Memory Floods

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???'s POV

   I stared down at my wrist. Rebecca... The name echos in my mind. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember from where. 

   "Alright. I want some answers. Now," Thalia practically shouted, breaking me out of my thoughts. She looked prepared to stabbed something. Katie and Lydia looked at each other. 

   "Fine," Lydia said, "Katie and I aren't from this world. Heck, we're not from this universe. Where we come from, all of this is a book series. Multiple book series in fact. Somehow, the we, as well as the books, came to this world. We didn't know what would happen if people found out about the books, so Katie and I decided not to tell anyone about them. But there was one book missing. It's called The Mark of Athena."

   There was a long pause after Lydia spoke. What she said made sense to me. I even knew what The Mark of Athena was. This confused me even more.

   "So it's official," Thalia said, "You're crazy." She began to walk over to Alli. I have a feeling that this was what they were afraid was going to happen.

   "We swear on the River Styx we're telling the truth," Katie shouted. Thalia froze for a second, and then continued to walk away.

   "Well, that could have gone better," Katie said. Lydia ignored her and sat down by a nearby tree. She seemed lost in thought. I remember that I took the dagger from her before the name appeared. Maybe there was something else she wasn't telling us.

   "What did you see  when you touched the dagger?" I asked. She looked up. She was on the brink of tears.

   "Us," she said, "The three of us in a burning building. There was a gunshot. Then everything went black." 

   Suddenly, memories came flooding into my mind:

   Lydia, Katie, and I playing together...

   A man reading a book to us...

   The man and another man arguing in a clock shop...

   A school bursting into flames...

   Being trapped in a bathroom...

   The man from the clock shop entering...

    A gunshot...

    Lydia, Katie, and I when we were five...

   The images came as quickly as they went. I looked at Katie and I. From the look on their face's, they saw what I had seen. We remembered. I remembered. My name is Rebecca. Alli came running down to us.

   "Thalia told me everything," Alli said. Thalia trailed behind her. "Is there anything that happened in the past 5 minutes?"

   "You might want to sit down," I said. I waited from Alli and Thalia were seated to continue. "My name is Rebecca. I come from the same world as Lydia and Katie. My father wrote the books that they were protecting. We all knew each other. We were friends in fact. One day, I went with my father to a clock shop. He had promised to buy me a cuckoo clock for my 5th birthday. I went to go pick out my clock, but when I came back, my father and the store owner were in a heated argument. I couldn't understand what they were talking about. The next day at school..." I choked on my words. Lydia gave me a reassuring hug and continued the story.

   "The next day at school the building caught on fire. We were scared, and 5, and we somehow ended up in the bathroom alone together. The man from the clock store came into the bathroom and... and shot us."

   Everyone was quiet for a few minutes. Alli was the first one to speak.

   "Wait... you said that your father gave you the clock for your 5th birthday, and that you died the next day, then wouldn't that make you all 5? And were do we come into all of this?"

   "I wish we knew," I said.

   "I think I know someone who might," Thalia said, "Let's go talk to the oracle."

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