing off.

Join us next time as Luke rants about anime.

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