Choosing The Camp

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   We were about half way to Camp Half-Blood when Lydia spoke, "So what exactly is Camp Half-Blood?" I figured they deserved some answers. 

   "It's a camp where demigods can train to fight monsters and learn who their godly parent is," I answered. I remembered how her sword started out as a recorder. "Yours is probably Apollo."

   Lydia face turned as hard as stone," It's not my dad." I let the topic drop. I could tell that something had happened, and I  understand if she doesn't want to talk about it. Heck, I'm not exactly the most sharing person myself. I decided to change the topic. I turned to Katie," So who do you think your parent is?"

   "Hephaestus," Katie said without a moment of hesitation, "You?"

   I looked down at my wrist where a name was. I vaguely remember touching something and the name appearing, but somehow I knew that it was the name of my half-brother. Percy.

   "I don't know," I said, "but I know someone at Camp who does." I stopped. "This is it. This is the border of Camp Half-Blood. If you can cross this, then it means that you are a demigod." We walked forward. 

   "Well that was underwhelming," Katie said, "I expected something a bit more spectacular."

   "How about that," Lydia said, pointed with her recorder (she had turned it back into it before crossing). Walking toward us was a centaur.

   "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood," said the centaur, "My name is Chiron. I'm the head trainer here."

   "Hey, ummm, I'm actually looking for someone. Do you know if someone named Percy is here?"

   "Yes, he should be in Cabin 3," Chiron answered, not as surprised as I thought he might have been.

   "Thanks," I said. I ran off to find my half-brother.

Lydia's POV

   "So," Chiron said, "Do you care  to watch the orientation video?"

   For a reason I'm not quite sure of, I cringed. "No thanks. I'm good."

   "Sure," Katie said. 

   "Very well, it's right through here," Chiron said after a brief session of chuckles. He gestured to a building to the right of us. Katie skipped through the door of the building and closed it behind her.

   "So do have any idea who your immortal parent could be?" Chiron asked me.

   "I know it's my mom, but that's it," I said. It wasn't entirely true, I did have an idea of who my mom could be, but I didn't want to say anything until I was sure.

   "Well, I'm sure she will claim you soon," Chiron gave me an encouraging smile. Katie walked out of the room.

   "That was a good video," she said.

   "Wow... that's the first time someone said that about the orientation video," Chiron said, "Anyway, do have any clue who are parent is?"

   "Hephaestus," she said.

   "Have you already been claimed?" Chiron asked her. She gave me a look, asking if she should tell him. I nodded.

    "No," she said, "But I can do this!" She held out her hand and a flame appeared. As she did, and fiery hammer appeared above her head.

   "Alright then," Chiron," and you... Of my gods!" He looked back to me, or more accurately he was looking right above me. I looked up. Above me, there were 3 glowing images: an owl, a glowing sun, and a sword. 

   "Are you sure your not a god?" Chiron asked me. I looked down at my knee. I had cut it when I was fighting a dragaena yesterday. It had stopped bleeding, but there was still dried red blood around the wound.

   "I'm pretty sure," I said.

   Just then, the girl that came with us came running toward us. 

   "Hey, guys," she said smiling. It was the first time I had ever seen her smile,"I realized how awesome this place could be! I even found my half-brother. Want to meet him?" I saw her shoulder was bleeding again, the one that was bitten by the Minotaur. 

   "Didn't that wound close up?" I asked. When she noticed it, she turned pale and immediately collapsed. I ran to her side. There was some sort of black liquid coming out of her wound.

   "She needs help," I told Chiron. 

   "I'll go retrieve someone from the Apollo cabin," Chiron said, cantering off.

   Just then Thalia and Alli came running into camp. 

   "We have a problem," they said at the time.

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