To Camp Or To The Hunt

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Thalia's POV

   This must've of been the normal way things were when a monster attacked. No one objected, and Lydia interrupted Alli's conversation by dragging her away. I wanted to stay and help fight, but G was holding her own really well, so I went with the others to protect them. We reached the giant redwood tree, and stopped. 

   "Alright," I said, "To open the passage, just knock 3 times on the bark. You can talk to our leader, Zoe Nightshade." (A/N I know that Zoe's dead when Thalia becomes a member of the hunt. Just go with it.)

   Katie looked like she was about to say something, but Lydia covered her mouth. 

   "Katie, we need to talk before we decide whether or not to trust," she said.

   "Alright," I said as they headed back into the woods.

   Lydia turned towards me and pointed the steel end of her sword towards Alli, "Keep an eye her," she told me.

Lydia's POV

   I followed Katie into the woods. I had to make sure that Katie and I were on the same page. Pun not intended.

   "What?" Katie asked once we were out of ear shot.

   "We can't let them what we know, remember?" I told her, staring straight into her hazel eyes," That means we have to hide the inner fangirling. Okay?"

   "Alright," Katie said seriously. I knew she would. Katie doesn't take anything seriously except this. I softened.

   "Do you still have them?" I asked. 

   "Yeah." Katie slung a small blue pull-string bag with T.A.R.D.I.S's on it off of her back. She opened it, and the bag grew, and she reached her hand down farther than she should have been able to. We looked down into it, and sure enough all nine of the books were in there. We knew there were supposed to be ten, but for some reason we didn't have the The Mark of Athena. (A/N I'm only including the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the Heroes of Olympus series.)

   We walked back to the redwood tree.

Thalia's POV

   G showed up the same time that Lydia and Katie returned.  Before I could say something I noticed that she was bleeding.

   "You're hurt," I said. I started to walk over to her, but she gave me a look that said you come any closer and I will kill you. I stopped dead in my tracks (No pun intended).

   "The Minotaur bit me," she said, "Pass me the ambrosia." Katie tossed her a square of ambrosia, and that's when it hit me. These girls had already known they were demigods.

   G took a bite of the ambrosia and the bite marks instantly began to fade. She tossed the ambrosia back to Katie.

   "Well, this has been interesting," G stated the obvious, "but I'm going to Camp. Whose coming with me?"

   "Want to?" Lydia asked Katie. Those two seemed to be like a set. You can't have without the other. "Sure," Katie said. As they fist bumped, Katie's hand glowed for a split second.

   "Okay," G said, "Alli?"

   Alli looked from the tree to G to me. I don't know why, but I felt a strange attachment to Alli. But that was ridiculous! Even if I did like her in... that way, hunters were forbidden to have relationships. Although they technically only say you can't have a relationship with a guy... (A/N I wrote this before reading The Dark Oracle, so ignore that little plot hole.)

   "I'll go with Thalia," Alli said, breaking me from my thoughts. A tiny smile crept onto my lips.

   "Fine by me," G said. She looked towards Lydia and Katie, "Let's go." They headed in the direction of camp. 

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