23 - Fantasy

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The One Where He Throws Himself Into the Mess

Thirty years old...

Shoto wasn't sure how to react. Feel worried or laugh? He chose to laugh at the fact that you would forget such a big detail. "He's thirty," you had told him. You hadn't thought twice before reciting what Wook had told you to say. It had slipped your mind that your best friend already knew his real age – better yet, you were the one who told him.

You waved and disappeared into the alley. Your class had been told that day about the upcoming summer camp, so you decided to inform the League about it right away.

Was Wook going to be there, or was he still in Matsutori? Shoto felt a tiny seed of regret in his gut sprout. Supporting you right away may not have been the right choice to choose. Especially now that he knew of (and despised) Wook's existence. Clearly, the only correct thing to do was follow you in secret.

As silently as he could, he padded behind you.

Ten seconds in, and he had to raise his sleeve to his nose. She travels through this stench every time?

You came to a sudden stop, and Shoto froze as well. He prepared himself for your fury, as you had most likely heard him sneaking behind you. You exhaled sharply and coughed. "Putrid." You then raised a single finger, dragging out in the air, Fragrance. "Twenty seconds at most..." you muttered, basking in the new delightful scent hanging in the air.

Shoto dropped his arm and inhaled the sweet aroma. The silence was cut off by you sprinting away. Your feet pounded loud and clear, the sound loud enough for anyone nearby to hear. Is she really that unaware? Shoto held back a laugh and ran after you.

After turning the final corner, your destination was clear. So their hideout was an abandoned bar?

Shoto stayed behind and watched you enter the bar. You even had a bit of skip to your step as you walked in. He had to protect you. Yes, he was sure of that. He needed to make sure that the careless and clueless you didn't get yourself hurt. And what better way to do that than to throw himself in the mess?

They jumped when you entered. "Why are you here? We didn't tell you to come," Shigaraki immediately said.

"But..." you faltered. "I texted in advance."

A giggle was heard and Toga revealed herself, waving the League's phone in the air. "I got the excitement of waiting for her all to myself!"

Instinctively, you raised your hands to shield your face. Hopefully, today would be the first time where you'd walk away from her without blood leaking from your face or neck. You shut your eyes as if that would make her vanish.

"Ehhh? Don't look at me like that, Wook," she ordered in a monotone voice.

Wook? Your heart leapt, and your hands were removed from your face. You voiced your thoughts. "Wook?"

Your wrists were still held by his hands. He let out a subtle, "Wow."

You found that you couldn't collect your thoughts, so you stepped away from him and faced the rest of the League. "I- I came here because. Aizawa, he said that, um. Well, basically, we have this summer camp thing. I dunno if I'll make it because I'll probably fail the final exam. But uh, yeah, Aizawa, no, Eraserhead told us that. Thought you guys would want to know."

"If you fail your exam, we will fire you," Shigaraki threatened. "What use is a UA failure to us?"

Those words alone gave you more motivation to study than you ever had. "I'll pass!" You immediately exclaimed. "We haven't been told where it is, but I'll tell you guys when I find out..."

"Wild, Wild Pussycats," said a muffled voice. The door swung open. "We'll be training on the Wild, Wild Pussycats' property. I'll have (y/n) send you the location."

Shoto stood behind you. What a dramatic entrance.


"Why are you here!?" You pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Because I wanted to be here," he answered calmly. He kept his rude thoughts to himself upon seeing Toga and Wook. He was probably only able to because you appeared unharmed.

"Well, this changes things," Kurogiri spoke out. "Do you expect us to pay you as well?"


"As well?" Shoto glanced to you. "Don't tell me..."

You groaned. "We can talk about that later, Shoto."

"Shoto?" Toga sqeualed and ran up to you. "No fair, (y/n)! You've got to call me Himiko, then."

You pushed her away. "I'm not fond of getting sliced up. Toga." You considered going back to calling her Knife. "Well, you've got your info. I'll be going now." Grabbing Shoto's arm, you stomped out and didn't stop until you had made it all the way to your normal path home.

You rubbed your temples. What was he thinking? Now that he had actually, directly, helped the League, there was no going back. Plus, he totally one-upped you back there. You created a flawless sentence-starter in your mind and gave life to it, asking, "What the actual... heck?"

Break Time!
it has been a while

- Do you have something that you need to get done?
- It could be a chore, homework, or anything else
- Turn off Wattpad and get it all done!

But do not forget to come back and read this book ; )

And so we continue...

"What the actual... heck?"

There were a number of ways to go about this. Many excuses, responses and lies. You already knew that you were weak, so telling the truth about making sure you wouldn't get hurt was out of the question. Clearly, Shoto would have to change the subject.

"Are you working for them because you're poor?" He asked, all methods of sugarcoating escaping his mind.

You felt the sudden need to defend yourself. "I'm not poor!" You quickened your pace. "Oh, right. You're rich, so you probably think I'm dirt poor for living in a normal house."

"What? No! That's not what I meant." He tangled his fingers in his hair and searched for the right thing to say without angering you further. He came to the conclusion of muttering, "Nevermind."

Sure, you had originally joined the League because you were a bit short on money, but was that still the case now? With Hideo working part-time, there was no need for you to be a part-time villain. That could only mean...

That's right. You were just living out your fantasy.

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