Choosing The Hunt

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(A/N This is going on at the same time as the previous chapter.)

Thalia's POV

   "You ready," I said to Alli once G, Lydia, and Katie left.

   "I guess," she replied. I knocked 3 times on a knot in the tree. The tree rumble, and the side of the tree opened up to reveal a passage. We walked in, and the opening immediately closed behind us. We walked down a long hallway filled with torches lighting it.

   "I think this hallway is slightly bigger than the tree," she said with a small smile on her face. I laughed quietly. It was the first time I have ever seen her smile. She had a pretty smile.

   "The tree is actually just a portal to the hideout. We have one in practically every forest on Earth. Turn here." I opened a door that lead to one of the training areas. Inside was Zoe Nightshade. I walked up to introduce her to Alli.

   "Zoe," I called out," We have a new recruit."

   Zoe walked over to us. She did a once over of Alli and asked," What's you're name?"

   "Alli," she said quietly. I guess she's a little shy.

   "Alright, Alli," Zoe said, "Why do you want to join the hunt?"

   Alli looked shocked by the question, like she didn't expect people to question why she would want to join.

   "I don't know. After what I heard of the other place, the Camp, I thought this was the better option," she answered.

   "What have you heard about the Camp," Zoe asked. The hunt didn't normally go to camp, so when we got a recruit that knew about the camp, we wanted to know all they did.

   "He said that it was a place where they brainwashed you to think the gods are good. They call it a place where they train you to be a hero, but they were really train you to be a servant. I didn't want that to happen to me."

   I was shocked. I looked at Zoe and we were thinking the same thing. We didn't want it to be true, but we had to be sure. " Who told you this?" I asked.

   Alli confirmed what we feared. "He said his name was Luke."

   "Did he only talked to you, or to the others as well?" I asked. I explained to Zoe that there were 3 other girls in the woods that decided to go to camp. 

   "He talked to the others," she said, "Lydia and Katie didn't believe him, but they politely declined. He said that they said they didn't like taking sides. He didn't care if they stayed neutral. But the other girl. She completely dismissed him. He said that he did something to make sure that she wouldn't interfere." Alli spoke as if she was remembering something that she had long forgotten.

   "She's in trouble," I said, "Zoe, I have to make sure that she's safe. Luke might have done something that would effect the entire camp."

   "Good luck, Thalia," Zoe said.

    "I'll go with you," Alli told me, "Might as well see if he was right or not."

   "Alright," I said, "Let's hurry!"

   I ran to camp as fast as I could (which was pretty darn fast). I was surprised that Alli was able to keep up. I guess living in the woods most of your life has some advantages. We ran into camp, and found Lydia quickly.

   "We have a problem," I told her. I looked down and noticed G on ground, black goo coming out of her Minotaur bite was well as blood.

   "Really. I didn't notice." The sarcasm dripping out of Lydia's mouth was as thick as  honey.

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