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Alli's POV

   We walked into the woods. I was unsure about showing my true form to other demigods, but Luke insisted it was the only way to win the battle. I cringed as I remembered what had just happened.


   We walked out of the woods towards Lydia. His plan was to convince Lydia to leave, and  we would fly back to the ship with the girl

   "Hey, Lydia," he called out. Lydia immediately drew out her sword.

   "Hi, Luke," she said, standing between us and the girl.

      He froze for a moment, then smiled. "Allow me to explain." 

   "Don't bother. I saw you with Thalia,"she said. We looked at the girl's unconscious body. Lydia caught us staring. "You're not getting her."

   "What happened to we don't take sides?" he asked. 

   "I changed my mind," she answered. 

   Luke smiled again. "Very well," he pulled out my dagger, "You chose your side. Now, you will die." Luke charged.

   I was reluctant to fight. Lydia, and all the girls in the woods really, was good to me. Lydia starting gaining on me. Luke said that we needed to transform. Since he was mortal, he didn't have a lot of control over me.  He needed my permission to do most things. I'm not an idiot. I knew I was losing, and there was no other option. We were able to over power Lydia and knock her out. Luke was about to land the final blow when I heard a familiar voice.

   "How..." Thalia whispered.

   I turned around. I couldn't bear to face Thalia, so I let Luke have complete control. When I stole a glance at her, I felt guilty, but also... something else. I haven't felt what I feel for Thalia about anyone. Why do I feel this way? Luke walked away and into the woods.

   I couldn't stop thinking about Thalia. She made me feel things like no one else had. I... cared about her. I began to wonder.

   "What's going to happen to them?" I asked Luke. "What will happens to the people who refuse to join our side?"

   "They will pay the price when Kronos returns," Luke said, his voice in my mind," The smart ones who surrender will become slaves, and the foolish ones who don't will die."

   "And Thalia?" I asked.

   "She will no doubt die," Luke answered, trying to hide the emotion in his voice, "Why? Have grown attach to her?"

   "So what if I have?" I asked. Hearing that Thalia would die made me start seeing clearly. All the people who would die, the innocent people. I hated seeing innocent people suffer.

   "You know," Luke said," I'm the only person who has ever been there for you. You really think that after what you've done that Thalia will forgive you? She won't. Trust me, I'm the only one who will stand by you now."

   "You wrong," I said," And I won't help you if it means the death of the person I care about. Not to mention all those innocent people. Get out."

   "Alli... think about what you're doing."

   "GET OUT!!!!!!!!!" I shouted, putting every ounce of my power into the words. I could feel Luke's spiriting leaving my body and returning to his own. I breathed freely, for the first time in a long while. I turned back into my human form and ran to Camp. To Thalia.   

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