Visions of the... Past?

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Lydia's POV

   Katie and I were sitting in the grass by the girl. Thalia had gone to the Big House to do... something. She didn't tell us what. I was exhausted from my fight with "Alluke".(Gods, Katie thinks of the weirdest names for things.)  

   "What are we going to do?" Katie asked. 

   "I don't know," I said for the third time in the past 5 minutes,     "Without The Mark of Athena, we don't have a way of figuring out what she's talking about."

   "Not that,"Katie said," About clock dude. If it really is... the Lord of the Titans, why does she know him. And more importantly, how does he know about the book."

   I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't think of anything to say. Honestly, this whole thing terrified me. Katie and I lived in the woods our entire lives. We got the books about 6 years ago with a note saying exactly what they are and not to tell anyone about them. If Kronos knew about them, he could use them to win the upcoming Titan War. 

   The rustle of leaves behind us broke me out of my thoughts. We turned around to see Alluke stumbling out of the woods. I groaned. I was too weak to fight them again. I was about to stand up when Katie stopped me.

   "I'll handle this," Katie said, rubbing her hands together with a psychotic look in her eye. She got up and blasted a fire ball at Alluke's face. They blocked it using Alli's ice powers.

   "I'm not here to fight you," they said,"It's me, Alli. I forced Luke out of my body!"

   "That's the biggest piece of minotaur dung I've ever heard," Katie shouted and fired another fire ball. This time Alluke wasn't fast enough to deflect it. They got knocked off her feet. They didn't suffer sever burns though. 

   "Please, you have to believe me!," Alluke pleaded," Where's Thalia? She'll believe me." Alluke directed this more to me than to Katie. Her eyes were that of a frightened child. I couldn't believe that Luke would allow someone working under him to show that kind of vulnerability. But I've met Luke, I've learned that he never does what you expect him to.

   "Prove it," I said. 

   Alli pulled her dagger and offered it to Katie. "It's name is Alítheia. Hold it and it will show you the truth."

Katie turned to me. I nodded my head. She picked up the sword and seemed to freeze for a minute. She dropped to her knees and the dagger fell out of her hand.

"She's telling the truth," Katie said when she unfroze. At the same time, the girl woke up. I wasted no time on asking her questions.

"Who's Clockman?" I asked. She looked at me, puzzled. "He took me in when I was a child. How... how do you know about him?"

"You've been going in and out of sleep for a while. You mentioned him once," I said. I couldn't help but look but look back at the dagger. It seemed as if it was whispering in my ear. I was half conscious as I stood up and walked towards it. I picked up the dagger. The visions came almost immediately:

Katie, the girl, and I in a bathroom...

Flames roaring all around us...

A man appearing out of no where...

A gunshot...

   Suddenly, I was back in the field. I couldn't believe what I just saw. I noticed I was on the ground with Katie staring down at me. The girl was right next to me, frozen with the sword in her hand.

   "What... what happened?" I asked. I head was still foggy.

   "You picked up the sword," Katie explained," You were frozen for like 5 minutes. She took it out of your hand and... well now she's like that." She pointed to the girl. 

   "What the hellhound is going?" Thalia said. She must have shown up shortly after the grabbed the sword.

   "Well... Alli's back. She has a dagger that gives you magical visions. Lydia grabbed the dagger, and then that girl grabbed it from her,"Katie replied. 

   Thalia walked over to the girl and touched her shoulder. As soon as Thalia did that she snapped out of whatever trance she was in.

   "Look, I need some answers and I don't know when or if you're going to go all loopy again-," Thalia started but the girl interrupted her (personally, I don't think she even heard Thalia).

   "Guys..." she whispered, "Who's Rebecca?" She showed us her wrist. Percy's name was written there in black ink. Below it was the name Rebecca. 

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