Chapter 9- Luke and I give a lesson about the internet

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"Luke! Abby!" Carter yelled to them as they ran down the side of the road.

I noticed the pure look of horror on Abby's face as she looked over her shoulder at the two men chasing them.

To my dismay, Abby stumbled forward and landed on her knees. She cried out and a thin trickle of blood rolled down her knee.

"Abby!" I yelled and stopped.

I grabbed carter's shoulder and he nearly fell backwards.

"Go!" Abby yelled, "don't leave me here, save yourselves."

The men were closing in behind them and the ones following us were getting closer.

Luke shook his head, "No Abby, you won't die on us today."

He lifted her onto her feet and slung his arm around her shoulder for support.

She gasped as she stood up. I felt carter grip my arm as he pulled me towards him.

"Luke's got her," he promised and we started to walk back a bit.

I hesitated a bit but turned back. Most of me was still worried about Abby who was wobbling forward.

A loud yell split the air and I saw carter grip the side of his arm. Blood rushed out and dropped on the pavement we were standing on.

"Carter!" I yelled and rushed to his side.

A man hovered over carter's shoulder with a knife in his hand. He had a sickening and twisted grin on his face.

I suddenly remembered my light powers and shot a beam of light at him. I accidentally directed it at his heart, it was only meant to severely hurt him, not kill him.

He screamed and collapsed on the ground. I looked at my hands with shock then looked back to carter.

Carter stood up, his arm fully healed. Thank goodness! I had completely forgotten about his healing.

I shot at the other guy coming behind me then rushed to help Luke and Abby.

Abby had stray hands of hair plastered to her forehead and her eyes were squinted with pain.

"Sis you ok?!" Carter said, rushed as he shook his sister's shoulders.

She nodded feebly and closed her eyes. Luke picked her up gently in his arms and started to carry her. Luke was tall for his age, taller than most kids in his grade, so carrying Abby was not a problem.

"Where to we go!?" I was starting to panic at this point, Abby was injured, we had no clue who those men were (although I had a pretty good idea), and we didn't know where to go.

"We obviously can't stay in town, I say we start for Crocodile Banks," Carter offered as we walked to the Maple Woods.

"Where is Crocodile Banks?" I asked, "And what is it."

As we walked, Carter explained, "Crocodile Banks is a Shifter city on the banks of the Nile River in southern Egypt. Shifters from all over the world go there to trade, some live there, some have stores, others pass through there to get supplies to continue to Europe or Asia. It's a big city. But, like all cities, they have a black market and I have heard of someone we might be able to get some info from. He runs a small secret business at Crocodile Banks, you give him the payment, he'll do anything. My parents always said if I needed top secret information, go to him, I didn't know if they were joking or not though."

I nodded, it sounded like an older city, like one back in the ancient times. not a modern day city like Boston or New York City.

"Two questions," I said to Carter, "What is this guys name and how do we get to Egypt."

"His name is Mr. Kaine. And to get to Egypt, we travel by boat and on foot, maybe catch a ride with some traders going there," Carter answered as we set Abby down on a bench and she held a cloth to her scrape.

"Wait, we have to WALK there!?" Luke exclaimed.

Carter nodded, "It will be worth it though, for the information we need. We will also be constantly moving so Jay can't track us down again."

Carter was right. Again. As much as I would love to visit Africa, it's how I got there which was the problem. It is on the freaking other side of the world almost! Across the Atlantic Ocean!

"Well lets go to the harbor and see about getting that boat," I said and stood up from leaning down against a tall tree.

"What harbor?" Abby asked as she looked up at me.

"Maybe we can catch a boat in Newburyport, they're probably shifters there so we can pay them to take us," I told her, "Lets go grab a bus to Newburyport."

We all walked down the street to the bus stop and waited for the next bus to come. A lady sitting on the bench at the stop gave me an odd look like 'shouldn't you be in school' but Carter caught her looking at us and shot her a confused look. She immediately dropped her eyes to the magazine in her hands and cleared her throat. Was she scared of Carter? I tried not to laugh, it's not like he was threatening, sure he was taller than her but he wouldn't hurt her.

I heard a loud noise coming down the road and the bus pulled into the stop. The bus lowered down and thew doors opened as people walked out. Clouds had gathered in the sky and I could feel a few rain drops on my skin, they were cool and refreshing.

