Drop Your Jaw

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Katie's POV

   I checked and double-checked the bag, but The Mark of Athena wasn't in there. I started heading back over to that serious girl with no name when I saw Lydia running over to me. She was coming from the woods. She stopped when she got to me, out of breath.

   "Whaddup?" I asked.

   "The girl started calling out for Thalia, so I went to go get her, she and Alli had gone to talk in private, but when I got there...," Lydia said, "Katie, Alli's the traitor. She froze Thalia and...oh gods, she's possessed by Luke."

   "Huh, I thought Luke was the one that got possessed?" I wondered aloud.

   "We'll figure that out later," Lydia said, "Go unfreeze Thalia. I'll stay here with the girl."

   "On it," I said. I ran into the woods, thinking of the perfect ice pun to say when I found her. I thought of it as soon as I found her. 

   "Well, this is an icy situation you're in."

   I could feel Thalia rolling her eyes, but hey, not everyone can handle my awesome, cringe-worthy puns. 

   "Katie, can you unfreeze me?" she asked.

   "Sure thing," I replied. I didn't question how she knew about my fire powers. The fangirl that's writing this probably just forgot that wasn't there when I showed Chiron. 

   "How did you know to come get me?" Thalia asked.

   "That girl was calling for you. When Lydia came to get you, she saw everything," I explained. 

   Thalia nodded and answered," Let's go. The camp needs our help."


   We got back to camp and saw Lydia and Alluke, the name I have decided to give the Luke and Alli combo, were in a heated battle. Lydia was doing really good. I bet she could have beaten Alluke if he...she...he/she didn't grow wings and claws. It caught Lydia off guard, and she was thrown onto her back. 

   "How..." Thalia muttered, just loud enough for Alluke to hear and stop from landing the final blow. She turned around, and from the front, I recognized the form from The Lightning Theif.

   "She's a Fury," I whispered, letting out a small fangirl scream.

   "The mortal knows what I am," Alluke said, smiling psychotically," It is true. I am the hidden fury."

   "Great... just great," Thalia muttered. The girl started laughing.

   "I will come back for you soon, Thalia Grace," Alluke said, flying into the woods.

   Thalia ran to the girl, and I ran to Lydia. She wasn't as hurt as she could have been, just a couple scratches bruises that were sure to form, but she was unconscious. I shook her gently and she groaned.

   "Now I know what punching bags feel like," she groaned. I gave her some ambrosia and helped her up.

  "Did you find it?" she whispered to me. I shook my head.

   "Pretty owl book," the girl said in her adorable little girl voice," Pretty owl book."

   "Where did you first hear of the... pretty owl book?" Lydia asked. 

   "Clockman gave it to me," she said before passing out.

   "Great, more gibberish," Thalia said, "It doesn't make any sense!"

   "Maybe it does," Lydia countered, "Kronos is known as the Lord of Time."

A/N Big shout out to @Apheistas1 for helping me work out the kinks for this chapter. Thanks, fam!

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