Chapter 4- The legend makes a friend

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I WAS A WHITE BENGAL TIGER!!!! I realized I was purring excessively.

"A white tiger," Brianna gasped and her eyes stretched.

"I know right, pretty cool," I said and stood up.

I looked in a small pool of water. I had violet colored eyes and a pale pink nose. I was a huge tiger too, like the size of a large liger,if you know what they are.

"I can't believe this," Brianna said still shocked, " A white tiger is legendary. A sign of peace and power. The most powerful animal possible. Also, the Prophets predicted the pure tiger will defeat the twisted bear."

I gasped. I was important, I would have powers, I would save the world.

"What is my other animal?" I asked but before Brianna could speak I was a black panther.

"Two big cats! So unfair!" Luke whined.

"You try," I sneered and Luke turned into a Harpy Eagle.

A large bird gray, black and white bird with yellow talons and a yellow beak.

"Wow! i can fly!" Luke squawked and flapped his wings desperately.

I gave a purr of laughter and shook my head before I changed back into my white tiger mode.

Then Luke changed again but this time into his second form, a ring tailed Lemur. You know, the gray ones with the black and white tails, there was one in the Dreamworks movie Madagascar.

"I always knew you were a monkey!" I told Luke and he growled.

"Lemurs aren't monkeys, yet they are primates," Luke snorted.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. Can we explore the base?"

Brianna looked as if she was debating it in her mind before she nodded, "You can stay in your animal modes if you want."

"Yes!" I hissed, but it was a happy hiss, if that makes sense.

I ran out of my aunt's house with Luke flying behind me. The fountain was the first thing to catch my eye. It's crystal clear water sparkled in the sun and it smelled fresh.

"This is the fountain of The Stars, dedicated to our ancestors centuries ago," Brianna informed me from her spot on one of the benches around the fountain.

I sat on my hind legs and turned my face to the sun up above me. My aunt's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Yes, that is my niece," Brianna purred, she was in her ocelot form, and pride was clearly taking over.

I saw a medium sized black tapir talking to her. My eyes met his and I saw him shiver. I guess I could look threatening, I was certainly bigger than him and i had sharp claws and snapping teeth so, I could kill, but I wouldn't and couldn't let power get to my head.

A warm and sweet smell hit my nose, I was really enjoying my enhanced senses. I looked at the base of the fountain and saw a small silver flower with a pink center. It smelled so good, like vanilla. I bent down and took in a smell of it and it was soothing.

"That is a Teardrop blossom," Brianna walked over and stood next to me, "They are grown from the tears of The Stars and only those with a pure and loving heart can smell their strong and sweet smell."

"They smell like vanilla," I purred and straightened up.

I towered over my aunt and all of the other animals here. Luke was perched on one of the trees on the outskirts of the fountain's clearing.

I turned around a felt something bump into me. A light vibration could be felt through my paws as the being fell. I heard and grunt and looked down. A large leopard was lying on the ground. It blinked open it's chocolate brown eyes and looked up at me.

"I am so sorry are you ok?!" I asked and nudged them up with my nose.

"Oh, yes, it's fine, I wasn't watching where I was going," He said and stood up onto his paws.

He had stunning black patterns on his coat and a long tail whisked behind him. His ears were forward as he looked at me. Was it curiosity? Confusion? He seemed about my age.

I ducked my head and he growled to himself something I couldn't distinguish.

"It's my turn to apologize, sorry but white tigers are legendary and-"

I put my tail in front of his mouth, "It's fine, trust me, my aunt said to expect this. I'm new here, I just got here today in fact."

His mouth dropped exposing sharp, white canine teeth that were scarily long. Let me say that I had not really seen any big cat this close before, sure I had seen them from a much farther distance at zoos. They used to scare me as a little kid. One came even ten feet away from the class and five year old me was terrified.

"You mean, you were in the outside world!?" He gasped and his eyes glinted with a hint of jealousy but mostly curiosity.

Wait, how did I know this.

"If you mean modern society, then yes, I lived there my whole life actually," I told him and he sat down.

His jaw dropped, again, "Really? We aren't aloud to leave until we have finished training and have become full adults. We train to use our unique powers and how to not expose our race to the entire world and Normals."

"So why don't you just leave then?" I asked, "I mean, in theory, that is, couldn't you just leave at any time?"

He nodded, "You could but if it was purposeful you can never return. Anyways, what is life like in the Normal world?"

This time I sat down and started to explain my life," Well, I went to school since I was five and was still going before-"

I felt a sob form in my throat as I thought about my old home, my friends, everything I left behind.

"Before what?" The leopard asked, clearly not catching on, well what can I say, some people don't catch onto ques.

"My house was apparently attacked buy some of Jay's followers according to my aunt, they were such nice people, who could harm them? But, my aunt did say my family was and is one of the most powerful families in the history of our race. But they are dead now. And my friends are probably wondering what happened to me," I made it through without crying until at the last second a silver teardrop rolled down my cheek and splashed on the ground which sprouted one of the Teardrop blossoms, how strange, maybe I was more powerful than even Aunt Brianna thought.

The leopard's gaze filled with sorrow. He rested his tail on my shoulder.

"It's ok, I understand some of what you are going through. My father died fighting Jay's army, oh, i'm Carter by the way," Carter said and he smiled, or the closet thing you could get to a smile from a leopard.

I sort of smiled back, "Thanks, I'm Katie. So anyways, at school we had so many classes."

I told him about all my high school classes and he seemed amazed.

"We have the same classes too," He nodded and I continued.

