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Thanks a lot NafizaBanu for sharing your thoughts with us.

Username : NafizaBanu

1) what inspired you to start writing?

Inspired: i got inspired my friend FizzaMalik .

2)when you started writing and how old were you?

18 .

3) would you like to share your experience when you first started writing?

Experience:well in the beginning i had lot to spelling errors it become better as i continued to write.
It was difficult writing in the beginning BUT later i got a hang of it.

4) From where do you get your ideas from?

From movies, from books and as well from my weird dreams .

5)What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

I think of what i can write in my next chapter or i make up weird storys in my
head .

6) What does your family think about your writing?

My family they don't read stories. Then i started writing they told me to concentrate more on studying then writing stories. They said it was a waste of time. But i did what i liked which was writing .

7Which character of your book resemble you?

Zaaya from my new book MR MAFIA.

8)Which one is your favourite Male and female character of your book? Why?

Sebastian from MY SECOND MATE because his understanding and sweet.

9) Who is your favourite celebrity?

Jason Momoa .

10)Challenges you face while writing?

It was difficult writing in the beginning. BUT later i got a hang of it.

11) Writing is your hobby or you want to persuade as career?

It's a hobby.

12) who is your favourite author and your favourite book?

The girl in the hoodie SarcasticallyWitty .

13) do you use any other website to update your story?


14) how much your readers meant to you?

They meant alot without as writers would be nothing, they support is what helps me keep writing.

15) how much readers pressurise you to give update?

It's normally my bestfriends that bugs me to update soon.

16) how you feel when some reader comments offensive and report your work? Want to say something to them?

No .

17) want to say something to aspiring writers?


18) if you want you can ask 2 question from your readers?

No .

Question asked by reader's.

a) How did you got the ideas of writing such wonderful stories ?

I started reading stories which was mostly werewolves story's .

So one day i thought why don't i write my own book since my other friends are also writing it.

b) Who was your inspiration ?

I'm inspiration was my bestfriend @fizzamalik0501

Interview drafted by: FathimaHameed4

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