Chapter 8- ........ or so we all thought

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Carter and I walked side by side down the sidewalk. Abby and Luke had parted a little ways back to go to the middle school. Both schools, unlike the elementary school, were fairly close. I had explained most of the school rules last night and the usual schedule of classes. I told Carter the people to avoid, which wouldn't be a problem because Abby (Anna Reeve) made sure we were in all the same classes.

I pointed to a big building up ahead, "That's the high school."

Carter took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "Let's go."

I pushed open the door and lead Carter through the hall. People weren't just staring at Carter, they were staring at me. The word probably got around that my parents had died, also, I was gone for  a few days.

I stopped at my locker and gathered some supplies for history. Carter was standing close to me, avoiding eye contact with any other human being.

"Katie!" I heard someone say happily and Hallie was on ,y right.

Dang it! I forgot about her, Casey,and oh no, Max.

"Oh! Hi Hallie!" I said, trying to seem more excited then nervous.

"I haven't seen you in forever! I am so sorry about your parents by the way, you live with who now?" She rambled.

"My aunt," I replied.

"Anyways, Casey and I have missed you so much!" She said then realized Carter was there.

"Who's that?" She pointed at Carter who was frozen at the spot.

"Oh right! Hallie this is Carter, Carter this is one of my best friends, Hallie," I introduced them.

Come on Carter, pull it together.

"Hi," He said and shook her hand, "I'm Carter Reeve."

"Nice to meet you," Hallie replied, "Katie, come here for a second."

Hallie beckoned me over to the other side of the hall.

Carter shook his head but I whispered to him,"I'll be right back, promise."

He smiled and nodded, "Ok, thanks."

I patted his shoulder and went to Hallie.

"So who is this guy?" Hallie asked and looked at Carter.

"One of my friends, he's new, don't be to hard on him, I met him when I wasn't here, he just moved here," I explained and she nodded and smiled.

"Ok! Well, I'm going to class, bye!" She walked off and I went back to Carter.

Except, my life was never easy, and he was gone.

I heard a noise and looked over to my left and saw him surrounded by three other guys. So much for being unnoticed.

I walked over and pushed past one of the guys. They were Parker, Jack, and Micheal, some of the biggest jerks in the school.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Parker said and pushed me away.

I fell down and hit my head on the locker. My head throbbed as I groaned and shut my eyes.

"Hey! What was that for!?" Carter said with anger and i heard him push back.

I may have forgotten one of his powers was strength, that's good and bad. Bad because if anyone is here to spy for Jay, they would recognize the power. Good because he wouldn't get beaten up. Plus, Parker and his friends were about as smart as seagulls.

I opened my eyes a minute later and Carter was sitting down next to me. His black eye was disappearing and he reached out to touch the spot my head had been hurt. The pain started to subside and I smiled.

"Thanks, but so much for keeping it low key," I teased and he helped me up.

We walked to class and barely made it. I lead Carter towards the back and sat down.

"Hello class," Mr.Allen said, "And welcome Carter to the school."

I felt a little bad, everyone turned to stare at Carter who ducked his head a bit.

"Now, instead of continuing with the aftermath of world war II, we are going to be talking about a new historic discovery made yesterday! Archaeologists in the rain forest have found carvings in a cave showing a tiger with beams of light surrounding it. Also, what they believe is a change from human to animal," Mr.Allen said and my heart dropped like a stone in a lake.

I felt Carter stiffen next to me. The one day he was here! One day!

"Now, I want to see your opinion on the subject," Mr.Allen said after he gave all the facts he knew, "Let's see, Carter! Why don't you go first.

Carter could either tell the truth and seem smart, or tell a lie and seem like an idiot.

"Well, um, I think one of the rain forest tribes believes that the gods can change into two different animals. Like a primary and secondary, and they believe it will protect them. The white tiger seems to symbolize light and faith and hope, while the black bear represents darkness, evil, and despair," Carter explained and Mr.Allen nodded.

"Good thinking Carter, and that is exactly what the archaeologists said! How did you know?" Mr.Allen asked.

"Well I guess it just made sense," Carter said and Mr. Allen nodded again.

The teacher looked at the clock, "Very nice class today, dismissed!"

"I am so sorry I didn't think class would be about that but-"

Carter stopper me by looking at me and and smiling.

"You are always to quick to apologize," He laughed, "But that's what I like about you."

He slung his arm over my shoulder then I felt a finger tap my shoulder. I recognized Max Wells. Crap! I forgot about him.

"Hey Katie, I didn't know you came back," Max said and I stopped, "Who's this."

Max looked a little angry, but that was to be expected.

"I'm Carter, one of Katie's friends," Carter said but pulled me a bit closer.

Carter!? What are you doing!? I was going to push away but for some reason I didn't.

"Katie, here, now," Max growled and glared at Carter.

"What?" I asked him.

"Who is he!?" He said with frustration, "I'm here to you know!"

I pushed back a bit, "I never intended to replace you max! I was going through a hard time and he was there and we became friends, big deal."

Max rolled his eyes, "we will talk about this later, but for now-"

He broke off. He didn't finish.

"But for now what?" I asked.

He shook his head, "never mind."

He turned and walked away and Carter came up behind me.

"I'm sorry for that," he sighed.

I smiled and turned to him, "and you say I'm always to quick to apologize."

Carter ruffled my hair and I smiled up at him.

The day goes by quicker when you're with a friend. It was time for the last and longest class of the day, science.

I settled down in my seat next to Carter and sighed. This would be a long last hour. But, before class could begin, the principal poked her head in and asked for Carter and me.

That was odd. Me and carter exchanged a confused look before walking away to the office.

"I am so sorry for anything I did," I apologized early.

"Oh darling you did nothing wrong really," the principal frowned, "but,
I was given and offer I couldn't refuse."

She closed the blinds and sat at her desk. She wasn't an old lady. She had dark brown hair and gray eyes.

Then, four men came from the shadows. Not again!

"Now, unless you want it die now, I'd recommend going peacefully," the principal said calmly.

"Not you too! You're the principal! I bet your supposed to be mean but really?!" I exclaimed.

"One of jay's powers is manipulating those who are weak or foolish," carter told me, "she must be emotionally unstable."

That was indeed the truth.

"We have to get out of here! Abby and Luke are probably in danger too!" I hissed to Carter.

We backed up to the door and carter slipped his hand on the metal handle.

I pushed the door open and ran. We ran to the exit door and out to the street.

"Don't shift yet!" I shouted, "if anyone sees us, they will call animal control and we're dead."

Carter nodded. I looked ahead and saw Abby and Luke running in or direction. Some of Jay's members must have gone to get them as well.

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