"My favorite class was Spanish," I purred as I thought of some of the weird kids in that class.

"Wait, you guys got to learn a new language!? Only future council members get to! Also, you have such advanced technology!" Carter told me with an odd tone.

"Yeah, we can choose from French or Spanish. And why don't you guys have modern tech?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound rude or anything.

"Well most of the advanced stuff is used by the council, they run all the Beacons including this one, like the Polar Beacon and Desert Beacon. They are chosen from birth as well, so it's not like you have a choice," Carter said, how this race worked really fascinated me, like how Carter was amazed by my now former life style.

"Cool, I guess," I purred, "I better go get settled into my Aunt's house I guess, that is wear i'm staying."

"Wait! Don't you know? Everyone has their own house once they are thirteen! We can go talk the council and get you one of your own! Also, while we are still at the fountain, take a small drink from it to get your powers," Carter said with excitement and I skeptically bent down and took a small drink from the fountain.

I felt the cool water rush through my body, it was refreshing and cool and my throat begged for more but I stopped myself and pulled away. Then all of the sudden I felt different.

"Every Shifter, legendary or not, gets a maximum of three powers, legendarys just have stronger ones," Carter said and stood up, "I have two powers, one is I heal from any wound almost instantly, and I am unusually stronger than most."

To give an example, Carter told me this was OK and to not freak out, but my heart sped up as he trailed a claw on his opposite paw and blood rushed out. He gasped form pain but then to my surprise the cut started to stitch itself up and all that was left was a scar.

I hope that wasn't to weird, I heard him anxiously say except it felt more distant and had an unnatural sort of accent or effect.

"It's ok, it wasn't to weird," I reassured him and he looked up at me.

He stared at me intently.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't say that, I thought it though. You can read minds!" He gasped, "Wow! That is incredibly rare!"

I was shocked way more than he was. To bring up the subject, that was probably why the voice was different, this was so cool, I could also tune it out if I felt like it.

"The prophets said that was a possibility, lets see, can you camouflage or control light?" He asked casually.

"Wait what!?" I said and looked at my not so ordinary paws.

"Just try," Carter urged me.

It couldn't hurt to try.

I let myself blend into my surroundings and I was gone. Great I could camouflage now. Hooray.

"So what do you mean by control light?" I asked, a lot confused on that subject more than anything at this point.

"You see, the first two Shifters were a White Tiger, that represented light and a black bear that represented darkness. They clashed for centuries but Light eventually but barely won and banished Darkness to the corners of the world. Light then fell in love with Peace and four new Shifters were formed, Hope, Joy, Love and Kindness. They still live in the stars with their parents, but before Light met Peace, he met a female human. Light could still turn into a human, and they had a child. That is also how your family started. Light is your oldest ancestor. But, unfortunately, Darkness had met death, and four other Shifters were born, Fear, Anger, Hatred, and Despair. They still hide in the shadows, but the oldest descendant of Darkness is rising to power, Jay, he is the only other legendary, the controls the powers of Darkness. Stories say that one day, the heirs of Light and Darkness will clash once again and the outcome is a mystery. All Shifter children are told this story, we are the Shifters of light, we follow his rules and live in his kingdom. The Shifters of Darkness live in the underworld, where you go if you have committed a horrible act, others live in the dark corners of the world. In theory, you should have Light's powers."

Carter's story was a lot to take in and now, thanks to him I would never look at normal old me the same way. I was the descendant of a god basically, that meant my brother was too.

"Wait what about my brother, Luke?" I asked.

"Well you are the oldest living heir of Light so you would be the only one to have the powers, your brothers will be quite strong though too, just not as strong," Carter told me and I nodded.

I nodded, "Thank you so much for all this information. I have really enjoyed taking with you and it was really nice to meet you."

"You can't get rid of me that easily, we still have to go visit the council to get you a house and armband," Carter teased and nudged me with his shoulder.

"Oh right! I'm an idiot! And what armband?" I laughed then asked a serious question.

Carter held his paw forward to show me a chocolate brown armband on his forearm with a gold trimming. It matched his eye color perfectly. Would mine?

"You tap the screen-ish thing then say who you would like to send a message to. You put different contacts I guess you could call them by saying 'add this enter person's name' then you say their four digit identification code." Carter explained.

"And you said you had no modern technology," I joked and he purred with amusement.

Carter and I walked to the council building in the center of the establishment. It was a pretty big building with towering windows and marble steps with vines wrapped around the railing. I got a house conveniently next to Carter and a violet armband. All the council members welcomed me to the Beacon and I thanked them before Carter and I walked to my new house.

We were close, and from where Carter had shown me where my new house was,I could see it. But, someone stopped us. A small, dusky brown Fossa, you know the coyote like creatures from Madagascar.

"Hi Amy," Carter growled through gritted teeth.

"Who's this?" Amy asked and looked at me with fierce amber eyes.

"This is Katie, she is new here, and also one of Light's descendants," Carter emphasized on the name Light.

"Interesting, you go ahead Carter and let me talk to her for a second," Amy said in a obviously fake voice and Carter walked away.

This cant be good.

Let me just say the thoughts running through her head were not nice ones and I am afraid to even think them.

"Now you listen here. Carter will be my partner, not yours, so back off!" She snarled before turning and walking away.

I was a little confused so I ran to Carter to ask him. After I told him what Amy had said, he rolled his eyes.

"A partner is the person you choose to be with for the rest of your life, Amy is a little obsessed," Carter sighed.

"No duh!" I laughed and we walked into my new house.

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