We all boarded the bus and I payed the fifteen dollars for the bus fair. I looked down the bus and looked for open seats. The seats were in rows of two and all but one row was taken.

"You guys can sit," Abby told Carter and me and Luke nodded in agreement, "We can stand."

I shook my head, "You are the younger kids, you sit. Carter and I can stand."

Carter nodded and Abby and Luke unhappily sat down. Abby slid in first and rested her head on the window that was splattered with rain.

Carter stood next to me as the bus started to roll away. The isle wasn't that wide so all the people who were standing were shoved into each other. I was standing next to Luke who was sitting and Carter was on my right. Carter's hand was tightly gripping one of the handles up above and his arm was resting on my shoulder.

The ride was a little bumpy. Every time we hit a pothole , I was either tossed towards Luke or tossed into Carter. Once I accidentally almost pushed Carter into the person sitting int he row across the isle.

When we finally made it to Newburyport after a twenty minute bus ride, we got off quickly and i stretched out my arms.

'Where's the harbor from here?" Abby asked as she looked around the city.

"We just have to go through downtown," Luke said and we started to walk down the red brick sidewalk.

Thankfully, the quick passing shower was done in about five minutes and we could enjoy the scenery of all the little shops and restaurants. I saw so many stores that lined the streets. People, mainly adults, were walking around, most had phones held up to their ears.

"This a nice place," Carter said from beside me as he looked around.

"A lot of the food here is great!" I said and my stomach rumbled, I was starving.

"I'm hungry," I said about ten minutes later.

"I am too, want to get some food," Carter said.

Abby nodded and Luke smiled.

"Alright! Let's go!" I declared and we picked up the pace.

'Where are we going to eat?" Carter asked me.

"Want to get frozen yogurt at orange leaf?" Luke asked and I considered it.

"We need real food," I decided, "Panera?"

"Sure," Luke replied leaving Abby and Carter confused.

We changed course to Panera and got there about fifteen minutes later. Carter opened the door and held it open for the rest of us and the family behind us who had a young child.

I looked at the menu as we waited in line. The macaroni and cheese was really good, but so was the grilled cheese. Any food with cheese was probably good.

It was our turn and everyone else let me order first.

"Can I have the mac and cheese with chips and a lemonade please," I asked the woman behind the counter.

You can tell what people like their jobs, what people can deal with it, and the people who hate it and they are only doing it for the money. The girl was definitely doing it for the money. She had her ginger hair in a pony tail and large black glasses to big for her face. My guess was she was a college student.

Anyways, Luke had ordered some sandwich and a soda , Abby got the grilled cheese and water, and Carter got some type of Pasta with a water.

"Anything else?" The lady asked in a monotone voice as she typed our orders into the little screen.

"I think we're good," I answered and she nodded slowly.

"That'll be twenty dollars please," She said and I grabbed a twenty out of my wallet.

The lady handed us a buzzer and told us when it went off, our food was ready.

We said thank you and went to sit at a table. The place wasn't that crowded but we still sat in a booth in the back.

Abby chose to sat with Luke so I sat with Carter.

Everyone sat in silence for a second, I don't know about the others, but I was thinking about how crazy that past few days have been, this is something I'd never have thought I would do.

"We don't have places like this in The Rain forest Beacon," Abby said as she played with the salt shaker.

"Yeah it's nice. They also have free WiFi," Luke told her.

"What's WiFi?" Abby asked in a confused voice as she looked up at Luke.

"What! You don't have WiFi!" Luke exclaimed, "How do you live?!"

Abby shrugged, "Can't miss something you never had."

"Please tell me you at least have Youtube," Luke pleaded and looked expectantly at Abby.

Abby shook her head no.

Luke gasped and ran his hands through his hair, "So you've never heard of gaming! Or YouTube! How have you lived?!"

"We don't have any social media s you call it," Carter explained and Luke looked depressed.

"I can't go a DAY without youtube!" Luke added.

"Well you're gonna have to," I retorted.

I watched basically the same channels as my brother did, so we'd sometimes watch some of the same videos, and youtube, even though I wouldn't admit it, I will miss.

The buzzer lit up and started making a weird noise.

"I'll get it," Carter stood up.

