Secrets Revealed

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Lydia's POV

   "What happened to her?" Alli asked. I was slightly shocked. I didn't realize the girl and her were so close. 

   "Somehow her Minotaur wound opened up," I explained, "I think it was poisonous." I stare at the black liquid coming out of her shoulder.

   "I think I can fix it," Alli said. She knelt down by the girl and waved her over the pool of blood that had been created. The bleeding immediately froze. Literally. The blood and black liquid were covered in a thin sheet of ice. Alli separated the black liquid from the blood, and made the blood go back into her shoulder. Alli extracted the ice from the blood, and the wound closed back up. I was dumbfounded. Katie and I were so sure that Alli was a child of Hades, but could she be a child of Kione?

   A boy ran over to us and knelt by the girl. He looked a little older with sea green eyes and black hair. He wore an orange Camp Half-Blood. I had to struggle hard to keep myself calm. I recognized him immediately. This was Percy Jackson.

   "I overheard Will and the new girl talking," he said, "Is she okay?"

   "She's fine now," Thalia said. "Where's she now? I need to speak to her."

   Percy looked up and noticed that it was Thalia. There was an uncomfortable amount of silence. "She... uh... she went into the Big House. Something about a golden line."

   "Thanks," Thalia said," Lydia, come with me. I need to talk to both of you."

    "Okay," I said. We ran to the Big House. When we went inside, Katie looked like she was staring at something, but I couldn't see what.

   "Katie," Thalia called. Her voice seemed to break Katie out of whatever trance she was in. "Thalia?" she asked. "What are you doing here?"

   "I'll explain in a second," she said. She looked at both of us. "Have either of you met a boy named Luke?"

   Katie and I looked at each other. We met Luke about a month ago, and he insisted that talk to us separately. I don't know what he told Katie, but she uses to tell me.

   "Yeah," I said, "Why?"

   "Alli told me how he tried to recruit you guys," Thalia said, "I need to know what side your on." 

   "Our own," Katie and I said at the time. We couldn't afford to take sides. Not with what we know. Before Thalia could respond, a golden line appeared at the foot of the stairs, leading up. What happened next is a little fuzzy. It was as if some outer force was controlling me, telling me to follow it. We walked up the stairs, and entered the attic. We followed the golden line to the Oracle. The only thing I remember clearly was when her eyes started glowing and she spoke:

5 girls along together in woods

Two of which hold precious goods

Shall face the truth after a bloody betrayal

And finish the unfinished tale

"Well schist," Katie said, "There's a traitor in our midst."

   We ran back down to where the girl was. Percy had left, but the girl was still unconscious. Alli was fiddling with her dagger.

   "Alli," Thalia said," Do you know who your parents are?" It seemed like the question came out of nowhere. As if she'd rather focus on the weirdness that had happened earlier than the possibility that one of us was working for Luke.

   "I think so," she said, her eyes fogging over, "My dad was a mortal. He left me when I was small, but my mom is a goddess named Elana." (A/N not an actual goddess, just something I made up) 

   "I've never heard of a goddess named Elana," Thalia said, bewildered.

   "That's probably because she's not Greek," I said, my eyes growing as big as saucers, "She's Norse. The Norse goddess of ice and snow."

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