god's work

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author's note: this is set around the '40s, a time where crime solving was not as great as it is now. it's about a man who has an unhealthy obsession with the cleansing of the world, and it is not mean to offend or insult any christians.

Only a fool would strike me as mad, for I am a righteous man doing the Lord's work, and only a man of intellect could comprehend the goodness of my actions. The desire to rid the world of the Devil's work is simply a virtue, not a symptom of insanity. To see me, a man of God, as a mad man would truly be a vacuous portrayal of me. I merely eliminate those who are not worthy of this beautiful world. Staining the world with sin should never be accepted. To prove my undeniably true claim, listen, child, to the gallant deed I have done for the Lord.

Lust. She stained the world with her lustful advances and her disgustingly erotic looks. Her eyes were filled with the sultry fires of Satan, and her lips reeked of sin. How she angered me! God had provided her a good home and a good life, and this is how she repaid Him? It was imperative that she be executed gruesomely and as quickly as possible, and it was also imperative that I was the executor, releasing the sinful for justice. For weeks, I planned day and night her death. I watched and followed her dreadful body each morning and each afternoon. And each morning, I gave her a welcoming smile. For weeks, I acted as if I actually cared about this filthy whore. Finally, my efforts were not fruitless, for I had conceived a splendid plan to kill this wretch! Listen, child, for you are about to hear the glorious death of a witch! Are you not filled with joy and gratitude?

It was a Sunday night in winter, and softly creeping, I thoughtfully made my way to her apartment door. Only a flickering light could be heard. I grinned, slowly reaching for the knob of the wretch's door with white gloves. Steadily and ever so quietly, I gleefully opened her door, using a single, silver key. I could barely contain my excitement, as the urge to kill her was growing stronger each passing moment. I smiled at the thought of ripping the woman's head off.  I shut the door, yet no sound came out of it.  I sneaked past the kitchen and into her bedroom. My eyes grew with rage, seeing the terrible woman's barely clothed body on top of the soft bed. How immodest and provocative was the sight! I stood in the shadows, watching her take her final rest.

A twinkle brushed over my face, and I tiptoed up to the bed. I quietly chuckled, pointing my knife at her. I looked up, almost seeing the heavens above me. I tapped her shoulder with force and with such aggression, and immediately she woke up. Her eyes were filled were fear, and I covered her mouth with my hand before she could scream. I chuckled once more, this time with much more pleasure lacing it. Her tiny body trembled with great fear for her worthless little life, but her sad, big eyes accepted her fate. Straightaway, I stabbed her body over and over again. My hands moved up and down, piercing her. I laughed and laughed, seeing the work of God being put into motion. Her breathtaking blood splattered the bed, as it flickered across the room. I had masterfully painted the dirty walls a lovely shade of red. The room reeked of death, but it was all so sensational. The tasteful events were sincerely indescribable.

A great, big smile was plastered over my face, as if a beam of light came onto me. I felt a burning sensation I had never felt before, and I wanted, oh, so much more of it all. So, is it still possible to call me insane, child? Because as you can see, no mad man could ever do such a great deed. I am simply the obedient servant of God. Mark my works, child, I shall rid this world of vice, for it is the wrongdoers who are the genuinely ill. Truly, I bear a skilled of great precision, and no mad man could ever achieve that.

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