"I'll come too," I offered and grabbed the buzzer from the table.

We walked to the pick up area and I put the buzzer in the basket with the other used ones.

"Order for Katie," Someone yelled and our food was placed on the counter.

"Here!" I gave the guy my receipt and he looked at it then up at me.

He shrugged and passed me the food. It smelled so good. Steam was rising in small columns off of my pasta.

Carter grabbed two trays and I grabbed the other two and set them on the table. I went back to the counter and grabbed the drinks.

I settled down and started to wolf down my lunch. A little to quickly though.

"OWW!" I pt down the spoon and took a sip of my lemonade.

Carter and Luke were laughing and I glared at them. I elbowed Carter in the rubs and he looked at me with a smile. I frowned at him.

"Oh lighten up Katie,"He teased and gave a grin.

"Whatever," i said and smiled back before continuing to eat.

Everyone ate quickly and we placed our trays and dishes in the return bin. We walked out and started back to the harbor.

We picked up the pace and basically speed walked down the sidewalk. After a bit of Walking, I caught sight of the harbor.

"There it is!" I said ecstatically and pointed to the masts that poked through the small places between buildings.

I signaled for everyone to run and we ran to the water's edge. My foot steps were light and stretched as I stopped short once we reached the boardwalk's wood. A sea breeze played in the air, bringing the smell of the water. Sea gulls were circling around the boats, some landing and grabbing any small piece of food.

"So, do you know any boat services that take us to Africa?" I asked jokingly to Carter but to my surprise he nodded.

"I don't know for sure, but there is a company that will take you anywhere if you have a good enough reason. They're not shifters, but the third race that lives on earth called Phantoms, they are like magicians, they are great at hiding and no one knows where their secret home is. Some have businesses out of their race for whatever reasons. You could never tell it was a phantom though, they look like Normals, but anyways, a few Phantoms run a boat business, they have a stop at every harbor or port, big or small, all over the world," Carter explained and I was surprised.

Right when I thought things couldn't get anymore crazy, they did. Phantoms? Even their name was mysterious. A secretive race of beings, that probably live deep in the ground or they are well hidden in one of the dense rain forests, deserts, or cold tundras.

"How to we summon them?" Luke asked.

"A special code word," Carter replied and went to the water's edge.

His hand gently submerged into the water and I saw him mutter some words I didn't understand or hear.

Then, a blinding light appeared from the sky and a large boat was now before us. I yelled and scrambled away from the water's edge. Me being me, I tripped and rolled my ankle which REALLY hurt!

I gasped and clutched my ankle and squinted my eyes.

"You ok?" Carter asked and turned to me.

"Hopefully it's nothing bad," I sighed and Carter nodded before helping me up.

"Probably just a sprain," Carter grunted as I was pulled off the ground.

"And who may I be assisting today?" The voice of a man spoke and I looked at the dock to see a tall, thin man with jet black hair smiling. He had on a black cloak and boots with a white shirt and black pants. On his had sat a hat. He looked like he was from Harry Potter to be honest.

"Are you looking for a ride on The Whisp?" The man ask and gestured to the silver boat.

"Yes please,"Abby replied sweetly and tried to look innocent,but according to Carter, it would take more than that to convince this man to let us on.

In the time between my words and his,a large black squirrel ran by and onto the boat. The Phantom watched it scatter on then just shrugged his shoulders and turned back to us,

"Now tell me, why should I take you," The Phantom said and tossed a few silver coins in is hand.

"Because," I stood up and crossed my arms, "We need to get to Africa."

"And why do you need to get to Africa?" He asked.

I exchanged a glance with Carter, hopefully he was thinking the same as me, we didn't know if this phantom was working for Jay or not, so technically we couldn't trust him.

"Why so hesitant," The Phantom asked and tossed the coins in the water.

"None of your concern," I replied strongly.

"Young lady, I don't think you get the point, I need to hear a good reason to let you come, not just a 'none of your business'. People have played that card to many times, and every time the answer was the same, no," The man added.

"I'm not sure if you're aware, but I'm not someone you want to mess with," I growled and took a step forward.

"Oh really? What are a bunch of kids like you going to do to me?" His head went back and he let out a loud laugh.

My palms lit up and I pointed one at him, "Want to find out?"

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